samedi 21 décembre 2013
Balinese ritual in sacred mask making, Ida Bagus Anom of Peliatan, Bali
Ida Bagus Anom, son of Ida Bagus Gelodog from Mas, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia is one of important mask maker in Bali
I met him during 1980, in his home, we included him in our mask maker of mask collection, when we did Conference of the birds of Peter Brook in 1979.
Here a small video, in Festival Adelaide, Australia, out in an open space specially created for the show. klick here to see the video.
He explain us how Balinese make their sacred mask. Thanks to Per Brahe (?), youtube name, for uploading the video.
have a look, dear mask performer and mask maker. One of the Video is here, there are some.
So the mask maker in Bali, to be complete creator, must also a dancer, a musician, a story teller, knowing the sacred scripture of a "tradition", head, energy, body, tribuanic knowledge/art of creation;
have a glance to this video of Per Brahe, thanks to him, thanks, matur suksma Ida Baugs Anom,
have a look here, to klick. A Brahmin quality in a mask maker.
Tai Chi Stick in Tribuana style, an exercise for health, meditation, group work, health maintenance, can be done like daily (weekly) ritual/exercise.
mercredi 27 novembre 2013
Etape de la vie, par cycle de 1 ans, 10 ans, 30 ans, ....
Etape de la vie, en regardant, en considérant son déroulement vivant, par cycle de 1 ans, 10 ans, 30 ans, ....
(ce texte est ouvert à la transformation continue par son bricoleur .... Tapa Sudana)
à journée mardi, le mercredi, 27 novembre 2013, 11h25
D'ou vient telle pensée? D'ou vient tel mot qui surgir dans votre tête que la bouche serviteur banalement prononcé cette arrivé? Bouche esclave? Qui goute le plaisir de articuler et de crier la parole estimante? Prenez-garde, car la parole capable de maudire ses prononcer.
Voici la source que j'ai cultiver comme jardin de soi: Tribuana, école ou voie de la vie avec ses 27 champs à labourer. Klick!
c'est un exercice, aiguiser la pensée, bien venu à participer à la recherche de repaires de "comment bien vivre ensemble sur terre". L'expérience de la vie, cristalliser, trouver ses lumière, processus de réflexion et puis offrir, partager, comme proposition. Entre l'expérience et sagesse illuminante, il y a l'écriture en évolution perpétuelle.
Voici la source que j'ai cultiver comme jardin de soi: Tribuana, école ou voie de la vie avec ses 27 champs à labourer. Klick!
c'est un exercice, aiguiser la pensée, bien venu à participer à la recherche de repaires de "comment bien vivre ensemble sur terre". L'expérience de la vie, cristalliser, trouver ses lumière, processus de réflexion et puis offrir, partager, comme proposition. Entre l'expérience et sagesse illuminante, il y a l'écriture en évolution perpétuelle.
Comprendre, pour pouvoir faire ce que l'on à compris, bien compris jusqu'à action, à faire la réalisation de notre compréhension sur "la chose", il nous faut ..... quoi ???.
Comprendre jusqu'à la tête, en haussant la tête (une geste automatiquement intellectuel), remplir la tête de savoirs divers seulement pour grossir la bibliothèque intellectuelle c'est un domaine universitaire, pour avoir la grosse tête, ... attention, l'arrogance vous bercera.
Quand la compréhension s'écoule/ descende dans le coeur, dans l'énergie de la vie, elle va se ramifier à tous les nerfs et muscles, prêt à agir.
Théâtre rendre réelle une idée, une réalité interpréter, une compréhension d'un texte par exemple.
Théâtre de la vie est la suit du théâtre sur scène théâtrale. Théâtre Tribuana = théâtre des trois mondes.... hmmm, j'ai étalé plusieurs vidéo & article en internet.
RéALISATION, Rendre Réelle, l’ irrealité qui nous hante.
Pour réaliser notre .... hmmmm (quoi que ce soit), il nous faut des moyens, "chose", objet, matériel réel, à déterminer.
Une fois les moyens sont là, présents, c'est le travail de présentation, de comprendre quels est la capacité possible de telle matière. Puis, comment faire? que faire avec? Nous entrons dans l'étape suivant:
ayant trouvé la manière, nous somme dans le travail, dans le voyage d'action, de construction, de création; en espérons que le chemin aussi orné de joie, plaisir partager. Plaisir seul est triste, hmmm, hé ha haa. mmmm.
La voie porte aussi ses mini fruit récompensant, (voir modestement) petite étoile illuminante. La voie -- DO JO -- Marga Pura -- chemin d'exercice, exorcisante. C'est la manière de faire qui transformera l'HOMME/la FEMME son caractère, caractère porteur du destin.
L'homme (humain) travaille et se forme dans son travail, le travail qui transforme son être, à savoir ou est le travail et comment faire, ..... !!
Ainsi pourquoi le Théâtre de la Vie est fondamentalement important pour .... ????? LE BIEN ÊTRE DE l'ÊTRE HUMAIN, VEGETAL, ANIMAL, ..... Théâtre de la vie + école National + Ecole Familiale + école de la vie quotidienne doivent travailler en concertation, créative et constructive harmonieusement en conscience de bonne entente.
Quand l'humain se trouve seul = il/elle est dans son "école interne" ZAZEN.
oOM - AH - IT - HO - HEééé - §hmmmm. (mantra de 6 syllables)
En étape d'activité créative, en plein action, veille bien les ...
Sans ce critère, vous allez entendre intérieurement un cri qui chante (avec les Rolling Stones) :" I can't get no, satisfaction ....."
Tous ce bla bli blou dessus (pour ne pas être vagué par le blues méli mélo) trouvons la source; ils sont initiés par.... la PENSéE , hé hééé. Il n'y a ni bon ni mauvais sans la pensée. Une bonne pensée semée, action se récolte; action quotidiennement forme l'habitude. L'habitude fait caractère. Carantère porte le destin. Voilà :de la pensée au destin .... combien "d'école" traversons nous?
En sautant par étape de 10 ans dans la vie, on peut programmer le parcours de la vie humaine en: (ceci est mon opinion, n'est pas définitif, ni terminé, en évolution à savoir que le temps est relatif, je déclare avec Einstein), vous pouvez faire votre propre échelle de votre programme de la vie). J'emprunté les sagesses d'autre ethnie du monde, à consommer avec une bonne interprétation adapté ...., SVP.
0-10 ans ... étape du formation du corps, le corps grandir, la matière de votre véhicule, votre porteur,
10-20 ans... formation des divers émotions, graine de joie, divers type d'énergie de vie, énergie vitale, matière + énergie produire pensée, pensée d'une esprit.
20-30 ans ...formation de pensée, intelligence, des connaissance de divers science de la vie, science appliqué
30-40 ans ...étape pour appliquer les trois "école de vie" pendant, école de 30 ans passé, école tribuana: corps, énergie, connaissance/pensée.
40-50 ans ... étape du stockage de fruit de travail, du raffinage de la connaissance/ intellectuelle, car à 50 ans l'humain récolte son travail, l'âge d'or. Si rien fait, rien à récolter ... ! Etape de partage de fruit de labour.
50-60 ans .....étape pour raffiner la sagesse, collecter les nectar, le parfum, l'essentielle, l'essence du ciel lumineux, éclairante ...
on dit, en sagesse Africaine :" à 60 ans, personne ne peut contrarier ses paroles". ... ah , haa, espérant aussi ses actions. hm mmm, quel vécu pour mériter cela? Comment interpréter telle phrase? S'il vous plait, ne vous laisse pas être limité par la parole car les mot a le pouvoir de maudire, "your sentence can sentence you"
60-70 ans .... nous entrons l'étape de troisième cycle de 30 ans, se préparer de se détacher de l'inutilité et commencer à transmettre la science de sa profession, retourner la science à son origine, l'origine essentielle (=esprit) il est nul part, partout, et remplit tout, aucun mot ne peut l'à décrire...hmmm, là, l'homme qui aire sur terre inventer "DIEU" de sa religion, Dieu de son esprit, Atman, Brahman =1=0.
70-80 ans .... transmettre la sagesse de vivre, dans la voie de retour à la source, la voie de la transmission.
80-90 ans ... purification de l'esprit, la voie du plaisir de accomplir un yadnya, offrande, sacrifice, contribution sans attachement en fruit de résultat, se préparer comme "terminer une étape de vie de chair, chère vie"; il y a la notion de re-incarné-tion à méditer.
90-100 ans ... ..... on recommence ???? ou action de rendre tous ce qu'on a déjà prit, retourner la science à son origine ??? Quel est la formulation de cette origine? si les mots peut définir, momentanément ! Noue entrons au 4ème cycle de l'étape de cycle de 30 ans.
100 - plus .... chacun son chemin se recycler comme feuille d'automne. Apprendre avec conscience habiter, conter de 0, 1, 2, 3, ........
(à suivre)
en attendant, voici petit chansonnette ruminante à la patte de tapas
Il y a des Face Book ian/ienne qui à participer à la célébration de la parole offrante ouverte à mastiquer pour tirer son jus et son parfum..nourricière.
ici dessous quelques exemples:
Maryline Roudy: le cœur bat bat et ne cesse de battre de pensèe a quelqu'un que tu voudrais aimèe mais que cette amour ne soit pas dans les deux sens,alors oublier,mais s'accrocher a cette amour alors que l'on sait que NON.alors l'enlever de sa tete,pour passer a autre chose,difficile.Mais peut etre pas impossible.
