lundi 17 février 2014

Marga Pura, way to I am sharing in celebration

updated 22 march 2014, 09:33
Open to sky open to earth
when its (two) meet together, it can be infinitely a living radiation
like the sleeping-number 8 
infinitely all directions

Marga = way
Pura = Temple
The way to the temple, a way to a temple, my way to my own inner temple, may all find their way to their temple of eternal present.
oOMm Awignam astu nama siddhi buddhi buddhayam.
May all be in honorable way of health of the 3 worlds of human essential elements, in the way of magic power of survival, to serve a creative harmonious commune creation, for celebration in natural harmony. Open to the sky, open to the earth, way from ancestor to earth is a life time cultivation, a life time agriculture in this very dearest field that we carry in our body. This body of human, animal, vegetal, mineral contain energy, energy can become spirit, spirit animated matter. What the matter?! Is it matter or not. It doesn't matter. Yes it is a matter of fact, of real "thing", mysteriously the word already play in us, that we pretend to articulate word, mastering word that borrow a way through your brain to be pro-nounced by mouth, your mouth as if my mouth, the mouth of word's spirit, word's atomic energy is a chain reaction with unlimited link....if our awareness, knowledge, consciousness is also unlimited.
Opening a way together and walk in together, opening a field and work together, what grain to cultivate? One's own grain, that what one carry. Two grain meet and married and produced. There are grain that can not produced whet they meet together. Then possibility is limitless: war, discussion, concert, dance and sing together....let put a word / a name on this happening: "celebration".

Ah sorry please don't go to celebrity. Let the word celebration be offered for a temple, here I offer you a piece of my Balinese tradition, as I try to remember temple celebration Hindu Bali Animist temple of my ancestor temple, pura Penambangan Badung, Puri Pemecutan, Denpasar Bali. Please klick here to see video PEMELASPAS ALIT CANDI IBU of ceremony /celebration of my ancestor temple in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia; (IBU=mother). In this video, made by Made Wijaya (Michael White, Australian garden designer settle in Bali) and he is doing comment too.

A ceremony, a celebration in Bali contain: offering made in a beautiful symbolic way with natural element but now nature has grows to artificial, music, movement/dance, trance, sacred text (mantra, pray), clean-sacred dress so it look beautiful for human eyes, even statue is being dressed, that will awaken in us an interpretation: actors, creative actor of life awaken spirit that sleep in "dead matter" /(dead body). After the ceremony, you see the King speak giving "his essence of reflection". He speak high Balinese and Indonesia, the essence what he says (I translate some of them), the King said: "You may take anything you want, you may eat what you want with mouth, eyes, ears, perceive with five senses all around you and please do take care not consider/take a peanut that you see far away as a mountain" He is the actual King now in palace Pemecutan with name: IDA COKORDA PEMECUTAN XI / A.A. NGURAH MANIK PARASARA, SH.
He was in the same classe with me in elementary school in the 1950's at Pemecutan Denpasar Bali  Indonesia. Now I realize that memory is need to be updated in other to joint, to link with life correctly.
He speak also about celebration with OGOH OGOH for NYEPI, Balinese New Year, Year Caka, NYEPI (in silence). 5 march 2011 = 1933 Balinese year Caka. In that celebration, there are preliminary celebration with ogoh ogoh, all possible manifestation of your inner "demon" in statue to be carried in precession. Modern eyes see may be a giant nude human statue with erected sex organ as pornography, terrible face of a demoniac expression, figure from Mahabharata or Ramayana, and other dirty image is allowed to be manifested and celebrated that day. Awaken good interpretation in mind! For the next day will be "silence". Silence will link with immobility, no activity, and for that day little island of Bali no car traffic in the street, no fire being lit, so no cooking, food is prepared the day before. Further information about Nyepi is here, to klick.

So to celebrate Nyepi in Bali, to be in silence and immobile on physical movement, like in Japanese ZA ZEN. This habit, this tradition tell us to start a creation, is being prepared with, cleaning, purification so let all the dirty bad things from inner flow out. Passing your life time in pose, no action yet in action, that is the mystery of departing a creative process.

