mardi 18 septembre 2012

Images of retreat Tribuana Tridjagat Caroman 2012

to see more image
or one of

, window of the past meeting tribuana

if some other participants have images and want to share
welcome to give me the link



here are note book of Giancarlo Sabatti Fausti
in black letter
on Tribuana Retreat Caroman 2012
with Tapa Sudana accompanying mind
in blue letter
so, Giancarlo Sabatti wrote notebook:

Le 9 tappe

- Il LAVORO è l'esercizio della mente a risolvere qualcosa. Questo può essere portato avanti fino all'infinito. Ed è anche un lavoro sulla pazienza. Un lavoro per volta, per mantenere il Lavoro vivo. Oggi un lavoro, domani un altro.
Se segui il flusso senza blocchi sei aiutato dal Cosmo. Esso lavora dentro di te ed insieme ne sei strumento.
Yes, to let it flow naturally.
What is the instrument of work ! the meeting of elements in process, "naturally" where human is part of them as "actor", servant, creator, object and subjet, ....

-LAVORO SUL GESTO DELL'ANIMALE. l'origine dell'origine è infinita. Quando si osserva qualcosa, non è importante solo capire, ma internalizzare, per non perdere l'originale. La sola comprensione è limitata al nostro modo di averla. Così invece, a ritroso, si risale all'originale, facendolo nostro e vivendolo in noi. (Ad esempio la ripetizione del gesto dell'animale, osservato, è internalizzarne la forma ed il contenuto, non solo quello coscientemente capito, ma con la memoria del corpo e di conseguenza quella spirituale che gli appartiene).

Yes, make a stop,
in the station of train of life,
what is out? What is in?
Rhyming together to make music daily.

-LAVORO SU DI SE' E SULLA COSCIENZA SVEGLIATA. Portarmi nell'isola del mio silenzio. Lì trovare le giuste domande, e di conseguenza le loro risposte.

Work up,
first wake up, 
from “your” silence to silence, SILENCE of others... nature.

- LAVORO CON MUSICA E TOCCHI DDI DIVERSI PUNTI DEL CORPO DA PARTE DELGI ALTRI. Per aumentare la coscienza di sé. Serve per allenarsi a “sentire” ogni parte del corpo mentre facciamo qualcosa. E'applicabile ad ogni cosa che facciamo, e curandone le forma (ad sesmpio nel cucinare), curiamo la forma armonica del movimento ed impariamo a conoscere e sentire il corpo.

Music inside while doing, to see the sound-mirror in your face, mirroring from others too. Music make everything flow in you, so nothing stop, always with time.. on time.. to get the right thing. hmmm, speaking about music with no sound...what is that? ah haa, words has melted into plasma, where steel and rock become liquid, ... or gas ??? invisible idea....then when idea become reality through "theater" .... hmmmm what type of theater?

STORIA DEL CONENITORE VUOTO. (…) Solo se siamo vuoti e svuotati da quel che abbiamo dentro (idee, comprensioni, etc..) l'insegnamento può arrivare puro e come è.
STORIA DEL PAPPAGALLO IN GABBIA (…) Bisogna liberarsi della propria gabbia, ascoltando il maestro che è in noi (dentro). L'ascolto e l'interorizzazione di questi messaggi mostra la strada per uscire dalle gabbie personali che limitano la nostra l'iberatà d'essere.
STORIA DELLA SCIMMIA ALLE 3 DI NOTTE (…) c è un linguaggio “segreto” che è nelle cose (esempio dell'ipod del mare, il gesto dell'albero. Un linguaggio sottostante le cose che ne rivela l'essenza profonda e la natura originale, al di là di come noi lo vediamo)Bisogna “ascoltare” questi messaggi per comprendere in profondità maggiore la realtà, dando peso a questo linguaggio non propriamente “detto”, per raggiungere un illuminazione e ottenrere quel che si desidera. e' ciò che stà al principio dell'azione. Attraverso questa comprensione, le nostre azioni di conseguenza sono “illunimate” e portano ai risultati. Spesso un azione di questo tipo è solo la conseguenza del lavoro fatto prima, di internalizzare la realtà. Nell'esempio di Tapa, il suo ottenere il lavoro all'estero è stato frutto del lavoro fatto pecedentemente in quella direzione lavorando su questo “sottotesto”
“ you do what you think by feeling it lively”

