jeudi 11 février 2016

when written, it stock deadly, when sung, it flows fluidly, looking after, water living the 3 forms,

piece of mind, flow
river of knowledge.

a bit of habit in orbit,
which habit to launch into world's net orbit?

when written, it stock deadly,
actor comes to awaken letters, to bring words into life.
when sung, it flows fluidly,
singers expand sound into flowing music spherically 
oh grand river Saraswati,
Solid matter, transformation
 living the 3 forms: solid, liquid, steam,
nourish/ feeding
a cyclic proces celebration
daily ritual
instrument, means
when solid matter steaming
fire become light
clear mind
pure spirit
back to nothing
the MahaGURU
everlasting transformer
the three bridges
the three paths
the three forms
in union on a creature
creature of duality
equilibrium and complementary left hands and right hend
left and right brain
be aware, not always:
right advance straight
and left, left behind
we need to go beyond word
beyond a person
beyond teacher, beyond master

Workshop?  Stage de formation, être en transformation,
à veiller et examiner ses information.
Dans l'art du mouvement, il faut beaucoup de pratique pour comprendre et appliquer son art.
Pratiquer = exercer = exercice
exercice quotidien fait habitude
habitude fait caractère
caractère porte et conduire le destin,
conduire à sa bonne instruction ou détruire
acteur se transform par un stage de formation
qui transforme ses habitude quotidien
ses images quotidiennes

pas vers rôle à exécuter
trouver le bon juste message

paramètre déterminant pour un stage?
à interroger: la durer, les moyen, le lieu, l'émetteur/ émettrice, le but, la recherche, critère de satisfaction , critère de bonheur.

Stage d'expression des trois mondes: expression de pensé, émotion, corporelle.

jeudi 4 février 2016

Tribuana Wandering school, how to prepare its work-ship à la Tribuana, for a good trips, the GRAND-little-SELF journey in oneself...

Article create, 11h57, thursday 4 february 2016, home: Montreuil sous Bois; France.
updated : 12h14, 17 feb 2016
21h18, Sunday 24 april 2016;

Tribuana theater of life, lead the way to Marga Pura, Marga=Way, Pura=Temple, the way to one own's wandering temple (body).

Speaking about Tribuana workshop, firstly here are some preparation to be done, before it can happen. We can make first agreement, YES, then the follow-up, need to be install and continuously maintained. Tribuana very demanding, what to be install before practice. Without instrument, Tribuana work can not be done, only speaking then become conference, food for the head, big head leads to arrogance when mislead. We may install many program, what you want, understand please: a wanted mind, give action, action to habit, habit to character, character carry destiny. What will be?
as the Greek proverb says:" When human makes program, GODs laugh"

An example, Tribuana invited to be workshoping in SOAR, with their participants.
SOAR, School Of All Relation hosted and create by Christina Choraface.
To find the program of SOAR educational lessons, please click here

Mastering Tribuana daily exercise, 
 Gym Tribuana n°148 
Home made instant gym Tribuana,
exercising 3 basic body element of human
1:listening the need of body, resist, re-exist, strength and flexibility.
2: wise words, mind, thought activity : head light.
3:working on music, happy energy : heart beat.

I thanks to Master MANTAK CHIA and JUAN LI to let me to be able to practice this exercise, as daily breakfast, i have leart in 1992.

Understanding the science/the art, practicing daily, continuous relation with the "source",  the Master through practicing her/ his teaching, their life movements, as martial art of healthy way survival, until what being learnt, what being exercised become yours. Habit, character, destiny, Karma.

Continuous reLATEion (not being late) is needed to maintain updating (up-minuting) the data being shared. With out this continuous maintaining, the project will fall apart. Understanding, by keep following the need of the project, the work. Following with good just ConCentration, n°1 of 9 steps Tribuana; From words to the subject, in action creation to the objective, with the right means, bearer of meaning. No communication, no relation. For example, when you give your mail, telephone, address to someone you have a duty to answer what is being sent/transmitted. Cheap reasoning, cheap excuse, always "cleverly" (tricky) being produced by lazy answerer, non responsible answerer, by the one who always run away from the real essential matter to answer to work on NOW. NOT AFTER.
 How much a president can decide for their people? How much a parents can buy things to fulfill/satisfied the demand of their children? Often a present is given because the giver like those present, gaining a forgiveness. How far, how true a person can help others. Do you know deeply what other's want? Want, wanted, haunted, a chained process.

