jeudi 24 avril 2014

18-21 April 2014, Marga Pura Tribuana at Melara, Italia.


Thinking of 2 Marga Pura Tribuana event in a year, questioning, renewing our habit, which one to continue as new bud (grain of habit), which one to abundant left behind to die;
the parameter to follow is: idea - daily action - habit - character - destiny.
Among the 5 steps here, the time of the actual work during residential-work-share is the step of : daily action.
The 2 poles of the annual cycle of retreat are spring and end of autumn:
one in Easter, with spirit of "rebirth"
others in September , may be again in Caroman, our mythic wild sacred space of birth migrate, natural space in and out door, beach, of little island of Venezia.
Here one of the past video of Tribuana Caroman 2009.
What will be the "lesson" and the essential parameters to keep and to practice daily from this 3 days work share in the air of "Easter time" holy days?
Time registered, and carries experiences.
Experiences to filtered its lessons, useful hint for life.
Hints can become determinant parameter, important references in considering reality, in taking decision, in solving problems of life;
Our way is theater tribuana, theater of 3 references.
Number of participants is determinant reference too.
3 active participants from Grenoble (2 advance age, 1 young boys), France with one of their driver/accompany/ "husband" of a participants.
1 lady of Italian experienced theater, has done Tribuana workshop many time, theater creator of Teatro Rimbalzo.
1 man from Milano has done many workshop Tribuana, work fro party event.
1 man has done many Tribuana work fro Padova;
2 participants & organizer from Padova: young couple of Teatro Invisibile that organized many Tribuana workshop, that create Marga Pura, a way to inner "temple".
2 new young girls never did Tribuana work.
1 young girls has done some Tribuana work, from Padova
2 boys new in Tribuana way.

13 divers active participants, 1 non active, and me , we were 15 in a place that specially build for Scouts meeting.

We cook vegetarian together,
good participants we need not to make the list of group "turn duty", every one seems time their time on cooking, cleaning, dishes washing, ...

Every moment of life time there can be a "work" of Tribuana way to Marga Pura; The time work  then....24 hours; A pose (sleep) is also part of natural work;

In Tribuana Marga Pura we ponder/ questioning every thing of life.

The second morning we manage to do "water ritual" 06h30 (2 member still asleep, missing the "lessons").
the first night we did "meditation" sit on chair around candle light.

The space is clean, new, with enough space to do work inside and outside the building.
the building has one neighbor on one side, and cultivated agricultural field surround.

What can be the work to do so it can feed better these diversity of participants, may be in aim, capacity? interest? openness? Tribuana response : language for work on thought, behavior/character for work on energy of life, emotion, making and work with objects.

As servant and master and guide I must invent program together with others that present.
27 fields/lessons of Tribuana is to be shared, to work on. When? Where? Who will do the lessons, which one?

A 3 days work-share: in tribuana guide/reference:

  1. first day is making the group to introduce the sense of family in order to behave at ease like at home;
  2. the second day to explore the menu Tribuana among 27 of  them, we did cleaning ritual with broom, in movement of Silat  discipline, ritual of cleaning with Koukoul Djagat (Tribuana Ko Do). In the second day I am actively enter to the workn of possible, every tribuana field (of 27) with its proper way and discipline. Some soft, other hard and tough;
  3. The third day is to practice what has been open, introduce of tribuana; Participants organize their choice, i a open to accompany, to "teach", to give indication in practiced. Presentation of personal Totem or group work.
Work on the group was the first "lessons". How to introduce and to guide and to develop the work into useful instrument that unite them in the same: interest, time, space.

Finding parameter of "how to work in a group" is a work.
For this purpose, I must create a game, an activity, an exercise.
There are important exercise how to lead a group, how to be a "good" follower, how to be a "good/just" guide/leader. To experience to be a master that transmit and to be a student that perceived is a work to do, and to find its parameter; In this exercise participants must be

  1. always ready to follow, to receive /to perceive and to give: to transmit/ to guide.
  2. understand is a way to trace, understand the rule of the game, understand others,...
  3. open
  4. interest on others
  5. evaluating/grows/adapting the rules, the link, the story, the subject of common interest/creation.
  6. be creative to progress in harmony with others.
  7. ....
Here a video, of Tribuana Tree of Wisdom playful-ritual the last day before leaving the space,  the last participants did cleaning to leave the space as being discovered on arrival time. A space of work is Marga Pura, identical as Do Jo in Japanese Martial art space.
up dated 24 april 2014, 15:01 
To be continued;

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