Story, is also to make .... (memory, ideas, words, ...) alive what was in live + what is living in imagination of spectators and story-teller.
Story: contains ??? 1. intelligence. 2 long life. 3 .transforming. What is the verbe?? and the means?/instruments? And the way to do it.

gustareil cibo prepara la digestione. Cibi diversi per colore e forma hanno diversi effetti anche in quel che contengono. E' energia da trasformare. L'energia è simile alla digestione:alcune energie sono immediate (simili al gusto (taste), comprensibili ed assimilabili subito)., altre necessitano di essere interiorizzate, digerite (digest) per essere colte. Es India e le tre caratteristiche del cibo (…), Cina e tradizione del cibo per forma e colore (…).Come nella elementi Taoisti: tutto è collegato. Similmente sul nostro lavoro: a volte conosciamo gli oggetti, ma non sappiamo linkarli.

The food, in tribuana: 1. material, 2. energy, music, character emotional expression. 3. knowledge, filosophy of life, way of thought, way of spirit, way of mind what to remind.
Tribuana food: solid, liquid, gaz/steam/air/

MERIDIANI: tempi per digerire le cose. Esistono meridiani personali che segnano punti nel nostro percorso; dal giorno al mese all'anno, alla vita intera. Nei Veda i meridiani scandiscono il ciclo della vita e le diverse fasi (knowledge,family,refine,no material).Avere coscienza del proprio percorso, e cercare di essere in linea con questi meridiani del proprio percorso e crescita.

Meridian, is the map-path of energy-flow, the way where energy is flowing, it is invisible but can be sensible.

KODO: Esercizio sulla forma e sul ritmo. “Sentire” il ritmo. Poche melodie per non distogliere (es: cibi diversi sono difficili da digerire insieme, la melodia distoglie dal lavoro sulla forma del ritmo). E' lavoro sulla coscienza corporea e sulla concentrazione, sull'osservazione dei prorpi movimenti e l'internalizzazione del lavoro muscolare, posturale. Conseguente lavoro tribuanico su mente e spirito.

Yes, in KO-Do tribuana there are: precision in movement/posture design, endurance of energy, strong and hard, ritual in doing, music, rythme, group work, joyful energy of life.

OSSERVARE-COMPRENDERE: la realtà muta nel gruppo. Arrivare in un gruppo ed entrare dopo aver capito, per sfamare la parte del lavoro che richiede il nostro intervento all'interno.
La calma come valore per arrivare ad una comprensione dell'osservazione in tutti e tre i mondi (che inognuno di noi non sono allineati, ma uno può essere piu o meno veloce dell'altro). Ogni azione è derivante dalle precedenti, ma và reinventata di nuovo in ogni nuova azione. L'energia ricomincia a circolare ogni volta. Bisogna trovarla nel punto giusto. Anche per entrare in un gruppo o creare una storia,bisogna stare attenti alle “finezze” di tutti, perchè ci siano tutti i pezzi necessari a far circolare

yes, good point about inner-calm, clean page to write on. Clean & living-aware mind to analize and decide with others surround.

LA PIGRIZIA – e' quella di non dedicare sempre energia al lavoro, di lasciare andare. Pigrizia è vedere sé e non il tutto in cui tuffarsi ogni istante. E' restare fermi.

Fear, afraid, close not open, not open in opinion? To high criterea/parameter/references of perfection/satisfaction? something stuck and stop?? in the 3 worlds: where? To get ride of obstacles, get clean from bad habit … ???

STORIA – nella storia intervenire a sfamare la storia dove serve, dopo aver fatto tue le energie degli altri e trovato chi nel gruppo può insieme sfamare quella parte di storia. Far sì che qualcosa succeda (climax), ma con meno intervento possibile e forte empatia per creare un finale.
Che stimoli l'intelligenza di chi la fa e chi l'ascolta.Che duri a lungo una volta teminata. Che cambi chi la fa e chi la riceve
Ognuno vede nella storia dettagli diversi e solo un lato. Insieme si ha la visione totale, e bisogna per ciò sentirsi IL GRUPPO e NEL GRUPPO.