WISDOM, what Tribuana deal with, the WAY. When there are no demand of wisdom, no place for Tribuana to be in shared. Sharing, knowing others. Carrying others in you (oneself) as deep as possible your (one's) understanding allows (you).

How "whole" you can posses your own creation,  till you said it is my property, belong to me, MY child, please read and listen "The Prophete" of Khalil Gibran: klick
minutes 8:50 he speaks about LOVE, 
13:50 speaks about CHILDREN
18:33 he speak about GIVING
35:00 speaks about BODY
35:00 speaks about GOOD and NOT GOOD, HONEY and FLOWER
38:15 speaks about RELIGION

Tribuana has been there in Aegina twice, in its past wandering path: France, Italia, Germany, Suisse, Amsterdam, Italia (a lot), Spain, Bogota (once) Caracas (twice), Mexico (once), Tchad (once), Greece (often in the past),  sharing Tribuana with its 28 fields to cultivate;

When some one ask is Tribuana will manage to handle 10, 100, 1000, 1, participants?
The question in reverse: Will they be able to handle the demands of Tribuana,

Condition to be in Tribuana way, at least reading and understand what is the demand of 28 lessons Tribuana, and to have in contact direct with Tribuana servant, me, if there are something not being understood, about 28 lessons, about preparation, about anything dealing with what has been produced and demand by Tribuana, question springs by its blog, Tribuana presentation, me, ....etc. Firstly the good honest frank participants understand their need to "buy" this workshop, you are doing it not because the choice of others, it is your choice to be in this workshop. The ideal conditions are:
Only the one who chose  Tribuana and really interested to work its 28 lessons, and understood what to explore will be entirely honor the whole. it is a basic mutual interest, mutual choice make things happen together in symphony. You chose me entirely, i will be with you entirely. Embracing the 3 worlds. Love some one half half, what does it calls? I love your square only, or I like your round, or i agree, in perfect accord, in symphony with your triangle. You destroy the wholeness, that is diversity. Not yet University,  dear friend. Love the Unit, to unity.

Understanding virtual work Tribuana.
The virtual work Tribuana is the preparation by internet link, by mail, by skype, by telephone, sms, all media. That is demanded by the triangle of logo Tribuana. Reading the 28 fields to explore, each of them demand instruments, theatrical props to perform with, to rehears to practice. That means, something to prepare, to build before start physically. for instance, a month before communication by all media is being activated. For instant, for the project of Teatro del Montevaso, Francesca Pompeo, Teatro per integrazzione, in 2011, Grundtvig Project, Antonio Cargnello (Teatro Invisibile) from Padova and Sebastien Rabbe (Cie Pour Artisanat des Menteurs) from France, making 2 days preparation with European participants before my coming, as both of them has done and organized many workshop of Tribuana Way, theatrical way, and life way. One of Tribuana workshop organized by Antonio Cargnello and Sara Celeghin  is Tribuana Caroman, Venezia; other video Tribuana Caroman.  this video, 30 participants, one dog, 2009; chak chak chak, get up, before sun rise, water ritual, taking and honoring autumn leaves of tree tribuana wisdom,  one sentence of wisdom, Meditasi jalan, Kin In, meditative walking to the beach and.... see video , all this was done before eating their breakfast;

Creation with Cie Pour Artisana des Menteurs of Sebastien Rabbe,  


Ideal participants condition for good run Tribuana work:
  1. good health physically, and understand that teaching, lessons is in body movements too. Not getting board while doing same repeated movements;
  2. smiling shiny life energy presence; Knowing in mastering emotions, thought and body movement, not stuck in psychological problem. Trying in good joly spirit. (gay energy, hmmm sorry, but , ah; it's a pity, the word "gay" is already raped by ... certain use and has another meaning, another relation with ...)
  3. bright intelligence to quick understanding sentence (thought expression) till its manifestation in action. It is important later for words communication.
  4. be open, always ready to follow, to be here present now, (je suis celui qui suit, donc j'y suis), as well as master follow participants.
  5. keen (enjoying) work in group, it need a smart mind in relation, in communication, flexibility.
  6. work in text, music, movement (Tribuana elements)
  7. ready for a dialogue and group discussion, group sharing; Handy hands.
Album photo, and Tribuana lesson in Picasa