Tapa Sudana: Ahhh, bien, Maryline Roudy c'est vraie le coeur bat et bat même si on l'oublie, il fonctionne par "notre muscle involontaire" : muscle automatique?. ah, haa, le coeur n'a pas besoin de volonté? alors? hmm, quel mathématique. Si le coeur se lie avec amour, le foie avec .... foi? ma foi!! et la tête? à la raisonnante ! quel raison? raisonnante musical par ex? aiii, je vais me reposer, et je m'interroge avec ça
Maryline Roudy :ah ah la tete? bien embrouiller?,actuellement,,, elle n'y comprend plus rien?,entre sentiment ,,,d'aimer d'amour ou d'amitier,a par contre j'adore la vidèo le chant la dètente le paysage merci tapa sudana
Maryline Roudy: j'en suis au raffinement de la sagesse,ahah
Tapa Sudana :Grâce à toi Maryline Roudy et à tout le monde qui participe, merci, et savoir bien réveiller la sagesse, la science dan la matier, le maître qui dort en soi. Raffiner l'énergie des trois mondes: du tronc, ventre, tête. Du solid, liquide, air .... de lumière et du bonheur. Du visage au livre, du FaceBook à la mémoire, sous-venir, l'éveille mutuelle et cultiver l'expression des trois mondes: corps, énergie de vie, intellect/esprit. Partage. La part du fruit de l'âge. se contenter modestement petit célébration quotidien à maintenir; Soi heureux, et généreux, on comptera beaucoup d'amie. Amitié...avec les gens honnête, sincère, franc et direct qui t'on beaucoup apprit.
Maryline Roudy: Merci tapa sudana de me refaire dècouvrir un petit univers donc j'avais beaucoup apprècier? durant notre stage.,Je vais, et pratique ces exercices??et la mèditation. Je sait que déjà j'apporte beaucoup,j'ai aider,j'ai transmit,j'ai echanger,j'ai beaucoup travailler sur mon parcourt aussi,sur ma vie pour me libèrer de tout ce mal qui ai en moi.Je ne veut plus mourir et ca ses un grand pas pour moi,car etre sur terre pour ne rien apporter,ca ne sert a rien.Je fais comme on dit sort toi de la pour aider,???Mais on ne peut aider quelqu'un que quand on n'ai bien.
Tapa Sudana : Chère Maryline Roudy, se pretende de pouvoir aider, ou de vouloir aider, ou envie d'aider une personne, ....voici un première "visa d'entrée dans telle voie" : "connaître les autre qui nous entourent c'est une sagesse et connaissance utile, (pour communiquer avec ...), connaître soi même c'est .... sagesse raffinée, sagesse illuminante, sagesse supérieur .... illumination (voir bien la diffèrent degré d'illumination pour ne pas rapidement trop illuminé). Le mot "illuminer, illumination" sauvent provoque des allergies intellectuelle chez certain (ou allergie psychologique/émotionnelle).
dimanche 3 novembre 2013
evolution of a link, a memories, evolution d'un lien ... se grade ou se dégrade .... selons ....
note n°3
Pondering on
Retreat Tribuana Cima Grappa Casa Natura Alpenise
Montreuil, 11 april 2011
The link between 2 person, the link between person and objet, the link between person and surrounding, the link between person and his/her inner guide/master/GOD: Tri Hita Karana.
That link can be horizontal or vertical. That link can be like master and disciple, to find and to determine which one is master which one is disciple. That link can be evolved by the "subjet" = she or he, up grading or down-grading of the link bring forth some parameter.
Lets say, he/she was my master, then by time etc. become friend, lover, servant, .... or vice-versa. What makes it so and so?
Lets try to explore some of that parameter, that condition, that references, how memories can bring something important to this present life, it is depend on:
- the important or interest of the person/object.
- the dead memories and the living spirit of the person/object. How to maintain the memories always interestingly alife? the living spirit of a person? an object? ... I remember in 1974, when i was with Sardono's Balinese and Javanese dance-theater group touring in Europe, i was slept in a hotel room, with other 3, we were 30 (4 children boys of 10 years), the old master bapak Pugra, master of Topeng/mask Bali, every morning he made little offering out of his café and tartine of french baguette/bread, he offered first to his basket of masks that dwell on top of hotel clothes-cupboard. It is a tradition in Bali, to put respectful object (his masks) on high place. Actor considered himself as a servant, a caretaker of a spirit. A servant serve "something" that contains something more important, more value than him/her self. The realization of that meaning in life will be revealed by time.... one life not enough, and always amazingly surprising....
- the real present of that object/person in your daily life. If it does not present may be not become tool of daily life? Tribuana food?
- the dead link because of no care, no "useful intelligent" in interpretation, no illuminated intelligent ..... cosmic intelligent.
- the needs of life maintenance.
- no more pleasure in it (person, object, value) and joy in research
- criteria of satisfaction
- etc (to be next updated)
awaken memories by image..... it was in Geneva...around 1975-1980...
with Ida Bagus Geria (wayang kulit / Shadow puppet master) and Bapa Gerindem (musician master from Teges).
to give life to a mask, not to play with a mask. Actor servant.
question du 3e millénaire, juste comme ça ....
2001, imagine prédire l’avenir
2013 , qu’y a-t-il dans la main, maintenant
question du 3e millénaire, à fuir ? à gémir ?
ki sui ki sui
l’image du son ne porte pas de sens net?
sondez le son des lettres dans la tête
si la tête à bien compris, pas bête
Avoir le cœur bien net, en internet…te,
qui suis,
on suit qui,
que j’y suis maintenant
Naturellement content
what family
what country
what to enjoy
to be happy
between you and me
and others may be
how to be
à la rentée de l’école de l’automne 2013
questions : qui suis, que suis-je sans cesse?
la douce pluie matinale
au métro sourire animal
pour avoir le cœur bien net
la jeunesse s’idole en internet
papa mama que bête bête
la vie! En
avant, y a pas d’arrête !
klick et clique tes doigt, Frank, soi
au clavier de ton ordinateur
cherche tes famille, bank, quoi
bien vaillance dans la vie, l’acteur
s’il n’y a pas de l’air fraiche se bris en chemin
sourire, lumière du soleil espoir pour demain
je porte ton image, ta parole et ta voix, mon refrain
mon cœur se
dilate fleurir de joie, clair et serin
enfant, femme et homme cherchent un pays
enfant, femme et homme fuient un pays
enfant, femme et homme cherchent-ils une famille ?
enfant, mama, papa s’abritent sous un couverture d’ennui
des normes, des règles, des cadres de cage
Gouverneur pond des lois de poules,
à la pêche dans l’eau de marécage
y a pas de poisson, pas un seul moule
qui porte ma vie si ce n’ai pas moi de soi
que porte l’envie, action, exploit de soi
éh bien, je conçois, tu conçois, ils conçoivent
3ème millénaire, il y a de quoi avoir soiffe
fuir et cherche et fuir, sans relâche
en quoi cesse de s’épanouir, sondage
cherchant le bonheur ailleurs, s’épanouir à tel rivage
partout sur terre le soleil a sa nuit et ses nuages
feuilles d’automne divers multi couleur
dévoilent ses secrets avant de mourir
marron noir la terre d’hiver sans douleur
des graines s’hibernent au printemps vont fleurir
que fais-je maintenant en endurance
la joie de vie à balayer les souffrances
Accomplir son devoir que sa nature hérite
Sans surpris l’avenir déploie son mérite
Montreuil, 4 nov 2013
mardi 17 septembre 2013
my notes, as Tribuana servant/pemangku, on 2 presentations Tribuana theater of life in Genova Festival Musicale del Mediteraneo 2013.
updated 20 september 2013,
I did 2 presentations for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo di Davide Ferrari.
By the permission (i hope) of Maria Brignole Sale, virtually, which the statue i saw in the right side as you enter the palazzo Rosso, I try to honor all present: the palace, the public, my imported element: sacered or profane in harmony with the theme of the festival that time.
Assisted by Antonio Cargnello, from Teatro Invisibile di Padova, he specially came by his means to joint this celebration, tribuana celebration, i feel the present of another member of tribuana-family, since he has done and organized and did many workshop Tribuana in the past, since 2006. To honor your present is to make present in action your tribuana "friends" = members, that you consider are essential in that moment of action. In the word "friend" there are tribuana value of tribuana elements to consider: means, aim, criteria of satisfaction.
The presentation of Kechak experiences was help being composed that present day by Davide Ferrari and all his devoted good will staff, to quote their name with whom i was familiarly in action/work : in order of my meeting time with them: Luca Borrelli who took me in Milano Airport by his Ducato to Genova, Zine El Abidine Larhfiri carried my 2 luggages up to the hotels, first one night stay, after I move to an apart at vico della Croce Bianca, Sabrina Barbieri coordinator, Natascia Clemente 20 years experienced Genova guide tour, Daniele Adrianopoli the sound system man that help me in fixing sacred virtual vertical-pole of the 3 worlds at middle space of Palazzo Rosso, Guido Sarpero helpful staff technic, Kasun Marashina took me to Milano Airport on 16 September with his rented Citroen, together with Abdenbi El Gadari, Gnawa of Marocco traditional singer internationally performed.
During my present in Genova from 8-16 September 2013, i stayed with Antonio Cargnello (9-16) at 13 vico della Croce Bianca, 3rd floor at apart of GHETT'ART in front of a Mosque with late night screaming of drunken quarrel, breaking bottles ......
