lundi 7 décembre 2015

Beyond yin and yang, + & -, day & night, light & shadow/dark, theater of life direct to 0 Origin

What is the lesson here on autumn leaves? every year, I see how a year of work has been done by the tree, and in autumn when leaves die (return to earth, its material origin), each tree reveal their own natural creation & metamorphoses, from green to read, yellow, brown at last .... they have given us oxygen, flower, fruit, the alchemy of 5 elements: light of sun, earth, water, air and .......TIME. We, human consume similar, the same, so what do we produce ? and offer to TIME flows...... ?? We may see leaves leaving life smilingly with multicolor (not all) especially myy red-black-grapes, also the wild grapes tree, also wild tree just come to my garden, how? I don't know , depend on its place and ... some leaves expose/pass through multicolor, from reddish-pink bright color (may be because its fruit is black, can use as ink) to yellow, brown ... and bye bye.... see you next year !

Positive electric charges & negative el.cha. create lightning when its meet together in touch, and the 0 neutrality produce for a while, and life will keep charging and discharging us with daylight and darknight, awareness and knowledge play with ignorance, when both advance toward creator, toward the origin the creator, both will disappear, that is the magic of Patanjali Yoga, Mysterious secret of Yoga Sutra Patanjali

So beyond duality, where to go, straight to origin, where you will be dis-appear, and re appear, pondering tha appearance, Patanjali offer many face of explanation, depend on your plan;

Theater as a healing instrument, is a way not to to adhere on behalf of right or left wing politic, not to stop and stag in comedy nor tragedy only, but passing through whatever life offer to theater to go on straight way to the essential to 0 Origin, supreme consciousness.

Theater of life offer hints of life, by many fields of exploration, in tribuana way I refer to 27 fields,  please klick here. Tracing the purest way as possible MARGA PURA to one's own inner temple. 

By klick ing above question, there are one explaination i wrote. When we ponder and consider human essential living parts, as 3 main important parts, so to cultivate those 3 part, one will find their proper way, as one's art of listening the inner master achieved. 
So Tribuana points, 3 important parts:
1: Head, as computer, mind, idea producer.
2: Chess and digestive organs, as energy of life producer..
3: Hips, sexual organs, as ancestrale sacred instrument of creation, to create to multiply, bodily alife, material producer.

Some blogs ad video has been expose in you tube, blogspots, wordpress, Facebook: Tapasudana.
Key words to use for cherche: tribuana, tapasudana, workshop tribuana, tongkat tribuana.

my brief CV is here, and from that there are link to read Chronologic CV.

enjoy life, inner smile to start with.

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