Tribuana last work with European project of Teatro del Montevaso, was Grundtvig project, organized and designed by Francesca Pompeo, here are one of the video:TEATOR PER INTEGRAZZIONE

How Tribuana organize the time?
in 3 parts:
1: first part, introduction, exploration, practice, the chosen fields among 28. What is Tribuana?
2: deepen the chosen programs, in group work; Practicing Tribuana way, in creation, in analizing reality, in weighing/ judging,
3: presentation, ended with personal Tribuana Totem presentation, group work presentation.

For example, for this supposed program for SOAR,
What work I do as preparation, as I got promise to be part of their program, I start to work, collecting information, making list of participants, with their basic communicable datas. Like passport data plus email and telephone, to keep in relation, be in right time to catch the up-dated information in evolution, not late to relate; we are still in the step of preparation. If preparation is failed, workshop tribuana can not happen.
As i  don't know if I was programed by the choice of all participants, or for replacing the one suppose to be there, or by quantitative voting, or by .... whatever reason, Tribuana start working virtually, by mail, by internet, even not any of them responding, the work to be done as preparation are: the aim is to bring forth, to make spring the truth.
So i start:
1:reading website of SOAR, the supposed HOST to honor, carefully, who are the master there, who are the participants, what are in shared as daily "menu".
Knowing others is way to wisdom, so Master Tribuana firstly MUST study by all media, internet, by all information given, who are the "perceivers", the one who pretend want to "learn" to earn something from Tribuana, vise versa,

2: Preparing articles, instrument of work, lessons tribuana among 28, to take. It is depend on the participant's questionnaire that i will receive by mail. OPEN minded, basic condition for what will ENTER. What will be the gain, what you get. No return questionnaires, No manifestation of participant, there will be no participants, no master, no flows of common interest: no knowledge, art in share, .....etc.

these 2 parameters above enough to decide if the project or the common project will be on or not; There are other consideration that can be determinant too.

A continuous dialogue, conversations, relation in evolution will determine de realization of the project. Also for the quality.

The door is open, and Tribuana virtual space, Balinese shrine tradition, is set for us, for those who wish to share and learn about Tribuana. Open door tribuana to wait the arrival of questionnaire tribuana from participants;

What participant do? for preparation to enter to Tribuana work?
For who have the means, technologically, internet, inter-webbing for good share, useful share, to link with me as Tribuana servant, at your service.

First step, to do is: Please send me your tribuana questionnaire,  to
Write me email of your question, or by Skype or by Facebook chat or telephone.

Questionnaire Tribuana, lesson n°24 (fields 23), is a description of your past and future virtual reality, and real present PRESENCE. reality.