How did that experiences run?
I don't understand all what i have done and what i will do and what i am doing at the moment. That state of being cheer me as mystery surprises, sacred or profane is in action in the present work. Observer can say "i like, i understand, i don't like, i don't understand etc, it is a freedom to suffer and to enjoy. Hope all that can give lessons of life that last long, for the benefice of all.
After Davide Ferrari speech, as usual in presentation of festival, I try to honor the statue of the "owner?" of Palazzo Rosso, her sacred spirit that we need to make her present, by asking short description from Natascia Clemente (in surprise was present with her daughter Irene as spectator)
about Palazzo Rosso. She made a brief information, description. Then I honored her statue with my tribuana ritual, movement, sing, speech. All this happen in the first part of the hall, in the entrance where the ticket selling is set, the space I considered link to the "square part of tribuana logo", the material, deal with money, etc. then the public follow, enter to the next middle part of the Palazzo Rosso, symbolizing the circle part of tribuana logo, the energy of life, the multicolor emotions of life, where 3 platforms install in triangle position.
In the middle space, link to the circle part of tribuana logo, to explore and celebrate emotional expression of the three worlds, to honor the mystery of life energy, where the kechak experience will be performed together with the "generous participants". I am aware of their effort to come, to buy ticket, offering their time-present, comprehension and voice in action. The set is 3 wooden platforms covered by black carpet, set in triangle around the axe that link sky and earth, we can see through because of its open top and a square glass bottom in the center. The fourth platform was waited on the border , in one side of the square inner yard. With Davide and festival's staff we fix the triangle form, and I keep in my mind an opening to be able to bring the fourth inside the space, from triangle to create a square, to honor 4 cardinal points, in concordance with the form of the space.
Ah, that day the afternoon was sprinkled by rain but the presentation was good clear weather.
Kechak experience, tribuana theater of life, for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo 2013, is created together as an happening, Balinese tradition inspiration, with intension open mind public participation.
The habitual "show" form in the program of the festival are a lot. My offering, 2 presentations, in this festival is an inter-active presentation. This is what tribuana theater of life starts initiating internationally now in this occasion, thanks to Davide, to all kind staff, to rich heritage of the past "noble" human quality created palazzo in Genova, to participants: human, animal, nature, space, means that present at that moment, to honor, to consider, to celebrate together. Awareness of surrounding participation is to prevent our ignorance. There are choice to make, which one to take as determinant consideration.
ha haaa, the Greek proverb said:" When man (human) makes program, GODs laugh".
Le mystère est incompréhensible puis qu'il nous a compris dedans.
There are parts of tribuana presentation are being programed, there are space for the invisible, the unknown (not understood by human "square proved" thought/mind). To accept both (comprehensible and incomprehensible, the programed an the not-programed), and to set that in mind as the initial steps is to be in the way of the nature, naturally. There are part of human endeavor, there are part of nature mysteriously. How NATURE participate? Hmmm, to be natural till that point, may be some life time is needed, if we believe in re-incarnation in Hindu way.
I ask public to choose color in mind. I have set on 3 platform 6 color-tissue in couple: black&white, blue&green, red&yellow. The public then directed to their choice, yes their choice to be able to follow "my" choice, ah tribuana choice in that improved moment of improvisation.
Entering the inner middle space of Palazzo Rosso:
When they sat on the platform, i start introducing elements, voice elements of Balinese Kechak, they start singing, hands-arm gesturing, standing, first with my proposition. The ideal, is later they propose sound and movements in group, their group; for now ther are only 3 groups.
I did a video in youtube on my idea about Kechak poly-rhythmic before my coming to Genova. Please klick this link.: KECHAK TRIBUANA
In this video you watch the first kechak rhythm design.
There are moment the group stand and make a circle.
As I feel it is impossible to ask more of their participation to move other platform (the 4th) on the border of the space, to make 4 square platform space, so i can awaken the life in symbolic image i made in the last article in this blog dedicated to this Mediterraneo Festival of Music, also see above picture, I install my criteria of satisfaction till that point of reality, till that point of satisfaction to enjoy modestly together. Further, personal time and imagination will grow their experiences, i hope.
Then, we moved from here, from the circle part of tribuana logo to the third space, the triangle part of tribuana logo, the thought expression, steps (ladder) to spiritual realm and mystery. The second space was program form 3 point, to 4 , to 5 (5 organs) into circle of life.
Some one who dare to participate in fixing the set, the idea in tribuana way will get joy and suffer from transformation of the reality. The decider is the mystery of being together willing to celebrate together the moment present. This present is a PRESENT. (regalo as Italian said so)
When some one said to me, Tapa, I don't understand why you ......., then I said: "ha haa, me too, I don't understand the will of the present moment, nature will decide, it is depend on the grandness of our nature. Mother earth support all what happen on her top. Be aware when earth meets sky together, hm mmm, see,what they can do.
In the middle space, where sky and earth meet interiorly, listen to the inner voice, in chak chak chak of yang nggir yang nggur yang nggér yang sirrrrrr, etc. we try to be open to the will of the 2, sky and earth, idea and reality, leading us to a celebration, personal, communal, depend how much & deep you can listen. The mysterious murmur of sound of kamasutra, bayu swara, will make sound & voice as mirror of our profound penetration to the core of "thing".
Unfortunately can become fortunately, when imagination of participant will be continued by their mind awareness, articulated by intelligent of interpretation, realize into a performance with the present means.
In the third parts, we honor the spirit of femininity of the mind, the female of the spirit, by inviting the female goddess spirit of Sanghyang, Kechak Sanghyang of Bali in the back yard of Maria Brignole Sale of Palazzo Rosso. Then I open the box of my Balinese mask, Topeng putri, to introduce mask ritual and short moment of dance with angklung music from Bali of 4 notes only, usually used in cremation ceremony. Why that music? I don't know, before, but now while writing this article, I understood more that "why", because, at the end of the presentation, public will burn piece of paper where there written by them ... (their bad habit they want to burn away, etc).
During the preparation in the afternoon, Davide was mentioning my work on Tongkat, as master of martial art, then Luca Borrelli find and cut me wooden stick to perform TONGKAT (art? the length of the wood stick must be as long as distance from feet/ground to third eye (mid eye brow).
Tongkat is one of my creation among 27 lesson of tribuana.
Luca also found the fire bowl so we can perform Fire ritual. Fire of third eye, fire of creation, light of knowledge. The fire bowl is install in the center upper stage, with 3 radiate lines of cord radiate to the center: they are 3 color: black, pinky red, yellow. The glory of fire in the center is representing Brahma, leading to Brahman the creator; the fire ritual at the end of presentation are done by participants after Tongkat introduction, is the burning white A4-paper, that we offer to participants, where there are written their "bad habit" to be cremated in the fire, ideally with the song rhythm of kechak experience they have done in the middle chamber.
This 2 photos below was offered by Gloria a spectator from Holland?, she is in blue with white neck-holder, a dedicated spectator made it that night.
The Balinese masked lady I danced that night supposed to suggest the present of lady goddess Sanghyang ...... or Lady Maria Brignole Sale? ...hmmm i don't know, I don't understand ... as actor Tribuana , that moment acted by something alive that surround the "me" that act. What & who is the guide for an actor? I quote Bhagavad Gita, chapter 8:phrase 3, text on Brahman, see text further below.
Tribuana way in French, klick here please.
Montreuil, France, friday, 20 september 2013, 12h37
I did 2 presentations for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo di Davide Ferrari.
1. at Palazzo Rosso of Maria Brignole Sale
10th September 2013, 19h30.
Davide Ferari make a program, in a name: "Kechak Experience", by that name, Theater Tribuana of Life has a chance to honor my Balinese ritualistic tradition, sacred and profane, in an historical palace of patrimoine mondial de l'humanité de l'UNESCO. declared in 13 july 2006.By the permission (i hope) of Maria Brignole Sale, virtually, which the statue i saw in the right side as you enter the palazzo Rosso, I try to honor all present: the palace, the public, my imported element: sacered or profane in harmony with the theme of the festival that time.
Assisted by Antonio Cargnello, from Teatro Invisibile di Padova, he specially came by his means to joint this celebration, tribuana celebration, i feel the present of another member of tribuana-family, since he has done and organized and did many workshop Tribuana in the past, since 2006. To honor your present is to make present in action your tribuana "friends" = members, that you consider are essential in that moment of action. In the word "friend" there are tribuana value of tribuana elements to consider: means, aim, criteria of satisfaction.
The presentation of Kechak experiences was help being composed that present day by Davide Ferrari and all his devoted good will staff, to quote their name with whom i was familiarly in action/work : in order of my meeting time with them: Luca Borrelli who took me in Milano Airport by his Ducato to Genova, Zine El Abidine Larhfiri carried my 2 luggages up to the hotels, first one night stay, after I move to an apart at vico della Croce Bianca, Sabrina Barbieri coordinator, Natascia Clemente 20 years experienced Genova guide tour, Daniele Adrianopoli the sound system man that help me in fixing sacred virtual vertical-pole of the 3 worlds at middle space of Palazzo Rosso, Guido Sarpero helpful staff technic, Kasun Marashina took me to Milano Airport on 16 September with his rented Citroen, together with Abdenbi El Gadari, Gnawa of Marocco traditional singer internationally performed.