If you don't participate in group work, you will be not in the work, how can you will be in the group? Yes you can. What is your part? Partition.. of music of life? Group life?

Exemple: when you see two personnes making “something” on the sand of the beach, you stand stuck only to see, ...ah haa, the train is going by the time,
when you are not in time?
Once upon a time …. there was …. no YOU.
Between you and me there are … work to do together, there are story to write together so you are belong to the …. ???
l o n g i n g f o r something, is a nice feeling , if ….

montreuil 23 sept 2012, 15h21
a quick respond-accompanying to Giancarlo S note, nota-bene.
Smile TB

jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Tribuana Caroman Retreat, with what to start ???

3 images: vegetal, animal, your body posture
your sacred syllabes, song, music
your cristal words/sentences

to be presented  in first meeting
friday afternoon/night  14 sept 2012
in Caroman

to know others is wisdom
to know oneself is awareness, illumination, naturally radiant as a flower/the sun/a smile.
what is the means? the way?

see you in Ca'Roman,
14,15,16 sept.2012

cleaning the word to its natural freedom
fly, swim, walk, rooted...

here what participants carry in mind
to remind where to start from:

Sara Celeghin and Antonio Cargnello making video out of all images you have sent,
it is a passport/windows, door to enter to the Caroman tribuana retreat:
honoring the 3 livings on earth
vegetal, animal and human in our mind;
so mind you
what to remind and remain your remembrance
to remember
till its become your member
manacika (thought), wacika (speech), kayika(action)
klick here for youtube video TrBuPassport


Daria Paoletta

Gianluca Jean Cerioni

Francesca Grisenti

Sabrina Ferrari

Antonio Cargnello

Sara Celeghin

Giancarlo Sabatti Fausti

Ilaria Gelmi

Marta Zocca

Mariangela Dosi

Ivana De Sanctis

Tapa Sudana

mercredi 12 septembre 2012

Quest Tribuana Retreat Caroman 2012

This Morning, 13 sept 2012, awaken by the title of  my own blog "Tribuana, theater of life", is a transformation from "Tribuana theater", i was struck by what happen in my family,  on 12 september 2012, a deep and strong sharing with my life, 
about listening. 
About how deep you understand the expression of others, in words, in intonation/color/energy of voice, in body expression (tender of violent),  in their daily action, .......
Ritual, religion, philosophy, concept of life, character, habit, ...
About education, that transform you, your house, habit, character, destiny, .... with my wife, the adoptif mother of our dearest daughter (now 12 years);
we have been together since the creation of Peter Brook Mahabharata 1984
we when to Bali to adopt our daughter in 2000, when she was 3 weeks,
born in maternal klinik, from balinese family of a remote village of center Bali,
it is love that we are cultivating, (what type of love ?),
is is a need (what type of need)
it is a duty (what type of duty)
it is .... so ....
it was
and now it is
it is an accomplissement of human natural duty (aware of coming from a parents, honoring a child and cultivating education by being parent), grahasta (the second step of 4 steps of Hindu marga/way of life),
About how deep and well we understand ourselves, by biological mirror with "your half" (complimentary or contradictory), two hands make complete gesture of comprehension, we reflect ourself with our daily duty, the daily action is a master, and a master not always passing a tender, soft way transmission, nor hard, violent way, but swinging between the two, how to be all ways in the center, con centro.....
To start working on theater of life,
to begin with your family,
and to take a departure from you own adventure, yourself,
and letting being initiate by you ancestors, you KARMA
So welcome the future, be present in Caroman with us 
10...11...12...15..... biological mirror
making a family
family of Marga(the way) of ..
of art,
of spirit,
of material product
of bank (bank of money, music, cristal words, smiling memories ...)
starting point: children
the helical dance of DNA (Karma)
To work on theater of life start from your family, 
thanks to Sabrina that will bring your daughter, and Mariangela, your 2 sons and husband, sweet-gentle Massimliano, and other with their image, words of wisdom, song to celebrate in this important retreat of autumn, to let go what is not necessary, and to cristalize experiences into light of life. into habit to be exercised in music and inner smile daily....
... to be continued,
Montreuil, house with apple tree and grappe, 13 sept.2012, 09h41

