mardi 22 septembre 2015

Memasuki pintu marga hidup: 70 tahun, 21 september 2015, renungan ... Con-temple-ation

ini tulisan hidup berkembang, terkini 22 september 2015 jam 17:09
memulai menelusuri mengolah pengembalian tujuh sinar penerangan, pengembalian apa yang diambil dari bumi,  dalam bentuk materi kembali kebumi; dari manusia-hewan-tetumbuhan-mineral berupa benda, setelah diolah didiri dikembalikan dalam bentuk bayu atau ilmu atau kepercayaan atau agama semesta = Sanatana Dharma. Yang berupa sinar, Roh, Atman kembali ke angkasa, akasa, maya, ether.
Pengolahan materi dan sinar MAHA PENCIPTA memnghasilkan tenaga yang menghidup. Sebagai manusia perjalanan di hidup ini memerlukan pekerjaan, yadnya / pengorbanan untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Korban uang untuk bisa beli makanan, misalnya. Korban tenaga uantuk bekerja bisa dapat hasil yang diinginkan. Korban melimpahkan cinta pada anak ....ahh, ini bisa bawa landasan berupa beberapa kebijaksanaan, misalnya:
  1. karena memang itu tugas kewajiban = dharma bhakti.
  2. karena ingin mendapatkan keturunan yang nanti bisa menjamin masa tua.
  3. karena bisa mendapat wadah menurunkan miliknya berupa ilmu, kekayaan materi, seni, dll.
  4. ...tolong di tambahkan .....
Pengolahannya dengan siapa, dimana, kapan ?
Saya memulai dari diri sendiri,  kemudian dengan lingkungan, dengan saudara, dengan pengertian ada 4 (atau lebih) jenis persaudaraan:
1: saudara perilmuan, saudara berbagai isi otak, isi buah pikiran, ranungan
2: saudara kesenangan bayu hidup, seperti olah musik, olah gerak kesehatan bersama tanpa ada pertukaran kebendaan/uang
3: saudara kebendaan, saling tukar materi, tukar uang dll.
4: saudara family rumah tangga , keluarga dalam pengertian umumya, berasal dari turunan leluhur yang pada umumnya diselusuri dari unsur lelaki, yang menurunkan benih "air pencipta", ... air cucuran atap jatuhnya kepelimbahan mengalir menjadi sungai silsilah.

tanggal 21 september, memasuki musim gugur dan musim dingin di Eropah, di Montreuil Perancis tempat tinggal saya sekarang sekeluarga, mulai lagi merenung, seperti setiap tahun, melepas apa yang tak perlu, yang tak diperlukan dalam kehidupan ini, ditingkat umur ini.
Apa yang dilepas? Terpilih dari 4 jenis saudara, 3 sarana tribuana. .....

SANATANA DHARMA, apa yang abadi berlaku disemesta, hukum alam abadi, agama semesta, kepercayaan telah dites melewati ilmu pembuktian pemuasan otak yang rasionil/ilmiah, hukum alam yang dipercaya, atau kepercayaan berdasarkan hukum alam abadi ....Sanatana Dharma. Semoga terbuka jalan menerang, tanpa terbelenggu, tanpa terpenjara dimarga keagamaan dunia yang telah ada, yang si manusia penciptanya. 