So to joint this Marga Pura, what do we need to prepare before coming and be in the way , just for 3 days. The deeper you prepare before day of "work-share" (instead of "workshop", to prevent the mind doing shopping and go away, its done), the deeper you will gain the fruits of your work that can last longer, awaken divine(scientific) intelligent and it can transform you, your daily action, habit, character, destiny. So here we see the path of our logic way, in mind way, that destiny must start from a right spirit, right mind, right thought, ...rolls and flows to action, habit, character, destiny. It is along way, one life is not enough.

immobility in silence is all.
make it so
and LET US make it ssSSOooo.

So we have no other choice but to take care accurately our life time, if you feel and think so. In any moment of our day there must be a moment of quiet, silence and immobile, it can be in metro (imobility to try), it can be in a cave on a hill (silence and immobility will be equilibrated), during washing the dishes in the kitchen: silence in mind yet do in action accurately, ... you see creativity never ended in interpretation, as long as we are flowing like river.

The silence and the immobility of a river is flowing. The bridge flow, the river stagnate/stop.

Retreat Tribuana in the way of Marga Pura (way to one own temple) is a work on your way of life,  your own characteristic expression, way to your own nature to express in words/ in mind, in energy of life/emotion, in movement/body.

What will be the work?
You choose what you want to explore in yourself, in your expression to be channel in :
  1. movement, or 
  2. voice, rythme, music, or 
  3. thought/words/text.
For to serve well those 3 essential, fundamental part of human body, energy, thought and spirit, we need its own necessary property, instrument, accessories.

Expressivity can be in words, design, picture, object composition, percussion, rhythm, games, work with object, ....  etc.
Tribuana propose 27 fields to explore, it can be theatrical or just normal life expression.

Who can participate,
Anybody can do participate Marga Pura retreat, you need not to be actor, or whatever you are, as long as you are open, interest in doing something about your self, alone and/or with others.

How does it will be programmed?
There can be work on exercise alone, and exercise with others.
In movement, it can be done with or without music;

The first period, first third time of workshop ill be working on preparation to know others a bit, to know the menu of the work to do,. The goal for this first third period of time is to be at ease with others, the space and time table to be programmed together, the chosen 27 Tribuana fields.

The second period, second third time, is to enter to the choice of the work, the exercise you have chosen. Activity is in crescendo toward a climax.

The third period/last period is preparation on celebrating it together, sharing them together with others. It can be a presentation of work, theatrical of any form you prefer, you feel at ease to share what you have done.

Any difficulties you encounter during the work, Tapa Sudana as a "guide and servant" will be with you. But don't take my words as it is as a dead hint, words is growing when it is spread, especially in spring time with the spirit of resurrection. ! !!!

Ritual is daily meal.

Introduction into "to be in vegetal way of behavior".
It is important also to consider the food we eat. Being vegetarian for the period of retreat, even start few days, few moths, few ... before.

In the awareness of the food and energy and mind to be consumed, will lead us to a style of vegetal life. What does it means, What is the realization of this vegetal way of life?

Tree will inspired and teach us.

We will have many time to speak and explore it together. The magic of food, the magic of sound, the magic of words, the magic of images enter through eyes ........ sound into ears stereo listening and see twice from in and out,  to speak at least once by one mouth.

Speak to a person human with language, "speak" to animal, to tree, to object (then object become living spirit) merit to be treated as .... ? ???

Tapa try to accompany you as far as you open yourself in work, in expression to share a possible solution of what you find as difficulties.

Tapa is not offering you a guaranty in solving problem, we try to find it together step by step; there are work on parameter to find, for a possible solution;

Please do see Master and student consideration Tribuana.

To understand what is "that" or "thing" or "some one":
  1. examining the means, the instrument
  2. how does it work.
  3. what is the aim
  4. what is the criteria of right or wrong, good or bad, satisfaction references.
How to continue the work after the workshop?
Yes that is to find out during the workshop. What you wish to continue, ask Tapa how to develop it alone. Anyway, there will be a continuity of link in mail, skype (my skype name: tapasudana from Montreuil), or any other internet chat possible. Tapa is open till post time workshop / work-share;

A questionnaire Tribuana will help to prepare better running of the work, of your personal work that you want to explore during the retreat Marga Pura. So do send your quest to organizer and to me directly. In the quest Tribuana there are :

  1. expression of your wish, what you want to be in the future, ideally; important to express even if you think that you may not get it in future reality, but worth to honor in mind, in your imagination. 
  2. Your present activities, work, daily important work, determinant element. 
  3. Your past, as much as you open to "the tribuana quest", is your mirror of opening to others, that will be the mirror of what you will gain: openness = entrance. Knowing more/less, gaining more/less.
Judging is not what we deal with, during the retreat; All established value is being in question, being interrogated, to be adjusted. Do take care, whoever hold on preference will stuck in their way or in their spot. Spot >>> stop.

