I did 2 presentations for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo di Davide Ferrari.
1. at Palazzo Rosso of Maria Brignole Sale
10th September 2013, 19h30.
Davide Ferari make a program, in a name: "Kechak Experience", by that name, Theater Tribuana of Life has a chance to honor my Balinese ritualistic tradition, sacred and profane, in an historical palace of patrimoine mondial de l'humanité de l'UNESCO. declared in 13 july 2006.By the permission (i hope) of Maria Brignole Sale, virtually, which the statue i saw in the right side as you enter the palazzo Rosso, I try to honor all present: the palace, the public, my imported element: sacered or profane in harmony with the theme of the festival that time.
Assisted by Antonio Cargnello, from Teatro Invisibile di Padova, he specially came by his means to joint this celebration, tribuana celebration, i feel the present of another member of tribuana-family, since he has done and organized and did many workshop Tribuana in the past, since 2006. To honor your present is to make present in action your tribuana "friends" = members, that you consider are essential in that moment of action. In the word "friend" there are tribuana value of tribuana elements to consider: means, aim, criteria of satisfaction.
The presentation of Kechak experiences was help being composed that present day by Davide Ferrari and all his devoted good will staff, to quote their name with whom i was familiarly in action/work : in order of my meeting time with them: Luca Borrelli who took me in Milano Airport by his Ducato to Genova, Zine El Abidine Larhfiri carried my 2 luggages up to the hotels, first one night stay, after I move to an apart at vico della Croce Bianca, Sabrina Barbieri coordinator, Natascia Clemente 20 years experienced Genova guide tour, Daniele Adrianopoli the sound system man that help me in fixing sacred virtual vertical-pole of the 3 worlds at middle space of Palazzo Rosso, Guido Sarpero helpful staff technic, Kasun Marashina took me to Milano Airport on 16 September with his rented Citroen, together with Abdenbi El Gadari, Gnawa of Marocco traditional singer internationally performed.
During my present in Genova from 8-16 September 2013, i stayed with Antonio Cargnello (9-16) at 13 vico della Croce Bianca, 3rd floor at apart of GHETT'ART in front of a Mosque with late night screaming of drunken quarrel, breaking bottles ......
How did that experiences run?
I don't understand all what i have done and what i will do and what i am doing at the moment. That state of being cheer me as mystery surprises, sacred or profane is in action in the present work. Observer can say "i like, i understand, i don't like, i don't understand etc, it is a freedom to suffer and to enjoy. Hope all that can give lessons of life that last long, for the benefice of all.
After Davide Ferrari speech, as usual in presentation of festival, I try to honor the statue of the "owner?" of Palazzo Rosso, her sacred spirit that we need to make her present, by asking short description from Natascia Clemente (in surprise was present with her daughter Irene as spectator)
di Palazzo Rosso Genova
back yard of the Palazzo Rosso
where was performed the fire of Sanghyang Balinese Tribuana Ritual
done by participants of Kechak Experiences 10 september 2013
Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo
In the middle space, link to the circle part of tribuana logo, to explore and celebrate emotional expression of the three worlds, to honor the mystery of life energy, where the kechak experience will be performed together with the "generous participants". I am aware of their effort to come, to buy ticket, offering their time-present, comprehension and voice in action. The set is 3 wooden platforms covered by black carpet, set in triangle around the axe that link sky and earth, we can see through because of its open top and a square glass bottom in the center. The fourth platform was waited on the border , in one side of the square inner yard. With Davide and festival's staff we fix the triangle form, and I keep in my mind an opening to be able to bring the fourth inside the space, from triangle to create a square, to honor 4 cardinal points, in concordance with the form of the space.
Ah, that day the afternoon was sprinkled by rain but the presentation was good clear weather.
Kechak experience, tribuana theater of life, for Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo 2013, is created together as an happening, Balinese tradition inspiration, with intension open mind public participation.