Tribuana Caroman 2012, sept:14,15,16 in a retreat, personal and group work, exploring tribuana way, tribuana points of references, tribuana instruments expression of the three worlds.
Eating time not as usual.
Food not as usual.
Working time can be before the sun rise (start around 5 o'clock in the morning, finish until late after midnight).
Testing tribuana porridge breakfast. 
Morning water ritual.
Exploring yin & yang in group.
Tai-chi-kung tribuana on the beach.
Sand bath.
Tribuana cosmic dance ( ha ha what a name, in fact just cool dancing & poetic-singing as you feel);
Tribubolla, new exercise to explore for this retraite, never done before in tribuana workshop.
(ah, i did it once in Greece, Aegina 2006)
Bring your own music with your mp3 player, i am not sure there are CD player , expect if some one declare to take it).

Of course there will be Silat (indonesian martial art) à la tribuana in the beach, Mariangela declare it.
Tongkat tribuana.

You propose. 
i am disposing myself, the moment you are ready.

We are working on personal way of life, together.

Basic reading important for not to miss understood in your interpretation : 
1.Conference of the birds, 
2. Bhagavad Gita;
and other reference as written in my other september 2012 articles in this blog.

I am receiving your quest also as usual. 

Participants  10+1.

But Tribuana program is determine by all participants, all presents in Caroman, ALL.
Participants will bring the manifestation/the realisation of "their present".

What will be there = the square of tribuana.
What is the triangle= what you want, what is your goal, idea, dreams.
What to do= what is present is the circle of your tribuana quest. It is all in evolution, flowing, so please do con-centro... siempre.

Marta wrote:
Le 12 sept. 2012 à 11:19, Marta Zocca a écrit :
Hi Tapa Sudana, 
my name is Marta Zocca. 
Sorry. My english is not good.

Next weekend I'm going to be with you in the workshop in Cà Roman.  This is my first time with you but I know Antonio e Sara.
I'm preparing myself with your questionnaire.
I have some questions.

1. in the questionarie you ask about the "3 worlds of time information". What do you mean?

2. how can I find 
- my personal sentence, 
- my sacred syllable, 
- my taichi tribuana, 
- and who were in may last life?

A lot of question... Sorry.

Thank you.

Tapa response:
Dear Marta,
i share my answer to other participants too
so we can deal with the same references with understanding that there are many differences.
that is the work, to be or not to be, but how.

1. time information of your life is what is written in your past time, present time activity, and virtual future time =your will, what you want, your dream.

2. - personal sentences, is sentence that you use to guide you in life, like wise words, like proverb, like fruit of your reflection, of your contemplation, crystal luminous sentences; this work will bring you how to honor words, that represent your mind, thought, energy and movement/body.
-Sacred-syllable-tribuana, you may borrow a momentarily definition what is c-sacred syllable according tribuana-way, in one of my blog below the link  
What you express in sentences, can be call back by sounds, sacred is word as been use a lot by many people, but try to make it clear, by giving name: sacred-syllable-tribuana, any inner deep sound that manifest in your expression, comes from fruit of reflection, reflect the just& right way of life (that moment).
- Tai chi tribuana, look among my 245 videos in you tube, here it is one
SO, tai chi tribuana is movement you feel to do that make you .... healthy, happy, liberating ..... (please make and find your own references, references of well being)
- who are them in your last life? this is a big and deep and dangerous question if your want to know with your brain, while brain can not understand the mystery of life. Try to take, to say until where you can touch and express life (expression tribuana, expression of the three worlds).

