vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Totem Tribuana, Workshop theater of life

I have been offering/conducting Theater workshop in the way of TRIBUANA, the three worlds, I create from my coming to Europe (1974 february) stay in France, Paris, as basic home till now I am retired, officially, but still continue working, searching and sharing means of harmony/symphony, theater of life is a way, by internet or workshop where ever there are demands.
I quit Bali at 18 years to study engineering at University Gajah Mada in Jogyakarta, central Java, and study Theater at ASDRAFI, academy of drama and film, and did Theater with Putu Wijaya, WS Rendra and later Sardono Kusumo. With the last director choreograph I came to European tour of "La Sorcière de Dirah" in 1974, since then stay in France, home house at Montreuil.

Then Peter Brook took me from Nice, France, in 1979, because of my Balinese mask tradition to joint his CICT (Centre International de Recherche Théâtrale) in Paris for "Conference of the Birds" of Sufi master (Farid Uddin Attar). From 1979 to 1991, I served CICT to CIRT's Peter Brook in his next creations: Carmen, Ta Da Da (Christmas music-hall), Mahabharata, The Tempest.




From 1974, with my little group dance-theater PATRA: I Gede Tapa, I Made Netra already passe by to other life, Soegeng (Mas Soegeng), Déwi (wife of Netra), Jacques Fassola (our devoted guide, producer, driver, organizer, musician, lodger, ... ). I started sharing what I carry incomprehensibly: from my Balinese tradition, study, life experiences .... and it takes a form, a name : Trois mondes, tré mondi, TriBuana.

I feel it is important to learn and to earn from the art of expression, expression of the human Three worlds center: head (ideas, store of the invisible), heart (energy of life), body (all matter, physical form, vehicle of spirit, life's spirit).
First awaken expressions, then cultivate, then sharing, then concerting, into theatrical symphony, for a momentary common interest, arts, beauty, money (now become dominant, danger to avoid), evolutive pleasure .....

My "capital-product", of Balinese multifaceted arts tradition, from sacred to profane, is keep growing by participants, after many workshop in France, Italia, Spain, Greece, Germany, Swiss, Amsterdam, Caracas, Bogota, Guanajuato in Mexico, Tchad, TRIBUANA has carried until now 27 fields in exploration, 27 lessons.

One of 27 fields to explore, to work on, in Tribuana Workshop, "lesson" /field n° 19 is TOTEM TRIBUANA 
here some image of them, you may see one by one at Tribuana Google Picasa, klick here,

Another image of Tribuana workshop, if you wish to see, please klick here  , only some of them.

Totem Tribuana Caroman 2010 klick here.

Totem and photo tribuana Caracas in the forest, 1998, klick here.

Totem Tribuana Ermocolle, Italia 2012, klick here please.

Totem Tribuana Workshop at LaLuna nel Pozzo, 2006, klick here

Totem Tribuana workshop Athens, ARHI, 2001, klick here

Totem Tribuana workshop 2004, at Footsbarn Theater, Herisson, klick here

Totem Tribuana Workshop at Teatro del Montevaso, 2009 september, klick here

Totem Tribuana Workshop at Pandoum, Athens, 2006, klick here

Totem Tribuana Workshop at Ostuni, 2004, klick here

Totem Teatro Invisibile, Padova, 2004, klick here

Totem Tribuana workshop, in Spain, at Nave de los locos, 2003, klick here

Totem Tribuana Workshop, at Cenci, Italia, 2004, klick here

Totem Tribuana workshop at Footsbarn theater, Herisson, France, klick here

TOTEM TRIBUANA,  magically is inspired in its deep sense by my Balinese culture tradition, PELINGGIH, a shrine where spirit is being honored, it is a gate to the invisible, Magical-Powerful-Creative invisible that animate matter. A Totem Tribuana as in Pelinggih is built with divine spiritual animated "magic -living" energy.
There are rule, way, ritual in making, in building. There are ways to un do the Totem in order to reveal its secret. It is you incomprehensible presentation, yet it comprehend you, it last as book of life, for-ever.... smile.