During my present in Genova from 8-16 September 2013, i stayed with Antonio Cargnello (9-16) at 13 vico della Croce Bianca, 3rd floor at apart of GHETT'ART in front of a Mosque with late night screaming of drunken quarrel, breaking bottles ......
How did that experiences run?
I don't understand all what i have done and what i will do and what i am doing at the moment. That state of being cheer me as mystery surprises, sacred or profane is in action in the present work. Observer can say "i like, i understand, i don't like, i don't understand etc, it is a freedom to suffer and to enjoy. Hope all that can give lessons of life that last long, for the benefice of all.
After Davide Ferrari speech, as usual in presentation of festival, I try to honor the statue of the "owner?" of Palazzo Rosso, her sacred spirit that we need to make her present, by asking short description from Natascia Clemente (in surprise was present with her daughter Irene as spectator)
di Palazzo Rosso Genova
back yard of the Palazzo Rosso
where was performed the fire of Sanghyang Balinese Tribuana Ritual
done by participants of Kechak Experiences 10 september 2013
Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo
In the middle space, link to the circle part of tribuana logo, to explore and celebrate emotional expression of the three worlds, to honor the mystery of life energy, where the kechak experience will be performed together with the "generous participants". I am aware of their effort to come, to buy ticket, offering their time-present, comprehension and voice in action. The set is 3 wooden platforms covered by black carpet, set in triangle around the axe that link sky and earth, we can see through because of its open top and a square glass bottom in the center. The fourth platform was waited on the border , in one side of the square inner yard. With Davide and festival's staff we fix the triangle form, and I keep in my mind an opening to be able to bring the fourth inside the space, from triangle to create a square, to honor 4 cardinal points, in concordance with the form of the space.
Ah, that day the afternoon was sprinkled by rain but the presentation was good clear weather.
Kechak experience, tribuana theater of life, for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo 2013, is created together as an happening, Balinese tradition inspiration, with intension open mind public participation.
The habitual "show" form in the program of the festival are a lot. My offering, 2 presentations, in this festival is an inter-active presentation. This is what tribuana theater of life starts initiating internationally now in this occasion, thanks to Davide, to all kind staff, to rich heritage of the past "noble" human quality created palazzo in Genova, to participants: human, animal, nature, space, means that present at that moment, to honor, to consider, to celebrate together. Awareness of surrounding participation is to prevent our ignorance. There are choice to make, which one to take as determinant consideration.
ha haaa, the Greek proverb said:" When man (human) makes program, GODs laugh".
Le mystère est incompréhensible puis qu'il nous a compris dedans.
There are parts of tribuana presentation are being programed, there are space for the invisible, the unknown (not understood by human "square proved" thought/mind). To accept both (comprehensible and incomprehensible, the programed an the not-programed), and to set that in mind as the initial steps is to be in the way of the nature, naturally. There are part of human endeavor, there are part of nature mysteriously. How NATURE participate? Hmmm, to be natural till that point, may be some life time is needed, if we believe in re-incarnation in Hindu way.
I ask public to choose color in mind. I have set on 3 platform 6 color-tissue in couple: black&white, blue&green, red&yellow. The public then directed to their choice, yes their choice to be able to follow "my" choice, ah tribuana choice in that improved moment of improvisation.
Entering the inner middle space of Palazzo Rosso:
in this middle court, a space was axe by open sky and glass floor in the center where we can "sonder" -"sounding it out" the profound basement of your consideration. Before the presentation, i was lying down with Daniele Adrianopoli (our sound engineer) on the glass floor, a moment as sharing, 30 seconds Savasana yoga posture.
When they sat on the platform, i start introducing elements, voice elements of Balinese Kechak, they start singing, hands-arm gesturing, standing, first with my proposition. The ideal, is later they propose sound and movements in group, their group; for now ther are only 3 groups.
I did a video in youtube on my idea about Kechak poly-rhythmic before my coming to Genova. Please klick this link.: KECHAK TRIBUANA
In this video you watch the first kechak rhythm design.
There are moment the group stand and make a circle.
As I feel it is impossible to ask more of their participation to move other platform (the 4th) on the border of the space, to make 4 square platform space, so i can awaken the life in symbolic image i made in the last article in this blog dedicated to this Mediterraneo Festival of Music, also see above picture, I install my criteria of satisfaction till that point of reality, till that point of satisfaction to enjoy modestly together. Further, personal time and imagination will grow their experiences, i hope.
Then, we moved from here, from the circle part of tribuana logo to the third space, the triangle part of tribuana logo, the thought expression, steps (ladder) to spiritual realm and mystery. The second space was program form 3 point, to 4 , to 5 (5 organs) into circle of life.
Some one who dare to participate in fixing the set, the idea in tribuana way will get joy and suffer from transformation of the reality. The decider is the mystery of being together willing to celebrate together the moment present. This present is a PRESENT. (regalo as Italian said so)
When some one said to me, Tapa, I don't understand why you ......., then I said: "ha haa, me too, I don't understand the will of the present moment, nature will decide, it is depend on the grandness of our nature. Mother earth support all what happen on her top. Be aware when earth meets sky together, hm mmm, see,what they can do.
In the middle space, where sky and earth meet interiorly, listen to the inner voice, in chak chak chak of yang nggir yang nggur yang nggér yang sirrrrrr, etc. we try to be open to the will of the 2, sky and earth, idea and reality, leading us to a celebration, personal, communal, depend how much & deep you can listen. The mysterious murmur of sound of kamasutra, bayu swara, will make sound & voice as mirror of our profound penetration to the core of "thing".
Unfortunately can become fortunately, when imagination of participant will be continued by their mind awareness, articulated by intelligent of interpretation, realize into a performance with the present means.
In the third parts, we honor the spirit of femininity of the mind, the female of the spirit, by inviting the female goddess spirit of Sanghyang, Kechak Sanghyang of Bali in the back yard of Maria Brignole Sale of Palazzo Rosso. Then I open the box of my Balinese mask, Topeng putri, to introduce mask ritual and short moment of dance with angklung music from Bali of 4 notes only, usually used in cremation ceremony. Why that music? I don't know, before, but now while writing this article, I understood more that "why", because, at the end of the presentation, public will burn piece of paper where there written by them ... (their bad habit they want to burn away, etc).
During the preparation in the afternoon, Davide was mentioning my work on Tongkat, as master of martial art, then Luca Borrelli find and cut me wooden stick to perform TONGKAT (art? the length of the wood stick must be as long as distance from feet/ground to third eye (mid eye brow).
Tongkat is one of my creation among 27 lesson of tribuana.
Luca also found the fire bowl so we can perform Fire ritual. Fire of third eye, fire of creation, light of knowledge. The fire bowl is install in the center upper stage, with 3 radiate lines of cord radiate to the center: they are 3 color: black, pinky red, yellow. The glory of fire in the center is representing Brahma, leading to Brahman the creator; the fire ritual at the end of presentation are done by participants after Tongkat introduction, is the burning white A4-paper, that we offer to participants, where there are written their "bad habit" to be cremated in the fire, ideally with the song rhythm of kechak experience they have done in the middle chamber.
This 2 photos below was offered by Gloria a spectator from Holland?, she is in blue with white neck-holder, a dedicated spectator made it that night.
The Balinese masked lady I danced that night supposed to suggest the present of lady goddess Sanghyang ...... or Lady Maria Brignole Sale? ...hmmm i don't know, I don't understand ... as actor Tribuana , that moment acted by something alive that surround the "me" that act. What & who is the guide for an actor? I quote Bhagavad Gita, chapter 8:phrase 3, text on Brahman, see text further below.
Thanks to Gloria for these 2 photo you did, how to make the past present as a present, and find it lessons.
The Conference of the birds of Farid Uddin Attar
as it is mentioned so,
is a presentation where i am proposing also Tribuana way of life in theater of life.
The happy sacred moment of 16 september 2013 at Palazzo Ducale, is the last part where i can have 3 participants and Antonio Cargnello to perform the reading of the text of THE SIMORGH, on the circle stage limited by marble frame from the spectator. hmmm what a great cage.
Then when reading, they move from frontal line position facing public, to square position so two girls see two boys facing themselves, and the reading is closed/finished in that square position of understanding, so each other can see themselves in ONEself, mirroring each other to see better the worlds surrounding in oneself; then I enter to make 5 elements meeting, suggesting five organs, 5 element PANCHA MAHA BUTHA: earth, water, fire, air, ether, or
metal, water, wood, fire, earth as the Taoist Elements
that linked the five-couple-digestive-organs in human body:
1:lung&big intestines,
2:kidney and bladder,
3:liver &; gall bladder,
4:heart& small intestine
5:stomach&; pancreas+spleen;
that five organs relate to 5 colors: white, blue/black, green, red, yellow/brown;
the 5 colors links to 5 couple emotions: sadness & courage, gentleness & fear, anger & goodness, love/joy & hate, being centered & anguish/uncertainty.
curious? klick here
In this conference, assisted by translation of Antonio Cargnello, when i speak English or French, but time to time Tribuana way make me speak Italian ...ha haa, it is an incomprehensible adventure...