Bagaimana kita tahu kalau itu TUHAN bukan HANTU yang menulis atau mengucap dimulut manusia? Mari berhati hati dalam menghidup didiri kata TUHAN yang sangat pintar menHANTU didiri.
Bila huruf H diuapkan dari kata itu maka akan tinggal Tuan dan Antu. Huruf H, huruf yang di"hadir-lahir-mengindera nyata" oleh hembusan nafas, prana, bayu, tenaga kehidupan. Huruf T dan N terucap, terlahir dengan pergesekan dan hentakan gigi dan lidah, T mengarah dan mengandung kekerasan, condong membenda dalam kenyataannya; sedangkan N mengarah mengandung suara sengau lewat hidung menerus ke otak menerus ke alam maya.  Ini menghidupi kecondongan me MAYA, tak terjamah oleh panca indera, seperti kepercayaan akan kegaiban alam, kegaiban tenaga material, tenaga hidup manusia, hewan, tetumbuhan, ilmu dan teori-teori, ...  Disini penerangan yang dibuka disulut sinarnya dari pengolahan "ilmu" BAYU SWARA" Tribuana,  klik dan lihat ladang n°14 dari 27 ladang pengolahan ilmu expressi tiga dunia:TRIBUANA susunan i Gede Tapa Sudana. Huruf A , suara membuka. huruf U, suara U meluncur kedepan, U bisa menjadi Ü, menjadi suara harmonik dimana satu suara nada pokok, bisa memecah memancar di tujuh suara, tujuh sinar, seperti yang dilagukan oleh penyanyi TUVA. Satu nada bisa melahirkan resonansinya yang dimodulasi menjadi melodi di oktaf yang lebih tinggi. Bagaikan mengakar dibumi tapi juga menari dilangit. Badan akan kembali keasal materi, Roh yang penghidup: ATMAN akan kembali keasalnya, wyapi wyapaka, berada dimana mana memenuh segala. Bagaimana mengerti ini? Ah, sebaiknya jangan dimengerti,  ada yang dipercaya, ada yang terbuktikan oleh ilmu pengetahuan, tahu, (hantu, tuhan, langit, bumi, sorga, neraka)....
Silahkan tonton berbagai macam seni menyanyi "harmonik" di video yang saya kaitkan diatas dan disini:  Penyanyi TUVA.  Penyanyi tenggorokan 5 styles, dari Visuddha Cakra, cakra suara, menggetar menerang membuka pelangi marga keharmonisan diri-semesta lingkungan, micro dan macro cosmos, se expressi, seni suara, seni mengucap.
Visuddha Cakra, cakra GURU, terkait dengan elemen Ether dan Suara; Visuddha = pemurnian, bersih, maka kita harus bersih dan murni (melukat) sebelum bisa menerima sinar biru cakra yang mengekpressi diri, dengan suara, dengan getaran yang menghubungan suara dalam diri dan dunia luar, marga pengucapan kebenaran, mengucap buah pikiran yang bakal menjadikan laku, pekerjaan sehari hari. Hawa, udara, mantra, doa, ....
Bagaimana suara bisa mengandung arti? Arti bisa melurus atau membengkok jalan kebenaran,  membersih atau mengotori makna/arti Roh-ani, the path of spirituality.
Suara kata,  suara/bunyi mempermainakan arti kata, misalnya : dalam bahasa perancis : suara "con", suara "kong" = sinting, sedikit gila...
Saat saya menulis blog ini, adik saya Nyoman Sudiati, adik ke 3 dari 8 anak ibu saya dengan ayah I Gede Madera (dengan dua istri Bapak beranak 13), ini titipan chat Nyman Sudiati via Facebook 22 sept. 2015 jam 11/49 Paris time, :
Monyet bijaksana cerdas : Kong Fu Tsu
Monyet menyalak bagai anjing: Ngong KONG
Bisa ditambah,  tak mau kerja? mogok? : Nong KrONG...ah ada getaran rrrrr tertambah.

Di Bali ada tradisi "mekekawin" umumnya dimulai oleh orang yang telah mengalihkan perhatiannya kepada filsafat keagamaan, ilmu warisan leluhur, cerita tutur kebijaksanaa, jalan kebenaran, olah tata-susila yang luhur yang patut diturunkan kemasyarakat, ke anak cucu, umumnya tingkat menjelang wanaprastha, setelah langgeng dijiwa, umur 40 tahunan, ketika anak-anak sudah bisa berdikari. Tapi bisa juga dicicil sebelumnya. Didalam mekekawin, disitu kita mengawini kruna=kalimat, kata kata; Sebagai diketahui, lontar/buku bali dari daun roltal/lontar bertulisan Hanacaraka huruf Bali itu, tak ada spasi antara satu kata dan kata lainnya. Pembaca harus bisa menyisihkan suara kata yang berarti..... bagai sungai yang mengalir, demikian tulisan itu berupa rentetan huruf, yang juga bergantungan dan bertopi. Disinilah ilmu BAYU SWARA penting sekali dalam memisahkan suara, seni men "striptease" kata-kata, menelanjangi pakaian busana swara dari kata-kata ....

mercredi 2 septembre 2015

Water as determinant parameter for human quality, human culture

text in evolution ...
 (up dated 10 sept 2015, 18h10)

A drop of water, start a human life.
Quality of water = quality of human, and their culture.
No water, no life, no culture.
The art of flowing like water..... hmmm, need to work on music, making music is cultivating the art of harmonizing oneself tribuanic-ly unique, firstly: tuning, secondly be in rhythm with others, on the right same beat (BPM), and thirdly: in resonant with others by lyric (words, text of the song), in concert, symphony. When you flow water-ly in music, no chance to make mistake while flowing through life, through TIME line. (don't miss in taking a note, a sound to produce, right time, right moment, right thing). A moment can not be repeated, past time can not be present.

Water flow in the city of Paris.
Underground vibration energy massage.

Water and crystal in a bowl, 
as transmitter and receptor. 