The habitual "show" form in the program of the festival are a lot. My offering, 2 presentations, in this festival is an inter-active presentation. This is what tribuana theater of life starts initiating internationally now in this occasion, thanks to Davide, to all kind staff, to rich heritage of the past "noble" human quality created palazzo in Genova, to participants: human, animal, nature, space, means that present at that moment, to honor, to consider, to celebrate together. Awareness of surrounding participation is to prevent our ignorance. There are choice to make, which one to take as determinant consideration.
ha haaa, the Greek proverb said:" When man (human) makes program, GODs laugh".
Le mystère est incompréhensible puis qu'il nous a compris dedans.
There are parts of tribuana presentation are being programed, there are space for the invisible, the unknown (not understood by human "square proved" thought/mind). To accept both (comprehensible and incomprehensible, the programed an the not-programed), and to set that in mind as the initial steps is to be in the way of the nature, naturally. There are part of human endeavor, there are part of nature mysteriously. How NATURE participate? Hmmm, to be natural till that point, may be some life time is needed, if we believe in re-incarnation in Hindu way.
I ask public to choose color in mind. I have set on 3 platform 6 color-tissue in couple: black&white, blue&green, red&yellow. The public then directed to their choice, yes their choice to be able to follow "my" choice, ah tribuana choice in that improved moment of improvisation.
Entering the inner middle space of Palazzo Rosso:
in this middle court, a space was axe by open sky and glass floor in the center where we can "sonder" -"sounding it out" the profound basement of your consideration. Before the presentation, i was lying down with Daniele Adrianopoli (our sound engineer) on the glass floor, a moment as sharing, 30 seconds Savasana yoga posture.
When they sat on the platform, i start introducing elements, voice elements of Balinese Kechak, they start singing, hands-arm gesturing, standing, first with my proposition. The ideal, is later they propose sound and movements in group, their group; for now ther are only 3 groups.
I did a video in youtube on my idea about Kechak poly-rhythmic before my coming to Genova. Please klick this link.: KECHAK TRIBUANA
In this video you watch the first kechak rhythm design.
There are moment the group stand and make a circle.
As I feel it is impossible to ask more of their participation to move other platform (the 4th) on the border of the space, to make 4 square platform space, so i can awaken the life in symbolic image i made in the last article in this blog dedicated to this Mediterraneo Festival of Music, also see above picture, I install my criteria of satisfaction till that point of reality, till that point of satisfaction to enjoy modestly together. Further, personal time and imagination will grow their experiences, i hope.
Then, we moved from here, from the circle part of tribuana logo to the third space, the triangle part of tribuana logo, the thought expression, steps (ladder) to spiritual realm and mystery. The second space was program form 3 point, to 4 , to 5 (5 organs) into circle of life.
Some one who dare to participate in fixing the set, the idea in tribuana way will get joy and suffer from transformation of the reality. The decider is the mystery of being together willing to celebrate together the moment present. This present is a PRESENT. (regalo as Italian said so)
When some one said to me, Tapa, I don't understand why you ......., then I said: "ha haa, me too, I don't understand the will of the present moment, nature will decide, it is depend on the grandness of our nature. Mother earth support all what happen on her top. Be aware when earth meets sky together, hm mmm, see,what they can do.
In the middle space, where sky and earth meet interiorly, listen to the inner voice, in chak chak chak of yang nggir yang nggur yang nggér yang sirrrrrr, etc. we try to be open to the will of the 2, sky and earth, idea and reality, leading us to a celebration, personal, communal, depend how much & deep you can listen. The mysterious murmur of sound of kamasutra, bayu swara, will make sound & voice as mirror of our profound penetration to the core of "thing".
Unfortunately can become fortunately, when imagination of participant will be continued by their mind awareness, articulated by intelligent of interpretation, realize into a performance with the present means.