The past is not only the usual CV, education and knowhow/profession, but also your 3 worlds memories/data, experiences, including physical accidents (what movement you can do and not to do). It is up to you, how much you OPEN yourself, involves in work, in share, how deep will Tribuana work on you. Your involvement is the root of your gain/fruits of work. In group work, we deal with what is being expressed, expression of the 3 human worlds. Questionnaire in fact is a personal reflexion.
Inner personal intro-spection: Pratyahara, is among 8 limbs of way to union: Astangga Yoga, YUG, Yoga (Asta angga yoga= Astanga Yoga): Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Honoring the fountain of the way, the knowledge, the science of the SELF , I name them 28 fields Tribuana; for instance: yoga tribuana, tai chi tribuana, chi kung tribuana, ko do tribuana=koukoul djagat, ....etc., all has/carries its characteristic Tribuana, so i take my responsibility as creator, as transmitter, I am only mastering what I have, and it has a name. Aware there are many people, many master doing "certain art" with the same "name".
To understand, to comprehend a human (people, APASAJA, Tribuana or anything):
  1. observe (perceive with 5 senses) the means they use, material means, phonic means, minds means.
  2. comprehend, understand their aim, their goal, what they are searching for.
  3. examine their criteria (references, parameter) of "bonheur", of deepest happiness, of satisfaction, of what is consider as well-done, criteria of just/right or wrong.
  4. observe their behavior, do you appreciate their character? Quality of character that carries destiny.
Nowadays, we ponder, wonder, contemplate on the use of:
  1.  Money and celebrity is become the main reference of many human. 
  2.  War, as we see and know from news, human on earth now suffering the war (enjoying? ???), 
  3.  Terrorism, terrorist acts, being terrorized by "libre-expression" (the case of Charlie Hebdo in Paris 7 january 2015), 
  4.  Religion, belief,  holy "things" can not give peace (have a look in Jerusalem with 3 religions, where is the peaceful life in co-habitation?), live together as family, live together on earth as nation, as group of religious people, civilized one, intelligent, good conduct.
  5.  Children, are fed and overwhelmed by multi media, TV, Internet, Radio, News (in newspaper or electronic), school, university,...... give them a lot of choice, temptation, distraction, disturbance, but also chance to learn many knowledge. The usefulness and the mastering of internet information/exposition. Khalil Gibran Prophet speaks about children. Listen and see video above. Children are way of the future. We borrow this land from our children to be able to hand it better. How?
  6. How to Mastering oneself, is needed for not being lost. The work on Character building, that only in a certain theater can be done well. Drive your emotions otherwise your emotions will drives you.
  7. Politic, swings power, from LEFT to RIGHT wing
  8. Philosophy, philosophy of life, the usefulness of philosophy, 
  9. Words of wisdom, way to know better others all around. In Youtube there are Word of Wisdom in music,  Parole de sagesse Tribuana (in french)
  10. Daily exercises, Tribuana exercise, GYM TRIBUANA there are some 147 videos I create, just like that, to offer as Balinese offering in electronic in-formation. Are them part of your job, daily important action? Ritual.  
  11. Family, first school of baby to child: Guru Rupaka, teacher in family;
  12. National education: Guru Pengajian., teacher in school till university/academy.
  13. Surrounding: Guru Wisesa, "teacher" in life, all type of life rules, civic regulation, laws of the cation/country to obey.
  14. Consciousness, inner master, Guru Swadiaya;
  15. word: "GURU" has been filthy, wasted during hippies exploration/used) in the 60's. The 4 type of Guru above is Balinese reference, comes from my balinese tradition; Can you understand and comprehend that as if not belong to my Balinese tradition? ??? Now, worlds spread civilization uses imported words, migrate words, but the meaning and the application not contain the same respect, as it origin.  so here is a sentence of wisdom:" when you drink water, better to know where the fountain comes from". When you study, follow, practice an art, better know who is the master. a Master is a fountain and a way. A master can dwell in a mask, a stick, a Tongkat
  16. FRIENDS, to whom we make friend? Here some ingredient of a friend: honesty, sincere, straight forward, essential, intelligent capable to see beyond matter, the one that teach you Tribuanicly, 
  17. HABIT, is the product of years of exercises, same repeated exercises.
  18. COUNTRY, their boundaries, their union, their limitation
  19. LOVE, hmmm, words love has been used by parents, children, priest in church, young and old and childish lovers, prostitutes, ..... etc.
  20. Spirituality,  what is life? What is beyond matter, deep inside matter,? Divine smell/perfume of matter/material.
  21. Ritual, it works on respect and honoring spirit in matter, is daily practice with awareness that beyond matter there living spirit to honor. Ritual not always solemnly performed, it could be (better) in a flower-blooming-energy of celebration.
  22. HEALTH of the 3 worlds of human: tribuana health
  23. WISDOM,  Sentence of crystal thought, sentence that has ability to sentences its speaker.
