lundi 23 février 2015

Some photos 1979-1991: Mahabharata, Conference of Birds, Carmen,The Tempest, Of Peter Brook

From 1979 to 1991
with Peter Brook CICT and CIRT
in 4 productions, in Paris and world tour.

Memories of the past, Totem Tribuana

just a bit of documentary, thanks to Japanese reporter
it was in Adelaide, Australia in the open air out of town.
Here I played the Balinese Masque as "la princesse amoureuse" in "Conference des Oiseaux

To see the video, please klick below:
in 3 Version of Peter Brook's CARMEN, I played Garcia (the man of Carmen)

to see the video, klick below.

above as PANDU, "the father" of the 5 Pandava"

above, as Shiva

Shiva-Hunter in Mahabharata of Peter Brook.

SALYA in Mahabharata:

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