In the third parts, we honor the spirit of femininity of the mind, the female of the spirit, by inviting the female goddess spirit of Sanghyang, Kechak Sanghyang of Bali in the back yard of Maria Brignole Sale of Palazzo Rosso. Then I open the box of my Balinese mask, Topeng putri, to introduce mask ritual and short moment of dance with angklung music from Bali of 4 notes only, usually used in cremation ceremony. Why that music? I don't know, before, but now while writing this article, I understood more that "why", because, at the end of the presentation, public will burn piece of paper where there written by them ... (their bad habit they want to burn away, etc).
During the preparation in the afternoon, Davide was mentioning my work on Tongkat, as master of martial art, then Luca Borrelli find and cut me wooden stick to perform TONGKAT (art? the length of the wood stick must be as long as distance from feet/ground to third eye (mid eye brow).
Tongkat is one of my creation among 27 lesson of tribuana.
Luca also found the fire bowl so we can perform Fire ritual. Fire of third eye, fire of creation, light of knowledge. The fire bowl is install in the center upper stage, with 3 radiate lines of cord radiate to the center: they are 3 color: black, pinky red, yellow. The glory of fire in the center is representing Brahma, leading to Brahman the creator; the fire ritual at the end of presentation are done by participants after Tongkat introduction, is the burning white A4-paper, that we offer to participants, where there are written their "bad habit" to be cremated in the fire, ideally with the song rhythm of kechak experience they have done in the middle chamber.
This 2 photos below was offered by Gloria a spectator from Holland?, she is in blue with white neck-holder, a dedicated spectator made it that night.
The Balinese masked lady I danced that night supposed to suggest the present of lady goddess Sanghyang ...... or Lady Maria Brignole Sale? ...hmmm i don't know, I don't understand ... as actor Tribuana , that moment acted by something alive that surround the "me" that act. What & who is the guide for an actor? I quote Bhagavad Gita, chapter 8:phrase 3, text on Brahman, see text further below.
Thanks to Gloria for these 2 photo you did, how to make the past present as a present, and find it lessons.
The Conference of the birds of Farid Uddin Attar
as it is mentioned so,
is a presentation where i am proposing also Tribuana way of life in theater of life.
The happy sacred moment of 16 september 2013 at Palazzo Ducale, is the last part where i can have 3 participants and Antonio Cargnello to perform the reading of the text of THE SIMORGH, on the circle stage limited by marble frame from the spectator. hmmm what a great cage.
Then when reading, they move from frontal line position facing public, to square position so two girls see two boys facing themselves, and the reading is closed/finished in that square position of understanding, so each other can see themselves in ONEself, mirroring each other to see better the worlds surrounding in oneself; then I enter to make 5 elements meeting, suggesting five organs, 5 element PANCHA MAHA BUTHA: earth, water, fire, air, ether, or
metal, water, wood, fire, earth as the Taoist Elements
that linked the five-couple-digestive-organs in human body:
1:lung&big intestines,
2:kidney and bladder,
3:liver &; gall bladder,
4:heart& small intestine
5:stomach&; pancreas+spleen;
that five organs relate to 5 colors: white, blue/black, green, red, yellow/brown;
the 5 colors links to 5 couple emotions: sadness & courage, gentleness & fear, anger & goodness, love/joy & hate, being centered & anguish/uncertainty.
curious? klick herehttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-DK5sz7HS0Jo/TConW0SsuLI/AAAAAAAABos/M26SDYCkpdo/s720/TribuanaTao5EList003.jpg
In this conference, assisted by translation of Antonio Cargnello, when i speak English or French, but time to time Tribuana way make me speak Italian ...ha haa, it is an incomprehensible adventure...