  24. HUMAN Character
  25. FREEDOM, Yug, Union (Moksah) with the origin that manifest everywhere. If I become one, unite with A (âme) or O (omega) i have them in me, I can be free to do and behave with them as I treated myself, you and I makes We (oui, yes), total Tribuanic agreement/symphony with others, others in fact inside me also. See the worlds, until you see them with close eyes inside yourself, myself.
  26. BELONGING: how deep, how "whole" you can own your creation? This is "my work, this is my mask, this is my child, ??? this is my bike, my car? can you drive car safely? take full care for not the car will drive you. It does the same with your emotions, just colored energy of life., mastering to drive your emotion, otherwise ........ ? Your words is not belong to you entirely,  a word used by many spoken creature (be careful with parrots, humanized parrots), words has its own wing as you launch them from your mouth or as you stick them on a piece of paper or in internet windows, you borrow the power of words, gathered together to make a sentence, Words in sentence cary you as your ambassador, But, Watch and take good care, full care, careful to behave with your sentence, it can sentence you back, .......... etc.
  27. BREATH, prana, pnefma, breath of life, conscious controller of emotion by the art of pranayama,
  28. WORD, Tribuana explore it in "impro 3 mots/words Tribuana" lessons number 28, the last, for now. There are up to now 108 videos in you tube freely in share, 
  29. Posture, reading what will take departure, a kick or an embrace? This fields is explored in Asana Yoga Tribuana ... 
  30. FACE, even you put many layers of make-up, it makes book, that reveal you beyond veals. FaceBook, art of mastering and serving a MASK. Essential character is written, being sculpted in the face. 
  31. Master, teacher, student, disciple, please klick this link, tell me what your comment, what you think, what you do NOW. The bridge flows, the river stays dwell. Well.
  32. SPACE, empty space, openness, non-owning, ocean, acceptance, accepting never fulfilled, always space, welcome, the more you give the more you gain again and again, the more you forgive, mother, ....
  33. TIME, INFINITY, where can you buy time? many times, times to times? ahhhh. sometime only! Father. LE TEMPS. Contemplation. Temple éternelle.  Eternelle Temps. tik tak tik tak..... infinie. A.
  34. WAY, Marga, Path, Infinity. Voie, la voie; La Voix. Vois-tu ta voie , entendre dans ta voix, se voir pour avoir le savoir.
  35. 1, i iIII IIIII When the one find a space to live. i the piercing sound penetrate all, acupuncture. Brahma.
  36. 0, o OOOO TAO. When the space, earth accept "one" grows there for million years tradition and living the forgotten wisdom .... martial art the art of survival of oneself; what of you can be in competition with others? Criteria of satisfaction, of happiness? Blissful emptiness. ZEN. TAO. ahhh ha haa, the TAO, when names, when explains, no more the TAO. Flow, water, Wishnu. Le Bonheur, BON HEURE.
  37. 2, When the two create together, 3, the life music; where is the winner of the competition? Is there any competition? Complementation ! Infinite rotation, cycling, Samsara-Punarbhawa. The field of playfulness of Brahma, Wishnu, Shiva.
  38. 3, the beginning of sporadic creation in the sphere. Atmosphere. The sphere of ATMA. ATOM create and destroy all, BOM! SHIVA çiwa NATARAJA.
  39. YOU, is other part of me? You + Me = they ? or not yet? When it can be so? and so, on and on. In differences to find common references to meet; Or, in differences to maintain to live opposition in opposite two poses, two positions, stub-burn war! !!!
  40. ME, ha haa Am I, A or i small?  Begin with A baby's first sound, then i iii, then oOO, What the matter? Money? Idea? Spirit? LOVE, oh, my glove and your glove never compfortably fit together in hand to comprehend each other with different parameter of satisfaction; let sing this together, hello: thank Mick Jagger. 
  41. TRUTH, Please ponder on the text, of the song, I can get NO satisFACTion. It is expose on you tube generously for free, you may own the spirit, not the matter, (what's the matter?!?) just take care of the art of interpretation, everybody has ITS OWN TRUTH. My truth. Your truth. THE TRUTH. Between 2 there are the 1 that we count 3. The 3 basic human body that create and live, take 3 symbolic forms: triangle, round, square. 
  42. GOD, Good with one big O, to reverse the letter: DOG, the very loyal companion till end of life journey : DHARMA. To give birth D you ask for help to PRO-Noun it: teeth and tongue and Prana/breath; To give birth G, the root of tongue and larynx in friction (Greek gamma: Γ γ) or in explosion by burst of breath/energy/Prana,  and the O, make hole with mouth, hollow - low hole, w h o l e ! ! The whole all. Mystery of creation, put in order of TIME, KALA, Kali, the lettres that make word, and right order of wordsssss to sentence ! !!!
  43.  .... 
Tribuana is wandering and wondering of the power of words. Power of object. Power of thought/intelligence. There are ignorance, those who try to own words, wisdom, as word like your child, Khalil Gibran the Prophet speak about OWNING, for not to become narrow spirit-owning in this internet sharing. Aware the rule that your private belonging are not to be exposed to anybody, to to be shared with others,  except to yourself.