Thanks to little sala di Palazzo Ducale, here below some images:
To help the story continue, the way go on in public mind, so "something" can last long, long life, an offering in form of information is needed to accompany the public that come, paying 10 Euros entrance, giving their time, their silence, their attention, their caring-present that feed the "show?", to make the presentation go further beyond its own presentation,
me and Antonio arrange a 2 pages text that Saturday morning (most shop and photocopy closed), he managed to make it, 50 copies, in an internet Bangladesh shop, near where we stay, near vico delle Croce Bianca in Genova.
here it is:
For the presentation of the "conference" at Palazzo Ducale, (Saturday the 14th september 2013, 16h00 in the afternoon good time to go to the beach at that day sun was bright), I made puppets bird with plastique water bottles, wood stick, papers, and papers cut into slice attached in a small stick, where there written wise-word of life that i distribute to the public at the end of the presentation, as offering, as my Balinese tradition lay on my way of life. Theory, religious teaching must always be re-up-dated. Celebrating creativity, using objets, sound, music, words, crystal thought, it is so, Balinese use many many "things" in their tradition. Ritual, praying, sacred act, profane act is fed by sound of gamelan, decorated offering made with vegetal, animals, minerals,... dance, singing, reciting mantra, incantation sacred syllable. In Islam mosque, Christian church, Jewish synagogue, Buddhist temple, Hindu temple in Bali or in India, each has their own climate, their own ambience, their way to accomplish final goal: how to die. What is the sacred ambience? How to absorb its essence, how to observe it appearance?
Theater of life explore it.
Our 5 instruments of perceptions, human's "hands" to comprehend reality, are to open, to master what to take, what to ignore. How is the sacred become profane? and vice-versa?
here is a story of my life in Genova during the second day of my staying, first day move to the apart in vico della Croce Bianca. In an occasion of a lunch time, a generous mother, Italian mother offer us her delicious penne, generously, with pleasure. As she offer to much on my plate, I can not finish it, so I keep it, covered by certain way of care I put it on top of a self on the wall of the kitchen. Most of the people habit in wasted productive life, food not finished eaten is thrown away. When some guest asked, why so? I simply said:"as i learnt in my Balinese tradition, food is sacred, so to be put up above in a clean place to honor its presence, as it enter into the stomach, it becomes profane; i kept it there so it can be eaten later, in a way to prolong the present of the cooker, the creator, longer then her present".
Material return to earth, spirit to sky.
When I was a child, in Bali, I was born in village called: banjar Pemedilan Denpasar in 1945;
In the 1950's, after my mother finish cooking around 11 in the morning, she asked me to make offering, many little offering made of banana leaves with whatever she cooked that day, like a bit of rice, salt, bit of vegetable, not meat, because we have rarely meat protein, expensive, so all that little offering to be put in an important place of the house, with a gesture of offering that become the basic gesture of Balinese dance; As offering also put on the yard, the entrance of the house, in the kitchen, books, temple, shrine, ..... animal of our house as: chicken, dogs, cock, free birds, the offering. Where are God or Demon that consume our offering? hmmmm. In our mind!!! We, human who create all that Demon, that Gods, by one or millions, by this or that way, good or evil is initiate in our mind. So mind you to awaken in you, that will remind what your interest, what is living in you.
In Bhagavad Gita is written, whatever the last image before your death, that will be your destination, spirit way. As Krishna reveal again and again the eternal teaching:
All mortal beings are called Adhibhoota, and various expansions of the Supreme Being are called Adhidaiva or Divine Beings. I am Adhiyajna residing as Ishvara in all beings, O Arjuna. (See also 18.61) (8.04)
One who remembers Me exclusively, even while leaving the body at the time of death, attains the Supreme Abode; there is no doubt about it. (8.05)
Whatever object one remembers as one leaves the body at the end of life, that object is attained. Thought of whatever object prevails during one's lifetime, one remembers only that object at the end of life and achieves it. (8.06)
So to act in life, to do, is to make action become Karma, here is chapter 8:3 of Bhagavad Gita that I use as one of acting reference:
Lord Krishna said: Brahman is the Supreme Being or Sat that always exists. The basic nature of Brahman is called Adhyātma. The creative power of Brahman that causes expansion of all beings is called Karma. (8.03)
So to act in creative way to take mirror from creative power of Brahman the ORIGIN, the Supreme Creator, that THE ONE to be honored, to search, to find, to joint, to unit, like the story of ATTAR birds in conference, as illustrated by the story of the moth/flying insect/butterfly unit with the flame of the candle.... the one who enter into the candle flame, become one with the fire, knows what is that flame that produce light; only them who "know", but unfortunately they can not tell us, since they has disappear in the light. dis-appear in the light.
Further on Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita:
I shall briefly explain the process to attain the Supreme goal which the sages who are freed from attachment achieve; and desiring which people lead a life of celibacy.
When one leaves the physical body by controlling all the senses, focusing the mind on God and bringing the inhalation to the top of the head, (8.12)
while meditating on Me (the grand Grand ME) and uttering AUM, the sacred sound of Brahman attains the Supreme goal. (8.13)
I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by the firm minded yogi who always thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)
After attaining Me, the great souls do not incur rebirth in this miserable world because they have attained the highest perfection. (8.15)
The dwellers of all the worlds below the world of Brahmā, the creator are subject to the miseries of repeated birth and death. But, after attaining Me, O Arjuna, one does not take birth again. (See also 9.25) (8.16)
Those who know that the duration of creation lasts 4.32 billion solar years and that the duration of destruction also lasts 4.32 billion solar years, they are the knowers of the cycles of creation and destruction. (See also 9.07) (8.17)
For Kechak experience at Palazzo Rosso, I create tree, a tribuana tree with leaves of reflection, as proverb, wise word from daily life, from book of wisdom. Hundreds of them in Italian, English and French. Public can make question, and try to find answer in that leaves of tribuana tree. What is written there is human words. Hope, by your intelligence, there always a link to what you are searching, as sentences of Tao Te Ching propose.
Sorry, forget to make some picture.
At the end, in the conference of Attar birds, at Palazzo Ducale, the Public ask for that "birds" I made; so their demand gives me idea that I totally agree and in joy to let them go with.....
bye bye, fly away, bon voyage, the journey is go on and on .... to reveal, discover, to find oneself in others.
The "conference" start after Davide speech 15h30,
the starting was from 16h00 to 17h00, I must make it sharp on time (more less) not to stretch long, because the next program, is directly chained, continue to documentary film, so i must take all my junks (props, theatrical props, story telling instruments) to make the space clean for the next program 17h00-18h00, and after to Koffi Koko dance voudou of Benin, 18h00 - ...
We ponder, what left after a presentation? after an experience?? After doing something, after thinking, after experiencing, after feeling, after seeing, ... ?
Here a reference from Bhagavan Vyasa, the composer of Mahabharata, he said to the child, to whom the story was told,
"after listening this story of Mahabharata, of you, of your ancestors, the story will awaken and sharpen your intelligence, you will be transform into another person, that give you long life references/lessons of life. "
So, in whatever we do in life, if we try to use these 3 parameter, you may find the benefice of light that open to light-clear-sight of your way....may be, as your perception and interpretation allow you, even though some can not be understood, thanks, we are aware being embrace by mystery. A state of stupefaction (of bewilderment) is an ecstasy to be taken free from this earthly life, just for a lightning instance, a forgetful forgiveness of our ignorance, .... of illumination ???
Photos of The street where I stay during the festival:
This article is never finish, to be revise, will be revisited by the writer (me) to rewrite, to grow as the living thing is keep growing, even deadly matter transforms itself by time, to give an up-dated meaning by the growing means. So please don't fix it in mind, what I wrote above, for all sentences all words has its own freedom to grow beyond their creator, what I mean is depends on the means, the props, the material of what its made of, ahhh... as soon i finish writing, what i mean is already out of time, the past is not present anymore. To make it present, the past must marry with the future in present. You see, I am already lost myself in word. The light of the mind, as you listen them in sound in your voice, I ask myself:"what left? ??" The incense burning in the temple says: I am cremated burnt myself to offer you my light & smell. The candle in the church burn its matter(body, material) to offer its light; if it has, also, its smell to enhance the visiter's spirit in meditation, in praying. See you next time in the future....
Montreuil, France, friday, 20 september 2013, 12h37
lundi 19 août 2013
will presenting in Genova,
at Palazzo Rosso,
Tuesday, 10 september 201, 19h30
a short experiences of
"Kechak Tribuana "
of Balinese tradition
what is Tribuana theater?
All participants will be invited to participate tribuanicly (=with movement, voice and thought) there will be a short playful introduction of preparation in proposition for those who eager to "participate tribuanicly": physically, voice and movement, in order to share the useful "offering" to the TIME PRESENTation. But if you prefer to be observer in that moment of life, you are welcome to watch, to look, look for ...something, look after a presentation. Silence, observation is the ticket to be in a performance. Since i am not intend to do a show, but more a way to share, so please take this as a "search", an opening, a possibility. An experience will left in participants "something" that will last long or short, it is depend on parameter:
1: what you offer: observation, silence, voice, movement... to express your meaning of life.
2:what you offer, what you do, can be regarded as element of your expression in tribuana: body movement, voice, and text/thought/interpretation.
3:The quantity and quality of participation, deepness, total or partial, elegant or honest, ...
4: ....etc.
So, happy to share together in a musical mood of Mediterraneo on a plate of Balinese tradition by the way of TriBuana (three worlds of human) digestion & expression.
Let's fly with eagle eyes all over the blue planet earth. Now possible by internet and tablet.
