mercredi 13 mai 2015

Stage Tribuana in Troina, Sicilia 1-3 may 2015 by Teatro Insolita di Luca Ruberto

Organization done by Luca Ruberto from Teatro INSOLITA di Troina.
 5 children in the morning of 8-10 years.
15 participants young boys and girls of 15-20 years in the afternoon;

the are building a great Kodo Tribuana.
Among 27 "Tribuana lessons", we explored:
1. Kodo Tribuana,
2. Mask,
3. Silat Tribuana,
4. Group work, work in group, even in the street.
5. Introduction of Tongkat, it is a pity they don't have tongkat (stick) to work on.
6. Words of wisdom from Tribuana Tree.
7. Learning one song of Bali, Arak Ijang Janger .... hoping that will awaken the creativity to create the lyric in rhyme in Italian (Sicilian).
Group work, to introduce how to be invisible, to be ready to serve something more important than the self, personal self. Making mandala in group. Maintaining that form of a mandala made by the sick that link them.

Now, Tribuana has passed, Tribuana has leaved some instruments of work, to be continued (hoping they have interest in continuing the work. But before continuing, may be understanding about Tribuana way of creating theater, in fact Tribuana is a way of life.

Tribuana has leaved in the hands of participants: 4 Tribuana books in Italian, with in it 3 texts of Conference of the birds, of Jean Claude Carrière, Peter Brook show in 1979-80 with world tour, 2 flutes, one ukulele, one mask (chinese) , his/her name is Tranquilo/Tranquila;

Conferenza degli uccelli, l'origine del testo da Farid al Din Attar, forma teatrale di Jean Claude Carrière, è Tribuana testo importante lavorare durante il workshop;
dove trovare il testo? per uso personale.

And, spirit of Tree os wisdom Tribuana, Arbre à palabra,  to have avery morning or night before sleep as time to ponder, ....where we can find it?

I made them sing too,

espérant que l'esprit de l'arbre à palabra Tribuana, se cultive aussi à Troina. en chantant, bien sur.

It was a very touching experiences for me as Tribuana servant and bearer, how to introduce to participant the concept of viewing human being as 3 basic entity: head, digestive organs, productive organs: idea, energy, matter/body; or past, present, future;  or idea, speech, action; etc.

Tree of wisdom Tribuana,
crystal thought, hints and guidance in life, reflection, pondering, cultivating light of intelligence, poetry, ....

voici dessous, parole de sagesse tribuana.
here below, words of wisdom tribuana to contemplate.
make a quest, and find the begining of the answer in the leaves of the tree tribuana.

installation KODO TRIBUANA,
Bravo Troina INSOLITA !!!

Dance of tree of wisdom.
La danse de l'arbre à palabra tribuana à Troina.

iniziare con Kodo Tribuana (koukoul Jagat riscaldamento in cerchio:
il movimento, come il canottaggio, una barca che vola nel cielo,
1. Hé ho, hé hooo - sul posto
2. Hé saa, hé saa, - girare a destra
3. hé ssa yé ssa, hé ssa yé ssaaa - girare a sinistra
4;cantando in onore il nome di ogni partecipante - sul posto;

To be continued ......

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