You can have more question with tribuana through next time we meet in Caroman, 14,15,16 sept 2012. Tribuana propose through me and others around you, and please not STOPPING yourself in my answer or others,   .......... go beyond someone, go beyond human master, go beyond "what make you stuck/stop". When something stop in you, death is the place, paradise or hell.

see you soon,
my skype is open anytime to you all: tapasudana (my skype name).

smile tb
tapa s.

mardi 4 septembre 2012

Tribuana Autunm Ca'Roman,Venezia, an annual ritual/retreat 14,15,16 sept 2012.

Montreuil 10 september 2012.
For the one who has time and need to pass me your quest, so, waiting for your "quest-tribuana", for this super surprise Week-end Tribuana Ca'Roman sept.2012. Be cool dear enthusiastic participants, you still have time till thursday morning,but ....
 please dont wait for the last day, please, i need to prepare better for you and for the "WAY TB". 
Serving others well is a natural-characteristic-duty and pleasure of tribuana's-actor-servant ............ hé héé , 

Tap S.

Montreuil updated sunday 9 sept.2012:
Proposition on program of the WE Ca'Roman 2012:
Friday, 14 sept 2012, late afternoon, welcome, expo of your "things you bring for the work": words, sounds, posture, instruments, etc. that will determine how and what to work on.
Night time music, dance tribuana.
Introducing TribuBolla the sister of Tongkat.
22h00 "meditation" tribuana, sleep ...not late then 23h50

Saturday, 15 sept 2012: around 05h00, before sun-rising-meditation, tai chi tribuana on the beach, welcoming the sun, massage tribuana-taoist of health and bayu-circulation. 
programming the day and night together. 
Proposition: work on group, totem, and personal work to set with Tapa.
Hope active participation from participants on arranging program of the work.
Breakfast 07h30 tribuana time.(smile)
...... +- 09h00 start doing our program.
Hope in the night there will be time to speak about important question and opinion.

Sunday, 16 sept 2012.Inner-smile-sun-rise ritual on the beach before the sun rise.
Continuation what was set on saturday.

here below image of Tribubolla, the sister of TongkatTribuana.
Tapa will bring 8 paires TribuBolla;  we can make it there more, personally, if you wish, with little bag of sand, soya-grain/cereal etc.

Those below i made this morning sunday 9 sept 2012, 6 paires made of golf balls, one paire of rubber children ball, one pare of my little daughter sock with lentille grain inside. Those of golf ball can be dangerous when it hits you. ha haa. sorry.

the inspiration came from boleadoras, but not the same way and goal/aim. We will follow the way of Tongkat-Tribuana.

below, updated on Friday 7 sept. 2012, 12h50.

Why Tribuana Autumn?
:the season , the time to harvest what you work during the year.

Why Ca'Roman? A place to be personal, and greater PERSONnae, wild nature, "wild program", (with harmony & wisdom)  dive deep to the root to implore the devine, that Ca'Roman already registered strong and deep, in the past 2 workshop, 2009 & 2010, organized by Teatro Invisibile of Antonio Cargnello and Sara Celeghin. 

It is not a week-end-working-time as usual, but how to make this special week-end an awakening, new fresh time among the days of the week, a time of awakening memories, past strong-deep experiences of personal work, artistic or/and spiritual. It is a revitalizing memories,  time of anniversary, cosmic musical rythme,time of calling memories of inner-smile, time of celebration together, not with the habit/spirit as week-end time as usually treated, time after hard work during the week, time with a leisure energy preaching for cheap pleasure.  When a place and time carried in the past a deep strong work, now, to celebrate it we need a "crazy" human 3 fundamental elements to dive deep to Simorgh.  ...klick these 2 videos link to remember.

What was registered before by tribuana in Ca'Roman is demanding calling-back-present, a celebration (anniversary), daily-ritual; but i call back Ca'Roman from my home in Montreuil, as you could do the same, that will be enough for the moment for you & me. Thanks to Antonio that awakening memories and enlightened-idea: a proposition to do a work this very soon time: 14, 15, 16 september 2012 in Ca'Roman, an Venetian little protected island, where group of birds use to come there..... annually.
But please do consider : economical condition and natural personal-interest. That will be the determinant mirror of reality. That will be the payment of the meeting. "Payment" in tribuana: money, quality of present energy and understanding of tribuana way of life, tribuana way of creation, that is theater of life.
The beach, Ca'Roman do jo, and the sea of that island has written something, profound moment in life of tribuana passage, of participant' work, 
it was once upon a time .... 
and another time 
and another memories
i am dreaming to be there naturally, to make a digging deep celebration. but not alone for such celebration !!!