A short time workshop, without continuity in daily exercise to do, how it can transform character?
Human being, pass their life at least 25-27 years in studying, until university diploma being attained. Useful for finding job as reference. The quality? life will tell. Have a good-examining-look-back on your education.

There are thing you can learn (to earn from what you learn) for 1 minute and you got it. Where? in the brain as "understanding?" Stand under is not yet comprehending it yet. There are work to do for knowledge to action/practice.
When you have it in hand, you become handy, and applied knowledge. This will make us clear, that in martial art exercise, to have in practice the use of a repeated exercise (Kata),  one must do it everyday, for at least 3 months so you have done it for 5000 repetition, then may be something transform in you. Repetition to count in number is quantitative value, not always enough, we need to examine the way one does, the quality of act of/in doing... to be or not to be, but HOW.... when.... with what means..... for what purpose..... with what criteria of satisfaction/just/wrong....
To accompany you in steps of learning to earn, Tribuana propose you 9 steps Tribuana, 5 vows, 18 references, and hundreds of words of wisdom, Chrystal thought, in english, french, italian, spanish, greek, in Tribuana Words were translated by past participant in workshop Tribuana.

Here is my reflexion on step of life, education steps in age, in french: Etapes de la Vie, par 10 ans.

Consideration steps of life, by 10 years reading, contemplation, how TIME makes program on human evolution; Text in English. Birth of Trust.

Questionnaire Tribuana is lesson n°24 (field 23 of 0-27)

 "Openness determine what enter".
Good preparation in advance, the good one, the just one, will advance better, to go beyond, until arrive deeply inside;

"If you have any question, please I am open" Tribuana master speak to flowing TIME.

How to relate? By Mail, Facebook, Skype, telephone, letters by post? (hmmm, too late as realtion's means)....and all others updated communication technology.
For not being late, in the art of relation (ha haa, you are immerse entirely in internet media, i guess), my present is virtually in you,  if you open, so do yours in me, by letting enter what you may get from internet, as first step: mental work.

The virtual, the mental will move or stuck your life energy.
Energy lead to action.
Action to Habit.
Habit to Character.
Character will carry and drive "destiny".

Where are the school of Character? Pondering its school, examine one's past time life. One life. 3 life, millions life re re incarnated. Speaking about incarnation, speaking about memories, flach memories, random memories, long life memories?

Happy sharing in the future, 
Aware of Greek proverb:" When human makes program, GOD laugh"
Ko An: "how is the sound of GOD's laugh?" GOD's color? God's nationality? what is God's language to relate among us.

What is Tribuana  of TapaSudana?
There are 5 videos Tribuana Interview in youtube
25 year difference, black kimono (in Tokyo) and TShirt.(at home Montreuil)

Let find some examples:
if we need to explore Koukoul Djagat, then we need to build Koukoul Djagat, KoDo Tribuana, lesson n°4: here a video, during workshop in Italia Teatro del Montevaso.
This work contain works on: rhythm, ritual, physical endurance, voice, percussion ensemble., group work, construction; To make it, we need rubber wheel of car, a wooden pole, string, sticks of wood, 35 mm diameter length 50-60 cm. Ahh, may be it is too much time taking and effort. Anyway, here is a glance of work of Kodo Tribuana.

if you want to explore TONGKAT Tribuana, all participants must bring tongkat, the master, wood cylindric form, 35 mm diameter, and length distance from feet to 3rd eye (eye-brow).