Ahh, observing now, in this time, on earth, our dear blue planet with its mysterious water behavior (solid, liquid and invisible); petrol is excavated from the stomach of the earth, some country have chance to have it, being transform from dessert into human made "paradise" demonstrated exhibition of art of creation; Palm oil tree destroying virgin forest with all creature living there: human and animal, human brain linking itself by internet that need all type of phone and tablet, earth temperature is growing up as human temperament too, anger is spreading easily from your liver, liver's duty to clean wasted cells, human looking for quick-cheap-enjoyment in sex and drogue; that two last element lead human to addiction and lost control; religion being use in politic to articulate interest, war is inevitable when speech of crystal mind has no more power to transform human need, behavior, habit, character....destiny.
This occasion that is offered by this Festival will give us a mirror of tribuanic symphony orchestra (speaking in concordance of Festival mood: music). Yes music can cool the mind and crystalize thought that may be produce "light", where we may mirroring ourselves in/through each other. This conclusion will be tempted to be present on Saturday the 14th at Palazzo Ducale. Again there, we need your participation, i will be there as servant, as pro-poser, offerer, open a way ...tribuanicly so the winged thought (=birds-human) will fly together to meet their .... queen, king, master, guide, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ra, X, Y Z, ..... the one that in multiple presentation everlastingly in trans-formation....
smile tribuana
see you
à presto
here are 2 images of space of the Kechak TriBuana experience ground floor Palazzo Rosso
The experienced festival organization will transform the space, of course, for
chak chak chak ....
yang nggir, yangg nggur, yang ngér, yang sirrrrrrr
poung poung poung sirrrrrr
Little idea of Chak chorus internocking rhythm:
Klick here please for an audio/phonic-idea
memories of my Kechak experiences in Balinese Village in 1973
one passage of melody/song,
was like this: klick if you wish to listen
here is a Kechak partition
to listen: klick here please.
2 create 3 and 5
image inspiring and guide formation and choreography of participants Kechak Tribuana Experience for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo.
of Balinese tradition
what is Tribuana theater?
All participants will be invited to participate tribuanicly (=with movement, voice and thought) there will be a short playful introduction of preparation in proposition for those who eager to "participate tribuanicly": physically, voice and movement, in order to share the useful "offering" to the TIME PRESENTation. But if you prefer to be observer in that moment of life, you are welcome to watch, to look, look for ...something, look after a presentation. Silence, observation is the ticket to be in a performance. Since i am not intend to do a show, but more a way to share, so please take this as a "search", an opening, a possibility. An experience will left in participants "something" that will last long or short, it is depend on parameter:
1: what you offer: observation, silence, voice, movement... to express your meaning of life.
2:what you offer, what you do, can be regarded as element of your expression in tribuana: body movement, voice, and text/thought/interpretation.
3:The quantity and quality of participation, deepness, total or partial, elegant or honest, ...
4: ....etc.
So, happy to share together in a musical mood of Mediterraneo on a plate of Balinese tradition by the way of TriBuana (three worlds of human) digestion & expression.
Let's fly with eagle eyes all over the blue planet earth. Now possible by internet and tablet.
Ahh, observing now, in this time, on earth, our dear blue planet with its mysterious water behavior (solid, liquid and invisible); petrol is excavated from the stomach of the earth, some country have chance to have it, being transform from dessert into human made "paradise" demonstrated exhibition of art of creation; Palm oil tree destroying virgin forest with all creature living there: human and animal, human brain linking itself by internet that need all type of phone and tablet, earth temperature is growing up as human temperament too, anger is spreading easily from your liver, liver's duty to clean wasted cells, human looking for quick-cheap-enjoyment in sex and drogue; that two last element lead human to addiction and lost control; religion being use in politic to articulate interest, war is inevitable when speech of crystal mind has no more power to transform human need, behavior, habit, character....destiny.
This occasion that is offered by this Festival will give us a mirror of tribuanic symphony orchestra (speaking in concordance of Festival mood: music). Yes music can cool the mind and crystalize thought that may be produce "light", where we may mirroring ourselves in/through each other. This conclusion will be tempted to be present on Saturday the 14th at Palazzo Ducale. Again there, we need your participation, i will be there as servant, as pro-poser, offerer, open a way ...tribuanicly so the winged thought (=birds-human) will fly together to meet their .... queen, king, master, guide, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ra, X, Y Z, ..... the one that in multiple presentation everlastingly in trans-formation....
smile tribuana
see you
à presto
here are 2 images of space of the Kechak TriBuana experience ground floor Palazzo Rosso
The experienced festival organization will transform the space, of course, for
chak chak chak ....
yang nggir, yangg nggur, yang ngér, yang sirrrrrrr
poung poung poung sirrrrrr
Little idea of Chak chorus internocking rhythm:
Klick here please for an audio/phonic-idea
memories of my Kechak experiences in Balinese Village in 1973
one passage of melody/song,
was like this: klick if you wish to listen
here is a Kechak partition
to listen: klick here please.
2 create 3 and 5
image inspiring and guide formation and choreography of participants Kechak Tribuana Experience for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo.
organized by
Davide Ferrari
from "echoart" of Genova
in the program of
the other link of the program, klick here
Here is a link of the program°-Locandina-A3RETE.jpg
the other link of the program, klick here
Here is a link of the program°-Locandina-A3RETE.jpg
In this Program of Festival Mediterraneo of Genova, international fruit of culture is declared in festival meeting by the musical way,
at Palazzo Ducale, salla minor
Saturday 14 September 2013
The birds of ATTAR and Tribuana way in "conference".
During this "conference" i will try to introduce a bit of Conference of the bird of ATTAR from Persia, the Theatrical form i did participate as actor in 1979-1980 with world tour to New York, Australia and many country of Europe.
here is a video link in youtube, when we were in Australia performing in open space
Tribuana is a way that spring from my Balinese tradition+personal life experiences.
I remember during the creation in Paris/Festival Avignon 1979, Peter Brook, the Director, said to us:" one day, when we get old, very old, we will perform again this Conference ......"
But now, thanks to Festival Musicale de Mediterraneo, Davide Ferrari invite me to come to share with you all, a taste, a need, a moment of life that hope can spring inner smile.... in you.
I will bring 4 theatrical texts of Conference written by Jean Claude Carriére (translated in italian) .. may be, not to be read integrally ... but as reference, a launching plat form to fly in search of ....... SIMORGH
one self
one in all,
all in one.
So i beg you all, please be ready to participate, it is just a new opening toward a search: what type of performance, of enjoyment, of sharing we need to create for human on earth, while seeing other side of this round turning planet earth is possible also by technological eye-bird of internet connection.
thanks tablet.
steve job & Mac Apple. etc.
A bit of wondering, wandering, pondering:
In this Program of Festival Mediterraneo of Genova, international fruit of culture is declared in festival meeting by the musical way,
at Palazzo Ducale, salla minor
Saturday 14 September 2013
The birds of ATTAR and Tribuana way in "conference".
During this "conference" i will try to introduce a bit of Conference of the bird of ATTAR from Persia, the Theatrical form i did participate as actor in 1979-1980 with world tour to New York, Australia and many country of Europe.
here is a video link in youtube, when we were in Australia performing in open space
Tribuana is a way that spring from my Balinese tradition+personal life experiences.
I remember during the creation in Paris/Festival Avignon 1979, Peter Brook, the Director, said to us:" one day, when we get old, very old, we will perform again this Conference ......"
But now, thanks to Festival Musicale de Mediterraneo, Davide Ferrari invite me to come to share with you all, a taste, a need, a moment of life that hope can spring inner smile.... in you.
I will bring 4 theatrical texts of Conference written by Jean Claude Carriére (translated in italian) .. may be, not to be read integrally ... but as reference, a launching plat form to fly in search of ....... SIMORGH
one self
one in all,
all in one.
So i beg you all, please be ready to participate, it is just a new opening toward a search: what type of performance, of enjoyment, of sharing we need to create for human on earth, while seeing other side of this round turning planet earth is possible also by technological eye-bird of internet connection.
thanks tablet.
steve job & Mac Apple. etc.
A bit of wondering, wandering, pondering:
What is Kechak Tribuana experiences? and meeting of birds & Tribuana in conferences ?
Every body present as "usual/habitual/common spectators" is invited to participate, as this experiences will be a party of participants, inspired and guided/built by us all, so it's progression depend on us, depend on what we offer to this present-time. This very present time in our era of democracy, it is moment to declare in action, speech, thought how to live and to feed that democracy (Greek invention, like Olympic games, ...etc).
Sharing what is your intension to offer, to make a concert together, where everything is being questioned, being mixed, the meeting of means, the meeting of played instruments in concert. Where is the musical partition, It is.... biologically present, to be discovered freshly and smilely to interlock with other's rhythm ....chak , chak , chak. To enjoy and to taste the immediate product, the expression, the sound, movement/dance, the voice, ... to ponder and to consider the criteria of satisfaction. To understand the aim, the search.
So: observe the means, understand the aim and examine the criteria of satisfaction.
Let it be, flow with the moment. Drive and enjoy together.
Sharing what is your intension to offer, to make a concert together, where everything is being questioned, being mixed, the meeting of means, the meeting of played instruments in concert. Where is the musical partition, It is.... biologically present, to be discovered freshly and smilely to interlock with other's rhythm ....chak , chak , chak. To enjoy and to taste the immediate product, the expression, the sound, movement/dance, the voice, ... to ponder and to consider the criteria of satisfaction. To understand the aim, the search.
So: observe the means, understand the aim and examine the criteria of satisfaction.
Let it be, flow with the moment. Drive and enjoy together.