In conference of the bird, the Upupa/Huppe is not interested in collecting hope, hopps houppe,  nice words, excuse or intelligent explanation about  "why not or why yes".

But let's say to each of us:"what to do now, and how !" , in the spirit of sharing harmonious and peaceful energy, wisdom, as  21 september has declared by United Nation: "an International Peace Day".

Here some information that allow you to have some references what to prepare and what to bring for that time of refreshing work of celebration. Creating together a step, an inner smile for the next time, weeks, months ....

Reading and learn by heart the 9 step tribuana, 5 determinant wish(vow), references/wisdom :


1.   Concentration, to be here present now.        
2.   Perception, observation, - five senses.
3.   Experiences, memories, vocabularies.
4.   Imagination, association, mental power.
5.   Expression, letting go, letting grow.
6.   Projection, sharing, transmission.
7.   Rhythm, musicality, life
8.   Essence, message.
9.   Harmony, nature, universe, cosmos, Tao, yoga. toward peace.

1.  To respect and cultivate one’s nature/personality/profession.
2.  To be just, honest, sincere.
3.  To honor one’s knowledge/profession.
4.  To be in harmony with others and the surroundings.
5.  Mastering oneself. (to cultivate” inner master”)


  1. The three worlds: body, emotion/living-energy, thought.
  2. yin-yang, positive –negative, up–down, in-out, past-future.
  3. jo – ha – kiu : start-development-conclusion.
  4. Spring – summer – autumn – winter.
  5. Birth – life – death/metamorphoses.
  6. Gift/talent - -effort/work – chance/destiny.
  7. Rhythm – melody – accord / harmony.
  8. Space/place – time – situation. (balinese: desa, kala, patra).
  9. Thought - speech - action (sanskrit: manachika, wachika, kayika)
  10. Inner impulsion – bones – action.
  11. Three essential theatrical elements: Actor – story/message – spectator.
  12. Movement, song/music, text
  13. Balancing inside and outside.
  14. Where “thing” comes from, how does it work, where does it goes.
  15. Etc. many words of tribuana-wisdom you can find in tribuana blog, words of criystal from tribuana tree.
Reading the text of "Conference of the birds" by Attar version theater by Jean Claude Carrière.
at least the passage of SIMORGH.
This text has some resonance with Bhagavad Gita chapter X, about cosmic being, and other chapter that speak about in one there are multiple, and in all there are the ONE, the supreme initial CREATOR.

Dealing about the work, please prepare your tribuana personal work. What is that?
1. Take with you in mind, knowing it by heart your sentence, personal sentence, at least 3 words.
2. Bring with you your "bayu-swara", your personal sacred syllable, to create.
3;Compose your personal"taichi-tribuana" to work on there, and to grow it together with me, you you wish so.

To help me as a guide that time, and to help others, the work, tribuana way asks you to take, one image of your last life totem (for now, it can be chance later), an image of tree, and an image of animal.
for instance, here an exemple, not to photo copy as it is, please take the essence and create it by your personal understanding.

Montreuil, friday,7sept.2012, 12h50.


to be continued, 

meanwhile we are all DOing something. Happy doing.

smile tb to all participants.
t s
Montreul 5 sept 2012 02h18

What is Tribuana?is.... 
can be a way of life, 
a way of how to behave,
of the 3 elements of human "fundamental instruments".

a sleeping logo (triangle, circle, square) to open, to awaken, to cultivate and to celebrate individually and together.

Important to find space, for the knowledge to cultivate and time, a proper natural one. free as white page ready to write on, as empty bowl ready to receive ....

work on three part of human essential "organs/elements/tools" of life, of expression, of digestion, of action/ of processing data of life.
this just a way to see, a way to treat our human elements, as i filed and compiled it since my coming to Europe in February 1974, may be before that year, from my birthplace in Bali, 1945, or before my ancestors has filed me those "stuff" ... gliding in somewhere inside me that ignore, but presence of others, space, time situation bring it up to awareness.