What is the ideal participants of Tribuana Way of Life, reading/see what has been done and explored by Tribuana, these items below, videos, subject, seeing and experiencing and understanding the similar/the same "thing" is better condition to be in the way of learning basic for earning. What you earn, become your vocabulary to be express later, when life need/demand. 
  1. Reading and understanding the 28 fields Tribuana to explores and interest in doing it all.
  2. listening of/and reading the text of Bhagavad Gita, here below offering of youtube complet 18 chapter of it.
  3. Listening or reading the text of "The Prophet of Kahlil Gibran, above the video.
  4. Listening Patanjali, here is one of them, but you may find others in you tube, internet, 
  5. listening to Tao Te Ching, here one of them   
  6. TAOIST health exercise from MASTER MANTAK CHIA,  i have de chance to follow his teaching through Master Juan Li, in Montpellier and Paris,  as daily exercise to keep good health of organs of digestion, since organs relate to color, to emotion so it give a way to  mastering emotions. Drive well your emotions, otherwise your emotions drive you. 
  7.  To see Mahabharata, video 1  (I performed as actor, in Theater and film of Peter Brook now somebody offer freely in 2 videos of youtube) 
  8. Mahabharata, video 2 
  9. Listening to Upanishads 
  10. Listening, following some video of  Deepak CHOPRA's Video 
  11. Following, some of video MANTAK CHIA
  12. Reading the text of Conferences of the birds, Farid ud-Din Attar, I was in the process of creation as actor, the theatrical form directed by Peter Brook, in world tour: Paris, Italia, New York, Australia.  
  13. Owning by heart some sentences of crystal thought/ words of wisdom, you may find examples here in difference languages, that Tribuana use them as "morning breakfast", participants wake up before the sun set, and take one of those sentence to ponder before meditation session, 
  14.  here Crystal thought Tribuana in collection.
  15. Every participants has their own TONGKAT, wood cylindric stick, a personal size, to work with. What is Tongkat? There a blog I create specially for this.
  16. to have in hand a note book, one musical instrument, any object can make sound, musical sound, percussion, melodic as you feel at ease.
  17. Very keen in questioning, a quest-spirit, searching for, that lead into work on dialogue, dialectic/transcend discussion, group conversation with spirit of offering opinion, not owning opinion.  

Tribuana right conduct in the work,  in conversation, in the art of teaching, in the art of transmission,
is relation of
give birth to knowledge of wisdom, to offer it as offering to the worlds whom its belong, longing to return,
as it was
once up on a time of War in Kuruksetra was born Bhagavad Gita,
in the middlle field of great WAR of MAHABHARATA
around 5000 years ago (?)

15. Seeing some other more pioneer in cultivating and building and sharing way of harmonious life, harmony with oneself and surrounding, like you may see a lot of them in you tube open temple: 
Read of see some videos lecture of Wayne Dyer, 

16. SADHGURU, about his human engineering  

17. follow some video and You Tube lecture of Santos BONACCI, about  KNOW THYSELF, YOUR BODY IS The HOLY LAND,  PRISCA THEOLOGIA , ...etc.

His speech in share, publicly,  in many youtube videos, are important, an awakening,
in French

18. and many others ..... pioneer that create torch of lighting to see better the truth, the Law, LAW of NATURE, DHARMA, PATH, WAY, All Ways.

After wandering and wondering around, sit quiet in silence empty space as if eternally living within, and asking:"what do I see?".
 for to think and to say, action is the mirror, 
the material realization, 
realizing, what we are made of ! 

In Peter BOOK's Mahabharata,
on stage and film, I incarnated 3 Characters: GOD SHIVA, PANDU, SALYA
it was 9 hours theatrical performance, 
done in 3x3hours, and 9 hours from night to down(sunrise). 
International tour, 
Paris, Avignon, Italia, Athens, New York/BAM, Los Angeles, Danemark,Australia,Japan/Tokyo.
As Shiva

my brief CV. klick this link.
my Chronologic CV, klick here
Short interview in french, klick here

honoring my Balinese traditional Punta, Performer as life servant, acteur serviteur.

Tapa Sudana one man show,
Flute Bali, India, Shakuhachi, Silat White Crane PGB Bogor, Indonesia, Mask, Taoist health movement mandala 5 colors, Kyu Do, Kechak with public for ending.

among 6 videos (complete show)
here one of them