Ok, here is a bit of story of Kechak i know, as i am Balinese born and grew in balinese tradition; origin from Denpasar (born in 1945, sept.21st.);
Once, in ancient time of Balinese tradition, when a village was threatened by illness, contagious illness, bad spirit, crops/plantations gives no fruits, so all the village member gathered together in village temple, there they ....chak chak chak ..... From the sound, just with one sound (CHAK) that they offer to their community gathering will make a "cosmic concert" of joy, awaken the happy energy to share, it can be like an action of vaccination, dream-party, healing ritual, .....etc, why not;
It is up to us, NOW, participants to move our inner understanding, our knowledge, energy, means, to a celebrated moment of sharing. Time is TIME, we can not buy time even in hyper super market.
Once, in ancient time of Balinese tradition, when a village was threatened by illness, contagious illness, bad spirit, crops/plantations gives no fruits, so all the village member gathered together in village temple, there they ....chak chak chak ..... From the sound, just with one sound (CHAK) that they offer to their community gathering will make a "cosmic concert" of joy, awaken the happy energy to share, it can be like an action of vaccination, dream-party, healing ritual, .....etc, why not;
It is up to us, NOW, participants to move our inner understanding, our knowledge, energy, means, to a celebrated moment of sharing. Time is TIME, we can not buy time even in hyper super market.
Our third millennium need a brain concert-symphony, as all thought lodge now inter-net-ly joined in common understanding into action, one moment of action, for peaceful way, even just a few minutes in rhythm and harmony, if there are inner smile, can be an everlasting memories.
Where there is a will there will be a way.
Memories never get old, for memories contains no time. So to make it so, let's create together a moment of life, a "painting of phonetic memories", or a "bio-CD recorder", that can be reproduced in life time, by remembering, the member, in a hand's clap, or fingers click. Yes, be modest and be happy as far as hands can grasp, hand to comprehend.
Enjoying the balance of the moment present is aware of past and future now in action.
21st september is declared by UNITED NATION
as worlds peace day.
There must be a moment where internationally we celebrated it together in a space, and when we will have a Palazzo Rosso, in Genova, on 10th september 2013, it can be a moment to celebrate together, for september was charged by strong memories too.
So if by chance we meet together, glad to share, and as a glance looking for the moment to share, before looking after our Kechak experiences, please see in some youtube video CHAK, KECHAK of Bali, you will find how to CHAK your voice/sound to produce a voice/phonic-offering and share during that meeting, that can be a celebration, if you'll make it so, together.
Another sound to remember, may be:
yang, nggir, yang nggur, yang nggér, yang sirrr.
tit, poung, tit, sirrr,
But those just some Balinese syllables, of a song that can be not Balinese, you are invited to offer your sacred syllable, invented one, in that moment, since sound has no passport if you sing it as music. So hope to share and enjoy together, I'll be there as "servant", guide, or what ever you regard me, i'll try to let you get what you want .... but, remind us a song:" you can't always get what you want. So, may be changing the criteria of satisfaction, with gentle adaptation: you can always get what you want.
As the birds in conference in an opening sunny morning day, for a journey, long or short, a space of Mediterranean festival is offered. Mysteriously, promising something to rejoice. Mystery is incomprehensible as mysteriously we are in it.
When our mind has wings, then like birds will tell us a story of a journey.
Tribuana at Caroman 1
Tribuana at Caroman 2
this link below, a quick look in story telling
Conference of the birds as F.U.Attar wrote, a Persian Sufi master.
here is the text i arrange for public accompany to the presentation at Palazzo Ducale, translated and realization Antonio Cargnello.
Where there is a will there will be a way.
Memories never get old, for memories contains no time. So to make it so, let's create together a moment of life, a "painting of phonetic memories", or a "bio-CD recorder", that can be reproduced in life time, by remembering, the member, in a hand's clap, or fingers click. Yes, be modest and be happy as far as hands can grasp, hand to comprehend.
Enjoying the balance of the moment present is aware of past and future now in action.
21st september is declared by UNITED NATION
as worlds peace day.
There must be a moment where internationally we celebrated it together in a space, and when we will have a Palazzo Rosso, in Genova, on 10th september 2013, it can be a moment to celebrate together, for september was charged by strong memories too.
So if by chance we meet together, glad to share, and as a glance looking for the moment to share, before looking after our Kechak experiences, please see in some youtube video CHAK, KECHAK of Bali, you will find how to CHAK your voice/sound to produce a voice/phonic-offering and share during that meeting, that can be a celebration, if you'll make it so, together.
Another sound to remember, may be:
yang, nggir, yang nggur, yang nggér, yang sirrr.
tit, poung, tit, sirrr,
But those just some Balinese syllables, of a song that can be not Balinese, you are invited to offer your sacred syllable, invented one, in that moment, since sound has no passport if you sing it as music. So hope to share and enjoy together, I'll be there as "servant", guide, or what ever you regard me, i'll try to let you get what you want .... but, remind us a song:" you can't always get what you want. So, may be changing the criteria of satisfaction, with gentle adaptation: you can always get what you want.
As the birds in conference in an opening sunny morning day, for a journey, long or short, a space of Mediterranean festival is offered. Mysteriously, promising something to rejoice. Mystery is incomprehensible as mysteriously we are in it.
When our mind has wings, then like birds will tell us a story of a journey.
Tribuana at Caroman 1
Tribuana at Caroman 2
this link below, a quick look in story telling
Conference of the birds as F.U.Attar wrote, a Persian Sufi master.
here is the text i arrange for public accompany to the presentation at Palazzo Ducale, translated and realization Antonio Cargnello.
(to be updated soon, more information/transformation will be put in coming days)
Tribuana workshop in Montevaso for Grundtvig
Tribuana way, tribuana lessons, tribuana school, tribuana workshop
Tribuana theater of life - Workshop:
"To awaken and to cultivate the expression
of the Three Worlds of human:
Thought, Energy of life, Body "
up dated 5 May 2013
My opinion: in Bali, the actors behave like servants. They serve "something", they bring into life a story, or a character, or an object, which must be honoured. In Tribuana way, an actor also gives life a song, a movement. This means that the story (or other “served thing”) is more important, more interesting, contain higher value than themselves. The story/the “thing” has already a “life”. The “hi-story” includes a better knowledge, wisdom, as well as a natural path (visible or invisible, comprehensible or incomprehensible) to follow, to celebrate, to honour.
In order to reveal this life (this mystery), the actors must mobilize all their resources, their capacity to give life, to re-incarnate those things into performed living presentation.
The work consists to wake up, to be aware, to cultivate and to unify the expression of the three worlds (body, energies of life, and thought) in order to arrive to a total expression through deep solution, cleverly intellectual, scientific and also sharply intuitive, analytical and global at the same time. Of course we cannot always reach those ideal-parameter, but important to be in the path that lead us to ideal destination. To be understood, that a destination will lead to the next one, and so on and on.
The history must be carrying the three natural, creative and generating ingredients:
1. It cultivates the intelligence in a creative way in the way of the harmony; therefore, it must make people more intelligent, a bright clear brain quality.
2. It gives a long life to its essence, its existence will last beyond its presence, longer than its physical life, beyond the emotion, beyond this earthy energy of life.
3. It must have the transforming (magical) effect, it transforms the actor/ the actress, the spectators and the surround (the world, "three worlds")
The field of exploration includes 27 lessons:(from n°: 0-26)
1. Silat Tribuana (based on martial arts from Indonesian Pencak Silat, I translate it as the art of survival). To foresee for this lesson, preferable to dress in white (white trousers and white T-shirt if it is possible). My Silat vocabulary come from memories of my uncle guru silat : I Nyoman Siki (younger brother of my father) in the 1950's, in Denpasar, and later I started Silat PGB Bangau Putih (White Crane Silat of Bogor, Indonesia, Subur Raharja) with Rendra Bengkel Teater Jogjakarta in 1970's, when we were preparing for Macbeth, where i played Macthbeth that time. I continued PGB Bangau Putih with Palisandra Finger , one of the 18 international heirs if PGB from French, designed by Master Subur Raharja, the founder.)
2. Tai Chi Tribuana (awareness of the movements, profound attention, carrying out to the conscience of the physical articulation and energy = chi=prana=Ki in a natural flow). Klick here among some video I made.
3. Chi Kung Tribuana (of the exercises: physical and mental carrying out to the conscience of precious fine yet powerful energy and very subtle which animates life and cosmos)
4. Koukoul Djagat, the work of percussions inspired by the Kodo (Japanese drum) to exert the work a ritualistic manner on rhythm, endurance, force, voices of the Three Worlds. The instrument KodoTribuana must be built. Klick here to see a video.
5. Yoga Tribuana: being in a static posture, to wake up sensitivity and be aware of breathing and sensation, which makes it possible to feel the first natural interior impulse, which carries out an actor to the action and the realization. Yoga tribuana can lead into exposing the statue of your divinity or demonity, vegetal, animal, spirit.
6. Pranayama Tribuana, exercises of breathing; inspiration and expiry of energy (to perceive and try out various kinds of energies);
7. Daily practice of some exercises of Taoist health. This exercise engages: the image, the movement, the sound and mental activities in link with the energy of life such as emotions, the organs of digestion, the 5 elements, the colours... etc). Klick here for a video.
8. TongkatTribuana:The work of the stick; the actors handle the stick and play with by repeating some precisely determined movements. The exercise of the stick is inspired by the martial arts for the aim of warming-up, health maintenance, work in group, meditation, and to awaken the feeling to be "ready to follow" (in the direction where the actor must serve, follows and gives life to a character or a story). The participant invited to bring with them a stick (of wood ) 35 mm in diameter, a length equal to that which separates the feet from the eyebrows (third eye).
