mercredi 10 avril 2013

Second notes, Retreat Tribuana Cima Grappa, 2013 casa natura alpenise

Montreuil, France, Today Wednesday, 10 april 2013
note n° 2

1: Self realisation
2: Group realisation
3: Time line as guide to review the past
4: Means, instrument involved in operation/work during the retreat meeting.
5: Memories of movement has been done, on emotions has been felt/explore/enjoy/suffer as energy of life multicolor, thought has been articulated.
How to call that memories even in its form incomprehensible?
etc. ... to be continued

Here we see that the form/space/the receiver forms the creation/expression/realisation.
Hope, one day, there will be 3 song created be the three participants that took this Tripass. 
who are them?

1: Now the time of direct and living experience has past, we see with inner eyes memory what i have done? What i miss that time, that very precise moment...hhhh yes I miss that, I miss this, it can become a regret of all life time..... but as being aware where ever light there are shadow, were ever night there will be day: those regret can become re-great lesson.
For instance: ahh, that night in dining room, singing until late after dinner, Carla told us a song.... and Elisa hit the table the rythme, I enjoy that moment and sing. But, i forgot to record? As i have not a good memory on  song and others... hélas, now I wish I can skype Carla just to listen once, even only first three notes in rythme, i feel sure to remember all, and be able to enjoy that circle part of tribuana: emotion, song, voice. As about the triangle part of tribuana: the words... , the meaning, how my bio-computer work to cook that chunk of reality, it is another step to realize.
We need a window, many windows to be able to call back those memories around us that time carries with its flowing hymne, never stop, it is us how to be aware to catch the right moment in life, that very moment can become carry us and all.
That windows can be tripass and bayuswara tribuana, photos, notes, design, song, and each of that "windows" carries a specific benefit.
learn to earn.
to earn is to concern on surround, what to follow, what to quit.
There are moment to be with others, there are moment alone.
Others to find friend to work with.
Friend ....
Ami ... Âme .... who are them? ... is part of self, for not being to selfish.
etc. ... to be continued
2: A group of work, a group of people that sit around the table ....determine by what is on the table to share? That will create verbes in thought to remind what you just have, have done ... to link with ...what you want ...
A group is also a prolongation of your tribuana elements. So there are mirror of your tribuana belonging, and tribuana expression, will, wish, desire, pleasure, ....
How much you have done together "things" with others?  Which part of your tribuana in engagement? in evolution together? Did you move together? dance? sing? reflecting thought? cristal thought, ...
ahhh how much you enjoy that moment together, how much you regret it?
So, a repetition in the future, will never produce such feeling as now i regret. Great, great regret transform into light of illumination not light of illusion.
etc. ... to be continued

3: In the art of making music, i use garage band of Mac Apple, and LIVE of Ableton. There, with those 2 tool (there are more others).
The time line is a guide that directly strike you to the reality of life. You can not go back, improve the past. Improvisation is toward the future : the action! Improvisation need the reflected past in present, the very very present NOW .... now >>> k now .>>>> kNowledge.
So Being used to deal with time line, you become aware, awake not to make "miss take", no excuse possible.
A musician in compos action is like a Japanese Samurai, one gesture one life.
As my master of Kyu Do motto: "one arrow, one life" salutation to Michel Martin and Onuma Sensei.
We were reading "the conference of birds of Attar théâtralise by Jean Claude Carrier and Peter Brook, that i jointed the creation in 1979, touring around the world till 1980. This texte is one of the main guide line text for tribuana work in group. Every participants found themselves in a moment of choice, to be or not to be IN the way, in the journey, even only one minute,  one glance of look, one hour, one day, five days, deep or superficial...ahh, deep will stay long in memory, superficial will disappear soon. So, what for is your time then? ???
What is important?
Les chose important te portera. The porte en porte, voir la porte de âme. Aime.
Making music together in tribuana is offering a sound to the group, that a way to start. See people in Bali doing Kechak "dance" ? Each member offer his/her own explosive, expressive "CHAK"...see what they can do and enjoy together? Ahhh, tradition ! When a people has lost their tradition, of when a people of a country has no traditional root, they must make it one. Then what is tradition? What is ritual? Action in ritualistic way will carry to different destination that action without ritual.
Do Children in school, in national school learning a traditional "thing"?
Now we realize that time has made selection, softly, gently, violently, abruptly, evolutively, progressively .... hmmm, naturally;
Time transforms everything, nothing can be void of time.
Time has written and will always write now and in the future.
When you pull back your past time...what does it contains? The longer you ponder on the past, the longer your balance will be install to the future. This tai-chi of time line, i call it music tribuana that carry thought and action.
Souvenir a faire venir...>>>> l'avenir.
etc. ... to be continued

4: The means, the instrument involved in the work is determinant too. Means participate and meaning creation. Means/instruments/props in theater .... of life make your property, now and future properties.
Accessoire pour y acces.
To observe and to feel what is your means will make you work also on yourself, how to deal with objet a bridge, a step to lead you how to work with living object, living subject, human or animal or plant. Awaken the "spirit" in object is one of the Easter evocation tribuana retreat.
Well, please be modest with the word: "spirit".
An object has possibility to evoke "spirit", so by this sentence we are sentenced to trace (follow, if you wish, with or without obéissance) the art of suggestion, suggestive action to poetical expression.
Further more work with object lead to make things, puppet, so you can let your "inner" speaks, your im-age-ination speaks; together you create a story. a high story, hi-story.
etc. ... to be continued

5: Memories in three form:

  • Movement, teach you how much you honor your body. Bio-motricité. Capacity to take and do a movement will lead you to assimilation with others? Stiff in body mirror of mind. I notice, the one who has difficulty in taking a movement has difficulty in adapting themselves with other, especially their opinion; Stiffness >>> finishness. >>> Fountain of definition, confirmation stiff.
  • Emotion, how you treat and perceive/receive emotion ? As something to enjoy or to hate? As energy of life? How many color of energy ? Musical? Chakra? Chi, Ki, Pnefma, Prana....  For that awareness I introduce the exercise of Tao healing sound of Mantak Chia. that i follow from Juan Li in the early 1990's. In tribuana workshop (more strick in retreat in work of the self) working on emotion come late, only after passing through triangle and square of tribuana, i.e. must pass through preparation to enlighten your thought, clear mind, detachement of to be but completely in (reverence to Bhagavad Gita) and have a good solid flexible body movement for adaptation.  A flexible body that can do all type of physical-origami (asana) not a garantie to flexibility of mind;
  • Thought  >>understanding, lead to express better and precisely with words. The art of speaking. To compose a sentence that will sentenced you in prison or freedom. Work through words sharing. I offer participants words of cristal, or words of wisdom, or cristalize experiences to ponder in the morning. Tribuana breakfast, break the fast, is first to feed the brain, body in movement (gym tribuana), singing a rythme/song to enjoy life. How to share thought in group, how to offer opinion. In Balinese tradition, the word speak in high.fine verb = mehatur, hatur= offer. So if you speak like you making an offering to "God or Demon", the act of offering is to abondant the rewarding result, pleasure to offer like a flower bloom in spring, like faountain spring, naturally bloom and spring and flow; Other your are able or not, it is the time will reflect in return what you merit. La pensée se libère par les parole qui l'emprisonne. My thought is carried by my words, + gesture+face/voice expression. Working on thought, is sharing what you cristalize in life to share in this means: inner inter-NET, .......
etc. ... to be continued

montreuil, mercredi 10 avril 2013

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