Be a musician is important, to practice your ability to tune with others, to step and walk at the same beat or complementary beat (makekotékan, interlocking with others), to do rhyming (berpantun) with words with others, building tobether a sentence that can sentence! That what I mean by tribuana music.

Actor-water taking shape of its container,
water container,

Water as a Wifi Handphone, 
Water carries message,
water listens,
water transmits, 
2 H+1O

3 forms/parameter: liquid, gas, solid; past, future, present;
invisibly present, dynamically flowing, immobility meditative.

Ahhh, if only the past time and the future time virtually can be present !!! It is a presentation of THEATER of LIFE, on a perpetual transformed stage of life.

St..... age never diminishing. So let's take care what we put on time-line of our act, Karma.
Let us take care how to use water, how to purify ourself by water, how to maintain the cleanness and healthiness of water. Holy water. Water only in our planet earth.

A place with no water-source/fountain, what culture they can grows? Water from far away, as culture from far away. Water, food, culture, thought, belief, religion, philosophy of life, .... .......... ..............
Agriculture need water. Imported water? ha haa, a touristic water flow. A touristic cultural event yearly to fead tourist visit? or by the nature of a tradition in a place, its place has its own culture is there naturally, it can be the need of many type of ritual, many type of ceremonies, human ceremony, gods ceremony, demon ceremony (sacrifices), saint's, master's, guru's, knowledges ceremonies. From party to ceremony, from profane to sacred, there are an imperishable "ingredient" that eternally "there exist". Human material body + ....... = living human, AtMan.

To purify your body water is important and there are essential daily work to do, as ritual.

What is ritual?
Let's say, anything you do cyclicly with a sense/feeling/understanding/belief... of "something sacred" that contain a spirit of life,  spiritual elements .... with a full care ... care and involve of 3 main essential part of human (tri buana) ....

Let observe a village, a city. What culture human grow in it?
Art, how does they grow in a place, in a human habitual life?

In Bali All type of Art (painting, music, dance, offering, sculptors, making beautiful objects .... all human creation is for accomplish a Yadnya (yajña ), an offering, a sacrifice.

5 Yadnya:

  1. Dewa Yadnya, offering, ceremony, sacrifice for Gods, as many temple demand.
  2. Butha yadnya, offering, sacrifice for elements (often translate as for Demon)
  3. Resi Yadnya, offering, sacrifice, honoring guru (master of life teaching), teacher, master of arts, and place for pray and place of knowledge;
  4. Manusa Yadnya, offering, ritual for human, from inside mother's belly to death there are many ceremonies.
  5. Pitra yadnya, offering, ceremony, ritual for ancestors.

For example: one part of Pitra Yadnya in Bali, for the death, here Cremation of my father in 2007 , Denpasar Bali.
Those ceremonies needs many types of "performing arts" as offering, as sacrifice to offer, otherwise without such "performed offering" the ceremony is not well done, not well accomplished. Those many type of ceremony in Balinese tradition, religious ceremony etc. make the Balinese cultivate many types of art. For instance a village with their 3 temples demand ceremonies annually (one Balinese year = 210 days);
No ceremony in Bali considered well done without "Holy water" being sprinkled.

Holy water is made by Holy priest by the power of their "mantra", holy sound for holy water. It can spring out from holy place, become holy by its natural spring. Water springs out after its long long journey passing through such and such magic empowered spot underground. Rain water travel in the sky without passport. Ha haaa, free as water with 3 forms of trance-form-ation.

Water registers/records vibration, registers experiences, carries memories. So do speak good vibration to water before you drink it, give it a good rest in a glass jar after such a long journey through plastic bottle or underground vibration in a tube channels. Water is a liquid wifi. We all spring from a drop of water nurtured in mother's warm womb.

Fire as Brahma gives light, creates, but it can destroys too. Water as Wisnu maintainer, care takers of life. First sign of life grows in water, by water, through water, How much we care about water?

Masaru Emoto make important research on water.
Another video of cristal water, 

About Yajna, please have a look at this link:

Wikipedia :
In Hinduismyajña (Sanskritयज्ञIASTyajña) ("sacrifice") is the ritual act of offering labour or materials. In more formal ceremonies, it is a practice from historical Vedic religion where specific offerings are made, accompanied by the chanting of Vedic mantrasAgni Yajna is the ritual offering of gheegrain and havana sámagri ("herbal preparations") into a sacred fire.

Rain fall from sky is considered as yadnya of the sky, without yadnya, no creation.

Using the 5 Yajna as tool to analyze the need to produce an "art" will lead us to examine the value of human, the value of a culture, ethnic culture.