Thanks to little sala di Palazzo Ducale, here below some images:
To help the story continue, the way go on in public mind, so "something" can last long, long life, an offering in form of information is needed to accompany the public that come, paying 10 Euros entrance, giving their time, their silence, their attention, their caring-present that feed the "show?", to make the presentation go further beyond its own presentation,
me and Antonio arrange a 2 pages text that Saturday morning (most shop and photocopy closed), he managed to make it, 50 copies, in an internet Bangladesh shop, near where we stay, near vico delle Croce Bianca in Genova.
here it is:
For the presentation of the "conference" at Palazzo Ducale, (Saturday the 14th september 2013, 16h00 in the afternoon good time to go to the beach at that day sun was bright), I made puppets bird with plastique water bottles, wood stick, papers, and papers cut into slice attached in a small stick, where there written wise-word of life that i distribute to the public at the end of the presentation, as offering, as my Balinese tradition lay on my way of life. Theory, religious teaching must always be re-up-dated. Celebrating creativity, using objets, sound, music, words, crystal thought, it is so, Balinese use many many "things" in their tradition. Ritual, praying, sacred act, profane act is fed by sound of gamelan, decorated offering made with vegetal, animals, minerals,... dance, singing, reciting mantra, incantation sacred syllable. In Islam mosque, Christian church, Jewish synagogue, Buddhist temple, Hindu temple in Bali or in India, each has their own climate, their own ambience, their way to accomplish final goal: how to die. What is the sacred ambience? How to absorb its essence, how to observe it appearance?
Theater of life explore it.
Our 5 instruments of perceptions, human's "hands" to comprehend reality, are to open, to master what to take, what to ignore. How is the sacred become profane? and vice-versa?
here is a story of my life in Genova during the second day of my staying, first day move to the apart in vico della Croce Bianca. In an occasion of a lunch time, a generous mother, Italian mother offer us her delicious penne, generously, with pleasure. As she offer to much on my plate, I can not finish it, so I keep it, covered by certain way of care I put it on top of a self on the wall of the kitchen. Most of the people habit in wasted productive life, food not finished eaten is thrown away. When some guest asked, why so? I simply said:"as i learnt in my Balinese tradition, food is sacred, so to be put up above in a clean place to honor its presence, as it enter into the stomach, it becomes profane; i kept it there so it can be eaten later, in a way to prolong the present of the cooker, the creator, longer then her present".
Material return to earth, spirit to sky.
When I was a child, in Bali, I was born in village called: banjar Pemedilan Denpasar in 1945;
In the 1950's, after my mother finish cooking around 11 in the morning, she asked me to make offering, many little offering made of banana leaves with whatever she cooked that day, like a bit of rice, salt, bit of vegetable, not meat, because we have rarely meat protein, expensive, so all that little offering to be put in an important place of the house, with a gesture of offering that become the basic gesture of Balinese dance; As offering also put on the yard, the entrance of the house, in the kitchen, books, temple, shrine, ..... animal of our house as: chicken, dogs, cock, free birds, ....eat the offering. Where are God or Demon that consume our offering? hmmmm. In our mind!!! We, human who create all that Demon, that Gods, by one or millions, by this or that way, good or evil is initiate in our mind. So mind you to awaken in you, that will remind what your interest, what is living in you.
In Bhagavad Gita is written, whatever the last image before your death, that will be your destination, spirit way. As Krishna reveal again and again the eternal teaching:
All mortal beings are called Adhibhoota, and various expansions of the Supreme Being are called Adhidaiva or Divine Beings. I am Adhiyajna residing as Ishvara in all beings, O Arjuna. (See also 18.61) (8.04)
One who remembers Me exclusively, even while leaving the body at the time of death, attains the Supreme Abode; there is no doubt about it. (8.05)
Whatever object one remembers as one leaves the body at the end of life, that object is attained. Thought of whatever object prevails during one's lifetime, one remembers only that object at the end of life and achieves it. (8.06)
So to act in life, to do, is to make action become Karma, here is chapter 8:3 of Bhagavad Gita that I use as one of acting reference:
Lord Krishna said: Brahman is the Supreme Being or Sat that always exists. The basic nature of Brahman is called Adhyātma. The creative power of Brahman that causes expansion of all beings is called Karma. (8.03)
So to act in creative way to take mirror from creative power of Brahman the ORIGIN, the Supreme Creator, that THE ONE to be honored, to search, to find, to joint, to unit, like the story of ATTAR birds in conference, as illustrated by the story of the moth/flying insect/butterfly unit with the flame of the candle.... the one who enter into the candle flame, become one with the fire, knows what is that flame that produce light; only them who "know", but unfortunately they can not tell us, since they has disappear in the light. dis-appear in the light.