Considering time of the year, every seasons has its own nature, energy, awakening, productivity, capacity, ...

Spring and summer budding, flowering, and fruiting.

Autumn, is harvest time, taking the fruit of work, put into arranged files, so in winter time experiences will meditate and cristalize the "products, the harvest". Datas of experiences of life, of works will be use (after cristallisation) as language of life, to link you with surrounding.

For the first quick and rough reading of tribuana logos, analogically:
Triangle: representing all the work and activity of organs in the head.
Circle, Round = digestive organs, organs that transform material into energy, emotion, ... energy of life
Square : represent the body movements, the materialisation of energy and mind/idea/spirit.

 What will be the work in a weekend of 3 days?
The beach, sea-water, remote place, silence, personal work and group work, smiling energy, common interest, luminous subject will help us cleaning and revitalizing our entrance for autumn work.

21st of september is being declared as "peace-international-day" by United Nation.  September climate will be perfumed by a ritual, celebration of that peaceful energy, internationally.

Working on three tribuana elements in music is in concordance with international means of communication energy of peace.

Ideally participants bring with them to work on, personally and in group:
- 3 cristal tribuana tree sentences, or your own reflection of life experiences.
- 3 bayu-swasra (sacred syllables) to compose into rythme or shot-loopy-song.
- 3 postures, a cristal contemplative ready to act posture, or three short movements.

We will work on group "totem", celebration. So do bring instrument of work, like string, knife etc. that can help you to work with hand in building "something with materials.

These will come together with your understanding on, the "three worlds" and "Tribuana".
Three worlds is the former name and form of Tribuana way.
If three worlds is more deal on theater, then Tribuana will deal with your character and life, living theater, theater of life.

i will propose and program with you so i can work personally on your 3 tribuana luggages, as well as in group.

When participants have experiences in common on the subject, the understanding, the way, the means, and the aim (goal of the moment) the act and the work of harmonisation is easier and quicker.
Inner smile is the basic, as suggested by Tao health exercises, that you have done during the past work.

Autumn is the 5th uncertain season has determine by 6 Taoist healing/cleaning/revitalizing exercises.

Autumn is a time questioning the "capacity" of tribuana. How to use it in daily life.

So you need to prepare at least 5 days before coming to the work.
Remember how tribuana always updated its program according to time, place, situation and participants mood/ enthousiasme /idea/energy.

Prepare your 5 days in tune with tribuana time-work, like get up in the morning, type of food to eat, type of exercise to do daily, 9 steps, 5 vows, 30 parameters of/for master, 15 or more points of references, works of wisdom tribuana, tongkat exercises,  taichi 4 cardinal points.
I did put new "way"/ metamorphoses of 4 cardinal point in you tube: tai chi 4 poles tribuana. please klick this link.

Let the nature in you decide, wether it is time to you celebrating together this time of september.
do contact Antonio Cargnello at Teatro invisibile, to make our idea possible, as quick as possible.
He is not ready to registered your reasoning, explanation/excuse, do help him and each other, just declare: yes i joint here are "thing" necessary.
Be cool, and natural, not forcing it. IT IS AN HAPPENING, you give me/us a chance to make an holy retreat in Caroman, Venezia. klick here , to remember how crazy was tribuana with 30 participants and one DOG.

ah haa, may be the second night of the three day will be long. (saturday night); the se and the beach will make its own natural program.... with Tribuana, crazy tri.......

i will updated this article time to time, when it is needed. Tribuana work/ word/lesson/field are living angel & demons has no human civilized manner, they wake me up any moment, naturally.

i will get up and work with pleasure to ffffffff fulfill their demands.
ha haaa hé hé, hiiii ho oOOooo

klick here, but take care ...  aA iII uUU eé oOOO ee mmmm 

smile and love to all
montreuil , 1 september 2012, night time
tapasudana for Tribuana.