9. Mask work. Mask is considered as personal belonging, personal instrument of expression and considered as sacred object. Participants are suggested to bring their personal mask.
A Ritual of taking off a mask: klick here.
10. Puppet, Objects (props), like tools of expression or accessory to tell a history.
11. Work with the musical instrument /percussion
12. Kéchak: The story of kechak from Bali was a vocal chorus of all the villagers who take part in this dance/ trance of Bali, for goal to move away the contagious mortal diseases, negative/ destructive energy, or the natural disaster who threaten to destroy the life of the people, animal or vegetal. This "chorus/ dance" in Sanghyang “dance ritual” from Bali, will give the possibility to the actors to work on the voice, on the collective rhythms, on the conscience and the energy of the group. It is a work on the harmonization, wakes up personal cosmic energy in a group for cures, for joy, for healthiness, for happiness of the life. Nowadays, this Kechak dance has become a very popular tourist attraction.
Here kechak use in film BARAKA
Kechak as public animation
As choreographic research
As trance dance of Bali tradition:
13. Ethnic music. The actor is moved, danced and by ethnic music, by singing songs from various countries could be developed into improvisation. Ethnic song as theme of improvisation for movement and story to improvise. The sound of an ethnic instrument carries ethnic treasure, ancient seeds to taste and to grow.
14. Bayu Swara, a work on the sacred syllables - the sound – personal inner voice: to find, to give birth to a syllable each day. A syllable corresponds to a sound and is made up of only one vowel and 1 to 4 consonants. The progression of this work, the composition of the syllable, develops in such a way that the first day syllable will give birth to the syllable of the second day; the syllable/ the reality of the second day gives life to the syllable/reality of the third day, etc.To feel the "magic power" of sacreed syllable is to recite it repeatedly, to "che" it well, to move it in the body in an intense meditative way/celebration; space, time and situation/micro climate of working space is determinat parameter for the awakening of tha magic power.
15. Autumn leaves or crystal thought tribuana. To meditate on (to contemplate) short sentences which are to be regarded as the crystal of the thought, fruits of contemplation. To reflect and exchange opinions, to discuss subject/ problem in a group, all these activities are the field where the thought can be cultivated and involved in order to produce a common theatrical language, a common creation based on common understanding/comprehension, clarify the common destination/goal in action.
Here some video i made in french
Cristal thought in english-text
Cristal thought in Italian, english, spanish, french
16. A work in the group and on the group: aware of oneself being member of a group, to remember, serving the centre of the common interest of the group, it is necessary to know "the magic and mysterious thing which binds us together", to feel the common energy, the common impulse/ common intension, which will give rise (realise) a story to tell, which will be then shared publicly. Aware of one common “thing/energy/story” to develop; at the same time the actors remain open, alert, sincere, essential, therefore simple and direct. To understand/to comprehend "theatrically" is to be, is an action (with or without accessory) of a definite comprehension/interpretation that being expressed in a living way. A tribuanic-actor who says, "I understood", they must be able to make it, to carry out their comprehension into action.
17. A work on improvisation, common creation, that relate with the work in/on a group. In this work 3 steps must be considered well: 1, knowing/comprehending the participants, 2, creating a common theatrical language and 3, choosing/working on “subject” in common to serve/to feed it together that link the member of the group, that must be honoured, that is more important then themselves during that improvisation.
18. Story telling, story which are told by participants, or by myself, who will give place then to improvisations. To find a common language to explore and build together. To give life to a story consists in finding together the inner impulse of the story inside us, a work where the sharing is experienced.
19. TOTEM Tribuana A totem is a material composition, in tribuanic manner which one develops by adding object/something to the previous composition; the work is like feeding everyday reality. Totem will be visited any moment, could be presented the last day of the workshop in open door session. The totem can be personal or collective. The totem can be made inside or outside in the nature. A totem can find its origin or/and initiated by a place or by an idea, which needs objects to make it real. It is a work to find the spirit of the objects, the energy of a place, the magic of a building, a charismatic present.
20. TRIPASS. When the spirit of the totem concentrates on a piece of paper, it becomes an image, a drawing in one page and series of syllable in the next page, which is built with the passing days by daily adding a form or a line of colour and a sacred syllable. It is what is called: the Compact Disk of the personal identity or Diskette or Tribuana Passport (Tripass).
21. An introduction to ritual, by honouring the instruments of work, workspace and environment. A place where we work will be called and transform into:DO JO in Japanese way or MARGA PURA in Balinese words. The place is regarded as a place where one cultivates a way of life/a path of life, cultivate a way / manner of being. Each one takes care the place of work, and share/ participate its maintenance, to clean it, to put it in order before and after the work together. The preparation Marga Pura is depend on the work/lesson to come, and it will develops the work of group and awaken the sense of awareness and responsibility.
22. Bayu Panah, is inspired by Kyu-Do of Japanese ceremonial archery. This work needs bow (Japanese bow of bamboo ideally) and arrow and target, or we may use elastic to replace the present of bow. Students need to bring those instruments. There are some sequences of movement to be repeated every time in a ceremonial and intense-concentrate way. Total awareness is to be developed.
23. Questionnaire-Tribuana: working on expression (in writing) of three parts of life-time: PAST (what are your ancestral heritage, c.v, education, important workshop being done, important accident, past important experiences); Present (job for living, what are you doing now in present living-time, what do you like to explore among 26 "lessons"); FUTURE (what are you like to be in the future, your dreams, your ideal goal in life .... have the courage and sincerity to express not being afraid or shy to write if your were able or not able to reach it).
The past will make you sure to be present, and the future will attrack the present, hopefully with joy, naturally. For that, there are work to do, to find, to create together. Describing what you carry, is opening oneself to others? How much, how deep, what part of you is being opened-shared (please take off the judgement beforehand). To know others is wisdom, to know oneself is awareness/illumination. Little opening, little sharing. Superficial opening (expression) = superficial sharing (perception). Questionnaire must be sent by mail before the workshop to me, so I can accompany participants to prepare the "meeting", and to serve better each other. This lesson n°23 naturally will lead the creation of lesson n° 25: Post Notes tribuana in progression/ evolution, step by step, as Quest TB too.
24. Dialogue (Mekekawin) with Tapa, mirroring, personal exchange, speak about your personal question, personal quest, or speak and work about whatever you feel that Tapa can be useful for you. Not an obligation, but Tapa would like to honor your present and exchange opinion, hint of life, work on specific subject. What to be said during dialogue or multilogue is in preference to do it with attitude of "offering", to offer a sentence, a speach, with awareness that others will accept it or not. This attitude was ispired by my Balinese tradition: mehatur = to offer = also means to speak. ... Time of Dialogue, to be decided during the workshop during the pose/break.
25. Post-note tribuana. This field/lesson tribuana was born after Easter Retreat at Casa Natura Alpenise, Cima Grappa, Italia, 28 march-1 april 2013.
26. Gerak nuraga, Olah Nuraga, Gerak Pranatman, ... Microcosmic dance ?
This field to explore as lesson, as exercise, as ritual, as food, tribuana food, seems to me came from my past research in Jogyakarta, with Bengkel Teater Rendra, that time, 1970, Bengkel called it "Gerak Indah" = "Artistic/beautiful movement" for the first groups, and then with Rendra's second group we explored "Gerak Nurani", Inner voice movement. In my memories, may be i have introduced and have done exploration on this work in Athens, in an archelogical ancient ruin, late afternoon before sundown, with tribuana participants. For this work space climate/ambience is important as part of the guide. Every participants will bloom their atmic-bud, grain, in their own spring time. To start this work , we need to initiate it from lesson n° 0: Prep, a kind of Zero state mind meditation. Vegetarian is a step to maintain, and has been started before, to purify the fine inner impulse that open-spring a posture, into movement, into voice, into image, into word .. sentences ... it is a celebration. The 5 vows is mastering the moment. The criteria of cosmic symphony is being formed at that very moment, in evolution, togetherness. (to be continued)
It is impossible to do all these 27 lessons (0-26) during the workshop, but we may explore and taste each of it during the first 2 days, and then you are free to work deeper on one or some of them. How? We will decide it together with the time, space, and instruments.
In a retreat tribuana (different from workshop tribuana) participants will actively participate the cooking of the "lesson" to invited. Together prepare the food, cleaning and preparing the space, the instruments of the work to bring and to share, ..... together to open to share, step by step. Please be aware of the ripeness of your opening, the manner how to link with others, observe the means, understand the aim (step by step), examine the criteria of satisfaction (of right or wrong momentarily);
If the theatre is the "diamond of the life", its goal should be to crystallize the experience of life into luminous shared memory. Memory creates vocabulary, language and instruments of expression. By awaken and cultivating the expression of the "three worlds" (tribuana = body, energy, thought), we follow the way of the harmony with nature, adapting their reality to the needs of the space, time and situation. Situation, micro climate that we create together.
An actor (Tri Buana) must be in good health (tribuanicly), in the way of harmony, in order to be able to animate the story (which animates them) and to offer it to the public that came to share the authentic account of the hi-story.
Brahman signifies the imperishable supreme. The realm of the SELF is the pure clear liberated essence of ones being. To ACT is to be on the way of the manifestation of the creative process, which leads the invisible BEING to existence.
Inspired by Bhagavad Gita, song VIII, 3.
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