jeudi 25 avril 2013

Retreat Tribuana 2013, Casa Natura Alpenise, Cima Grappa , note n°7

note n° 7
retreat tribuana 2013
casa natura
cima grappa

Phenix's message
a post able interpretation of Easter
how to reborn from your own ashes
is it possible?
a question of interpretation
hai ku

what is in those ashes,
the last resistance of your material on earth is the bone
it has white color

when bones and bones embrasses each other
the essential is in a meeting of diversity
diversity of interpretation
what was the message
on the white snow field of Cima Grappa
bones is celebrating a cosmic tai chi tribuanicly
the grand way of chi/pnefma/prana/cosmic-energy
atman back to brahman
your "mother's-words", "father's-words", intellectual words are limited
experiences being made is a books of no words
action become karma 
karma carries its shadow and light : phala
like action and reaction/rewards
time of the future grows what you have done
with or without you

don't be late to translate
aware and care of those hidden value
secret of nature is everyday life happening
ahhh, what have I done in the past?
from a few second ago till the origine of the universe

do you believe in incarnation?
it is indian concept: samsara-punarbhawa
the circle of life and death

before Atman meet BRAHMAN
your Individual Spirit meet/back HOME to the ORIGIN
the black hole?
the fulfilled emptiness?

reviewing your questionnaire before retreat
reviewing your resolution and determination before retreat
reading and discovering it again after retreat
the art of interpretation of life's karma
when past and present meet a silent-inner-chamber of the self
when breath is transformed into sound
be safe-and-sound to translate what has been done
need a master, an awaken master in you
the find "that light" without flame
no more sun
when sun and its planet meet again like the begining
MOKSAH : is the word without translation
come together like 5 fingers with other four:
karma-phala is a double-circle
samsara-phunarbhawa is the other invisible one
past-future presents tribuanicly
earth-sky creating the 3 lifes on earth
if Atman is a point
when a point become a circle
then it's name: Brahman
that "particular individual point" is within us: the self
time celebration in every second you breath
prana is tai-chi-ing now

the means and meaning is melted together in a dance: plasmic dance
to become fog
and misty air
mysterious sphere

no more planet
just a misty atmosphere
till it will back to empty zero black hole
a void
can't be avoided
when creation is action
where everything will start again from it own nature
what time needed?
speak about time ?
let's say:
eternal !

bridge flow
river bow

the bow launches it's arrow
what a pretty elegent bow-tie !

will arrow reach it goal?
those empty hole
will arrow touch traget
what you'll get?
don't forget
when your are not open
nothing enter

bridge flow, still silence
river stop bow, steal obedience be continued
montreuil 26 april 2013

apple blooming in my garden
rue des sorins
ahh, when fruits are clinging
time to taste
with permission
knowing the art of admission

apple tree spring
cerise tree autumn

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