Further on Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita:
I shall briefly explain the process to attain the Supreme goal which the sages who are freed from attachment achieve; and desiring which people lead a life of celibacy.
When one leaves the physical body by controlling all the senses, focusing the mind on God and bringing the inhalation to the top of the head, (8.12)
while meditating on Me (the grand Grand ME) and uttering AUM, the sacred sound of Brahman attains the Supreme goal. (8.13)
I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by the firm minded yogi who always thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)
After attaining Me, the great souls do not incur rebirth in this miserable world because they have attained the highest perfection. (8.15)
The dwellers of all the worlds below the world of Brahmā, the creator are subject to the miseries of repeated birth and death. But, after attaining Me, O Arjuna, one does not take birth again. (See also 9.25) (8.16)
Those who know that the duration of creation lasts 4.32 billion solar years and that the duration of destruction also lasts 4.32 billion solar years, they are the knowers of the cycles of creation and destruction. (See also 9.07) (8.17)
For Kechak experience at Palazzo Rosso, I create tree, a tribuana tree with leaves of reflection, as proverb, wise word from daily life, from book of wisdom. Hundreds of them in Italian, English and French. Public can make question, and try to find answer in that leaves of tribuana tree. What is written there is human words. Hope, by your intelligence, there always a link to what you are searching, as sentences of Tao Te Ching propose.
Sorry, forget to make some picture.
At the end, in the conference of Attar birds, at Palazzo Ducale, the Public ask for that "birds" I made; so their demand gives me idea that I totally agree and in joy to let them go with.....
bye bye, fly away, bon voyage, the journey is go on and on .... to reveal, discover, to find oneself in others.
The "conference" start after Davide speech 15h30,
the starting was from 16h00 to 17h00, I must make it sharp on time (more less) not to stretch long, because the next program, is directly chained, continue to documentary film, so i must take all my junks (props, theatrical props, story telling instruments) to make the space clean for the next program 17h00-18h00, and after to Koffi Koko dance voudou of Benin, 18h00 - ...
We ponder, what left after a presentation? after an experience?? After doing something, after thinking, after experiencing, after feeling, after seeing, ... ?
Here a reference from Bhagavan Vyasa, the composer of Mahabharata, he said to the child, to whom the story was told,
"after listening this story of Mahabharata, of you, of your ancestors, the story will awaken and sharpen your intelligence, you will be transform into another person, that give you long life references/lessons of life. "
So, in whatever we do in life, if we try to use these 3 parameter, you may find the benefice of light that open to light-clear-sight of your way....may be, as your perception and interpretation allow you, even though some can not be understood, thanks, we are aware being embrace by mystery. A state of stupefaction (of bewilderment) is an ecstasy to be taken free from this earthly life, just for a lightning instance, a forgetful forgiveness of our ignorance, .... of illumination ???
Photos of The street where I stay during the festival:
This article is never finish, to be revise, will be revisited by the writer (me) to rewrite, to grow as the living thing is keep growing, even deadly matter transforms itself by time, to give an up-dated meaning by the growing means. So please don't fix it in mind, what I wrote above, for all sentences all words has its own freedom to grow beyond their creator, what I mean is depends on the means, the props, the material of what its made of, ahhh... as soon i finish writing, what i mean is already out of time, the past is not present anymore. To make it present, the past must marry with the future in present. You see, I am already lost myself in word. The light of the mind, as you listen them in sound in your voice, I ask myself:"what left? ??" The incense burning in the temple says: I am cremated burnt myself to offer you my light & smell. The candle in the church burn its matter(body, material) to offer its light; if it has, also, its smell to enhance the visiter's spirit in meditation, in praying. See you next time in the future....
Montreuil, France, friday, 20 september 2013, 12h37