Pondering, wondering, wandering, yes. Doing and experimenting is the action, the work to do. Sharing is a direction and important aim to consider in action. Sharing is like making music together in a joy of celebration, celebration to enjoy;

Ritual is doing "exercise, action regularly, daily with the a sense of sacred, deal with spirit of "thing" you do.
(text to be continued)

samedi 1 février 2014

je sens et j'agis, ou je comprends et je fais, une partage voie Tribuana avec rituel, vers célébration

Le clic chez l'humain qui déclenche et impulse le démarrage de l'action,
"je sens et j'agis, 
 je comprends et je fais".

quand et où ?
pour le moment, 
VOICI L'ADRESSE DE LA SALLE où je vous propose de nous rencontrer avec la voie Tribuana
jeudi, de 10h à 12h: 20, 27  mars, 3 avril 2014
Maison de quartier Gérard Rinçon
30 rue Ernest Savart à Montreuil.
C'est une rue qui croise l'avenue de la résistance, elle est accessible depuis la mairie (bus 322, deuxième arrêt... ou bus 115 direction porte des lilas deuxième arrêt aussi) ou depuis la place de la croix de chavaux, en remontant l'avenue de la résistance (bus 122),2.437019,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47e66d423fbe0755:0xe9f2d4737cf2a386

voyez aussi des lien ci dessous:
s'évolue de GYM TRIBUANA
en prévoyant aussi de créer cercle de reflexion sur BHAGAVAD GITA et phrase de sagesse humain du monde sur terre bleue que nous soignons ensemble.

De quoi parle-t-on pour trouver la solution d'un choix déterminante importante. Important, bien sur "chose" important" qui te portera, jusqu'à combien de temps, et qu'il y a-t-il dans la chose qui porte?
Une fois que je sens "la chose" qui me porte, je marche, je roule, je m'habitue dans des exercices et action quotidienne? De temps en temps je pose des questions, tel exercice ou tel action répété porte-il des éléments de rituel? Rituel, des acte d'accomplissement qui contient de l'esprit, parfums de spiritualité. L'exercice qui se transmet d'une génération à plusieurs génération constituent une tradition, avec ses costume, ses musique ses danses, danse personnelle ou danse de groupe, danse de société. Il y dedans de l'amusement, de partage, de rituel, de célébration, honorer l'esprit qui s'incarne dans tout les manifestation; de là on peut parle une société  spirituel, social, travailleur, ancestrale.

Tradition, qu'ai-je , Qui transmet à moi ma tradition; mais avant de méditer sur la tradition, médite sur mon caractère. avant caractère, habitude, avant habitude action quotidienne répétée, avant action répétée....... voilà le mystère incompréhensible qui nous a compris dedans: la bonne juste pensée, ou la bonne esprit.

Bonjour, bonsoir esprit d'espoir de bonheur de tout heure? Ou est tu, tu tue est donne vie à la matière.

Quelle type d'exercice quotidien à pratiquer régulièrement?

Amitié, avec qui? Quel sont les paramètres déterminants pour un ami?

Voilà le théâtre de la vie Tribuana,  Trois mondes, me réveiller ce matin avec des questions souriante énergique éclairant de ce gris matin du 1 Février 2014, l'année du cheval, on cavale ...sur quoi, vers quelle direction?

Le partage dans la vie, en temps de loisir, ou en temps bien designer pour une "chose" importante, chaque temps parsemé le droit d'agir avec respect en leur propre traitement, leur propre conscience à élargir, avec qui on partage cela dans une travail commune à célébrer au climax du processus.
Le Théâtre et la Vie.
Mettez vous la frontière distingue pour ce deux réalité de la vie et le théâtre?