Why one need to do an art-work, a work-shop, a daily ritual, ....etc;

Daily action makes habit, habit build character, character carries destiny. But how to choose the right good action for daily ritual?

as we are always embrace by day and night, light and shadow, 
the sun keep turning, and so the earth, and so life and so on it we are a living turning flowing .....

Devil and divine keep turning in turn,  is dwelling in oneself, they perform their mirror outside even often bigger. Offering for Gods and Demons is embracing love and hate together, positive and negative meeting in fusion creating lighting, to be transform into light of a inner lantern, the good right just way is lightened,  so inner peace is being installed and dwell in oneself.

Speaking thought to acting spring out from mouth. Yet through one mouth in one head enter material food to be transformed into energy inside digestive organs.

Mouth as entering gate (way in) for useful, anus as exiting gate (way out) for wastes. Divine and devil are two poles of magnetic living corps (body, mater). Our blue planet earth has many layers of "clothes" produced by those 2 poles (+ and -) that protect itself from outside harmful-cosmic energy. In Bali the Bali-Hindu people offer offering to devil and gods daily, little significative even the form and manifestation.
3 images from this blog, about balinese offering

I remember when I was child, 6 years old, as daily ritual, my mother asking me to make many little offering made my banana leave and a bit of food just being cooked, offering first, before you eat it, (around 10-11 o clock in the morning, when she has finished the cooking for the day, for lunch and dinner). I put those little offering (a bit of rise, salt, vegetable, rarely with meat or fish because we don't have enough, we deserve it for us for our proteins), we called this offering in Balinese : "ngejot", "banten ngejot" to put on special spot as in the kitchen where the fire place for cooking, on shrine, gods shrines, ancestors shrines (Sanggah) ,  Penunggun Karang (spirit guardian of the house), entrance gate, well where water is, bookshelf, court-yard, and other considered important sacred spot in the house. I can not see the "gods or demons" came down from the sky or emerge up from the earth to eat the little offering meal, but my dog or my chicken, cock, ...and other domestic animal will enjoy those food offering firstly. Only later, when I grew adult and wiser, I start understanding, there are visible and invisible 'spirit" that enjoying those yajna, those offering, those "little sacrifice" ..... inner smile grew, even trans-late-ion.

Tri Hita Karana, maintaining harmonious living with 3 .....: Human, Nature and God (Creator of the Universe/ galaxy).

What has been done in the past can not be changed, but for a creative wise people, the way to absorve its lesson can be transformed and so do the fruits, the Phala of thase past Karma. Cultivating the art of interpretation, by means find meaning, by experiences gathered memories and find essential, the eternal everlasting.

Perspective to see the past is projecting its image in the future. When future and past meet together in osmose it make a present, great PRESENT is this present-tme;

Changing perspective, changing way of perceiving reality and experiences, the way to improve life and its references, its quality, its means, its goal, its criteria/parameter of satisfaction, parameter of happiness.

Tracing the effect of many colorful destructive emotional energy such as sadness, fear, anger, hate, anxiety, to see them as fire that can burn their creator, the work to realize is to transform fire into light, a torch of guiding lantern that clear the path of life.

After seeing well what it is present, reality, then, the art of interpretation is needed to be enlighten. Intelligence base on real experience is worth more than "only theory". 

Who you are, the mirror is surround to find, in human being or other sign around.

Listen twice, listen outside for knowing, understanding in learning, learn to earn; listen inside to be aware of wisdom, then to know with wisdom (wider awareness) to be in balance for a peaceful behavior in life. The way to enlighten is set, it is up to the one to take the journey through the enlighten-path-WAY.

See twice from outside to observe, see from inside what has been observe as remain images to adsorb, to ponder, to foresee ..; present is past and future. 

Pair of eyes and ears,  twice see and twice listen (out side and inside) to speak once, one mouth, one speaker, unity !

The art of flowing is important to maintain health, maintain healing. Observe what is flowing now inside and outside. Awareness on energy of life, on moving mater, on moving evolutive value,  evolutive criteria of justness in evolution, ....etc.

Evolution in relation, in friendship, in married (wedding), can be observed as 3 phases Tribuanicly: body, energy and spirit meeting (three types of union, can lead us o thre type of friends, 3 type of family relation, brotherhood or sisterhood) 

When love is the holder, the glue of union in fusion, then to enhance the "love" inside oneself is to be observed, how that "love" grows and getting mature and maturer. Notice that love as light carries hate as shadows for object and life is enlighten by graceful love of compassion.

Electric charge, positive and negative once is in "meet", sparklylighting is produced naturally, a moment of illumination is occurred, it is depend on someone to grasp the instant moment of enlightenment.

A moment never repeated twice the same when the element of TIME is in ..... 

Montreuil, 2 september 2015;