dimanche 11 janvier 2015

Character, where are its school? School of life, infinitely

From childhood till university into life, from fountain into river and at last become surfer of the ocean, baby in evolution,  what a school ! Not even at last, because water has transform itself by the heat of the sun, super knowledge of the book of light, "stella", constellation of planets in the GRAND SKY. From steamed water, oh white grey cloud, contain its fine knowledge in water, drops of nectar from sky, will fertilize life on earth. No water no life. School of life, the secret of flowing water.
So, in the air, knowledge is there too, vibration of thought, music vibration of emotion and energy of life, how to capture all that science and mystery.
When incomprehensible religion (belief) meets (in conversation) with scientific product of logical brain, hmmm, energy of life can be a bursting master, explosive guide, that can produce a terror in life. Education from baby, even from pregnancy of a female human, in Bali there are so called: Magedong gedongan.  The ceremony is performed on 6 month pregnancy. It give a mark, that both parents must maintain daily good conduct/ behavior, reading or singing holy scripture of wisdom. Parent's mind/energy vibration is participating the formation of baby character, intelligence during mother pregnancy.

4 type of learning/school of human transformation.
  1. Learning at home by parent 
  2. Learning in school, university
  3. Learning in life
  4. Learning by awaken the inner master, self mastering, personal transcend consciousness meditation.

When parents absence their care in the stream of life time of a baby to adult, an important profound basic character and intelligence is missing its chance to be dwelled inside a baby human "software".

Yellow triangle : intellectual energy
Red and green circle: emotional and life energy
Blue square : sexual energy, basic generate creative energy (children producer) 

In India Saraswati is a name for the Goddess of knowledge. There was ones, a river called Saraswati there. Unfortunately its bed now, where it is? If we are aware now entering Dwapara Yuga the age of bronze, after passing Kali Yuga the age of iron (the darkest age), then let's be clear in this uncertain GRAND PERIOD of Transition, where a lot of movement happen in nature, in constellation, in human thought; Number 12 can contains some hidden secret. 12 zodiac, 12 measure of blues song, 12  peoples of those in the last super of famous picture of Leonardo da Vinci, 12 month of the year, 2x12 000 years of complete cycles of the grand YUGA.  The four YUGA = + 24000 years.

Now let's see life periods, grossly in 10 years step, fundamental one, in life, learning for earning, earning for learning:
there are school of body 0-10 years, free playfulness feeling, without judgement, ready to do and to play "innocently". Period of no ME. Guru Rupaka dominantly governed.
then comes school of emotion, energy of like and dislike, energy sexual as energy of ancestral creation/creativity, 10-20 year, emotional and fleshy love experiences. Good and bad for ME. Guru Pengajian in it's dominant action, but in good company with Guru Rupaka.
20-30 year, head/thought/intelligence education., what science to understand and to master, university period, righ or wrong for ME. Guru Pengajian structure the thought, human concept what to accept, growing opinion, an intellectual step to lead human into the realm of belief, religion, spiritual.
30-40 year, period to practice in life the diploma of the 3 schools, period of earning after learning. Period to grow family, to be able to have good preparation in entering the period of grahasta-wanaprashta (period of contemplative pondering, perenungan, penganalisaan kata-kata, mekekawin).In this time to earn as much as matirial product and science of life/knowledge product.
40-50 year, entering the interest of crystal-shiny words, reading sentence (sentence has ability to sentence, to judge), for this reason in Bali, there are MEKEKAWIN, reading holy scripture. Period of selection what to keep what to leave away.
50-60 year, start enjoying what you gain in matter and knowledge/science. Age of 50 is golden age, to enjoy what you get, if you did well in past life, it is a moment of mirror, seeing in the middle way from work and result, past and future; Refining knowledge, what will be transmitted to future generation in term of spiritual.
60-70 year, as wandering monk, gradually to liberate oneself from material attachment,
70-80 year, continuing to offer to returning into life surrounding what you got form life, knowledge liberation, seeding grain of wisdom
80-90 year, sawing (menabur benih) grain of illumination (pencerahan bathin) illumination without depending of means.
90-100 year, beyond religion (religion that still needs language for believing) , beyond words to embrace the world, SANATANA DHARMA in universal language (language of universe) is attained without words.
100- .... who knows? who don't knows? smiling eternally inside, image of Buddha in its male and female manifestation for human. For cosmic manifestation there are radiant void, the "DARK SUN".

To elevate and to transcend that sexual energy of creativity, there are fields to cultivate in oneself, creativity in music, creativity in poetry, thought expression, .... The three fundamental part of our body can be seen as icon to ponder, please see pictures.