 La pensée, quand elle est usé par habitude, devenu mécanique sa fonctionnement, elle applique ce dont qu'on a habitude d'appliqué. Inconsciemment l'ignorant nous enveloppe, la mort de critère de créativité évolutive. Evolution dans la critère de justesse cesse de fonctionner en soi. La recherche devenu la création en fabrication, produit de masse, marchandise, considération économique se confonde avec écologique par le préfix eco.
De l'eco à la naturelle, il y a du chemin à examiner à parcourir.  

Travaillant avec une groupe de personne qui on différent manière de faire fonctionner sa pensée ou son émotion pour agir nécessite une vaste référence d'action, de considération pour éviter l'impulsion émotionnelle  parasitaire et égarante; La sagesse y est pour conduire, pour guide la lumière eclarante la voie en concerte. Mais la pensée ne fonctionne pas bien sans une bonne énergie, bon Oxygène.

Exercice santé Taoiste de Mantak Chia m'a bien aidé comme guide, pour ses liens en mouvement, saison, émotion, odeur du corps, expression vocale, ....

Depuis ma venu en France de février 1974 avec la troupe de Bali & Java (33 artistes mixtes: danseur, acteur, chanteur, musiciens, 4 enfants, correographe Javanais: Sardono W.Kusumo invité par Jaques Lang directeur Théâtre de Chaillots, Paris) sans cesse m'est venu le désir de cultiver le travail sur "soi".
Que faire? Comment faire?

On peut retracer de Bali, ou de Java, mon parcours,  pourquoi j'abandonne mon étude Universitaire en engineering de Universitas Gajah Mada Jogyakarta, pour en faire étude Théâtrale en après midi dans un Académie de Film et théâtre (ASDRAFI) Jogyakarta? C'est à cause d'avoir un professeur très intelligent mais avec des comportement pas honorable du tout; Alors cette époque de hippies, je pose une question, comment porter l'intelligence si le comportement, le caractère est invivable?

Donc le travail sur le caractère qui se trouve dans certain théâtre que je sillonner depuis, toujours à la recherche, en évolution, avec envie de partager, de célébrer l'élément de créativité ancestrale de humanité.

Mes passage de création, Patra, groupe de théâtre dansé avec masque Balinais me faire rencontré Peter Brook fin de 1978 à Nice, dans une appartement de Jacques Fassola (où j'étais logé). C'était le moment que j'ai décidé de retourner à Bali après 4 ans de glandage, comme berger de PATRA dance theater of Bali: Tapa Sudana, Netra, Jacques Fassola, Soegeng, Dewi. De passage nous rejoindre aussi Gilbert Stuerga un batteur idéaliste de Nice, Goa et Franky musicien et créateur des instrument "bizarre" comme CoTar le mariage de KOTO et SITAR, flute de ney Iraniènne de 3 mètres en métal.

En début de 1979 je rejoigne l'équipe de Peter Brook avec ma valise de masques Balinais et surtout de collection de Jacques Fassola; Et de là en tournée à New York, Australie et commencé par festival d'Avignon et tournée European; Le Tourné de Carmen de Peter Brook en europe et New York; Le Ta Da Da music-hall de Peter Brook au Bouffes du Nord pour Noël. La Création de Mahabharata et tournée mondiale : Europe, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Australie.
La Tempête de Shakespeare de Peter Brook, tournée European et Tokyo. Mon parcours avec Peter Brook se termine là en 1991.

Travaillant un peu Kalaripayat avec maître Indien de Kerala pour Mahabharata à Paris, et Kyu Do avec Michel Martin comme maitre, gouté le Sakuhachi avec maître Japonais à Tokyo m'a imprimé une concept: on ne peut pas travailler l'art Japonais traditionnelle sans produit made in Japonais, traditionnelle. Je me suis acheté un sakuhachi en bois, car le sakuhachi en bambou coûte 4 fois plus chère que du bois, or que je présent avec ma home made sakuhachi en Bambou (bambou de Lacoste, France) fièrement. Ha haaa, le maître me dit: Not good, you must buy Japanese product!

Sakuhachi, que j'ai fait en 1991 avec le bambou de Lacoste, France.

flute indienne et sakuhachi